Chapter 3

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Soft music filled the air of the kitchen.

Coda must be quite in a good mood.

" Coda did you finish your HomeWork ?" The music stopped playing and a very loud C Flat sounded in my ears.

I guess that means a very huge yes.

I chuckled.

" Good , continue. Oh and Davina is coming over later so go wash up soon okay ?"

Another C flat sounded.

A few seconds later music started to play again.

His piano teacher is always astonished in his potential and so am I.

It's not easy playing the piano and especially playing it with so much emotion like my son does.

Maybe that's the reason why he still hasn't talked yet. I'm sure that there's a beautiful voice deep within him but he's still scared to let it out. Like he is waiting for something. Something to happen.

After finishing up the last touches to the food , I went near him. Watching him play was so calming and soothing.

I sat in my usual armchair and checked his homework. He didn't even notice me entering and he kept his eyes closed, feeling every note with his whole self. It's astonishing how such a small kid can be so emotional. I used to be emotion too and I still am and I always wanted my son to grow up and be able to see the beauty in this world. Fortunately he is growing up to be such an amazing child. I'm so proud. People tell me that I raised him but he raised me. He holds my hand like he needs me and only me in this world , but when he plays the piano , he's all alone and he's not scared at all.

I don't think that a mother can ask anymore than that.

The soft breeze that came in from the window ruffled his dark hair , while some sheets rustled on the table. I could watch him all day long.

I got up and kissed his soft head and went to prepare for Davina's arrival. She should be bringing her boyfriend Blaine with her. Blaine knows how to play the piano and when he comes, Coda is super excited and he listenes closely to everything Blaine says. I'm forever grateful to them, they helped me get up and I will never be able to repay them back for what they did for me.

The music stopped and a B flat sounded.

He's going for a wash.

" Be careful not to slip on the mat." I called to him.

His small footsteps ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

I chuckled.

He's waiting for Blaine I'm sure.

My phone started to ring.

" Hello ?"

" Iris , it's me."

" Hey , Lana whats up ?"

" Do you mind if me and Nate came over as well ?"

" No of course not."

" Great, be there in a few."

She hung up just like that.

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