Chapter 15: Finale

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" Jace!" I yelled.

He came running to the bathroom.

" Is it time?"

" Yeah , prepare the car now."

His smile could light up the world.

" Coda!! It's time."

I heard a loud thud and a lot of steps running around.

God this hurts.

My water just broke.

I got up slowly and stepped into the shower before going to hospital.

Jace was panicking and so was Coda.

It's been a year since we got married and after some time, I finally got pregnant , Jace was so excited but also afraid and he panicked every single time.

When I told him , he fainted and when he woke up he ran to my side and put his hand on my stomach.

It was too early to feel anything but he started to cry and hug me too him.

It was a beautiful moment.

Everytime he could , he would put his head on my stomach waiting for a sign. He would smile with so much love that it made me fall in love with him every time.

But we never imagined that we would be blessed with twins.

When I went for a check up and the doctor told us that I'm going to have twins , we stared at him for a whole five minutes.

I think it was a gift. Since Jace wasn't the father of Coda , he could have two amazing children. At first Coda was sad , he thought that when the twins arrive , Jace would care less about him but Jace picked him in his arms and put him near my stomach and told him these beautiful words.

" Coda, you are going to be a brother two these two beautiful children. I'm going to be your father as much as I am to these two children. You are and will always be my son."

He then whispered , I am his father and his uncle which is awkward.

I couldn't help but laugh.

When we arrived at the hospital , I had to go in immediately.

Ace came running and kept Coda outside while I gave birth to the twins.

" You are doing great , sweetheart. I love you soo much." Jace said , while I squeezed his hand.

" It's a girl ! Iris it's a beautiful girl." Jace cried as the doctor placed her in Jace's arm until my other child came to life.

" It's another beautiful girl Ms. You did great." The nurse said smiling as she place my two girls near me.

They were so small , so beautiful. I cried so hard , Jace came near me and hugged me to him.

" Thank you Iris. Thank you." He kissed my whole face and kept thanking me.

When they took my girls away , so they could clean them Coda came in running.

He jumped on the bed hugging me.

He had a huge smile on his face and he was crying into my arms.

Ace came in and place a hand on Coda's back.

" Your mother needs to rest, let's wait outside until your sisters come okay?"

He shook his head.

The next moment was a blur.

I couldn't believe my ears.

I swear I heard the most beautiful sound , I could ever have heard.

A simple word , flipped my life upside down.

" Mummy." Coda said hugging me to him.

I cried to hard and crushed him to me , kissing his whole face , telling him how much I loved him.

His voice was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard.

He finally spoke.

My son finally spoke.

And I gave birth to the two most beautiful girls ever.

My heart was about to explode.

When they brought our girls back , Coda stepped closer and looked down at them with so much love.

" How about you choose the names?" I said smiling down at him.

He looked up.

" Hay- Hayley." He said timidly.

" What about your other sister? "

He blushed slightly. " Le- leanne."

I smiled and kissed his head.

" Perfect."

Jace pulled me close and kissed my head.

" Hayley and Leanne , beautiful names for two beautiful girls."

Coda smiled brightly and nodded.

" You had such a beautiful voice." I said to Coda.

" I'm so proud of you." I continued hugging him to me.

In an hour the room was filled with people. Jace's parents came and Claire and Lana , Nate . Davina and Blaine.

Everyone was so joyful.

I cried.

" What happened?" Jace said.

" I'm so lucky."

He smiled and shook his head.

" We are the ones who are lucky to have you in our lives."

He kissed me softly.

I never knew life could be so beautiful. The first time my eyes lay on my baby boy, I knew that he would change my life forever.

When he spoke , he truly finished my sonata , with his voice , he changed my life again.

And my sonata will be forever beautiful. 

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