Chapter 13

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As days went by , everything was turning out perfectly. At first I was still wary and didn't leave Coda a lot with Ace but with time , I saw Ace changing for the better and truly falling in love with his son. He told me that he has a girlfriend who changed him and he is going to do anything it takes for him to be there when our son grows up. Which means a lot. With our circumstances , it's no wonder we ended up in this position but right now everything is good and I hope with all my heart Ace can learn to be the father Coda needs.

It's been months since the night Coda ran away and I still couldn't see Jace again. I know that he has nothing to do with this and I'm being a bitch about this but after all that my son had to go through since Jace came into our lives , I don't feel comfortable yet. After that night , I haven't seen him once. Ace tells me that he is doing his best knowing where I'm coming from. Even if I love him , I know he deserves something more than what I can give him. I notice Coda always looks behind Ace when he arrives to see if someone is behind him, he misses Jace as well.

Sometimes I end up thinking that , that night at the party , I ended up with Ace for a reason. First , I gave birth to my son , who is a gift from God , but also that it was fate for me to meet Jace.

" I think you should give him a chance Iris." Lana said watching as Ace played with Coda.

I shook my head. " I don't know why I'm thinking that its better this way for him."

" Let him decide that Iris." She said sighing.

It's christmas time and everywhere is filled with snow and songs are being played everywhere.

Coda has another recital and he is the opening and closing act.

I smiled as Ace fell and Coda jumped on him.

" He's doing well. Ace I mean." Lana said smiling at me.

I nodded. " I think it was for the best that he found out when he did. He grew up to be an amazing man , even if it was all for Claire."

" Claire?" Lana asked.

" His girlfriend."

She nodded and looked back at them.

They waved at us and continued to play.

" Did you meet with her ?"

" A couple of times , she's amazing and she cares for Coda too."

It's hard for me too think that there is another woman figure into my son's life but with Claire I find it calming , she is the nicest person anyone could ever meet and she respects my boundaries and never steps out of line.

" It must be hard huh?" Lana said.

I shook my head softly. " At first , it was confusing but to be honest , I'm glad that Ace found someone like her. She is amazing and it explains a lot of why Ace changed so much."

She chuckled.

Ace and Coda came back to our table.

Coda sat on me and Ace dropped on the chair tired.

" You little man are a infinite pool of energy."

Coda smiled and nodded.

" About christmas , are we doing it at your place ?" Ace asked.

I nodded. " Is it okay for Claire ?"

He smiled. " Yeah."

Ace looked at me for a second.

" What ?"

He sighed . " What about Jace?"

I looked down at my tea.

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