Chapter 5

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Mistake !

There he was with his very tight jeans..... And I mean very tight ... you could actually -

Oh shit.

I shook my head.

He was wearing a pink shirt , which made his tan look bronzer.

Did I say bronzer?

He was just standing there. With his hands in his pockets , smiling at the mother's passing near him. The mothers of course blushed and walked very slowly , wanting to catch the eye of this beautiful stranger.

Coda was pulling my hand , so I returned from my 16- year old fantasies.

I smiled down at him and he pointed to Jace.

He slipped from my grip and went running to him.

Jace noticed him and pulled him up , smiling to him.

Like it was the most natural thing to do.

I kept staring. That was perhaps the most beautiful thing , I have ever seen , after my son's smile of course.

Jace noticed me and smiled.

I composed myself and walked towards them.

He put Coda down.

I knelt down to him.

He put his hand on his heart and pointed it to me.

I did the same and said : " I love you too sweetheart."

He kissed my cheek , waved to Jace and ran towards his friends , oblivious about anything.

While here I am sweating like a pig , trying hard not to run away from something I well know is a mistake.

Jace turned to face me.

" You look beautiful."

Really ? We are playing the beautiful card ? Did he look at himself in the mirror ?

I managed to smile up at him , calming my hormonale thoughts. I wasn't a little girl anymore.

" Ready ? " He said.

I nodded.

He didn't offer his hand , or took my hand in his by force. Which was a sweet thing to do. He's not forcing me to like him , it's like going out with a friend.

A very hot friend.

He took me to a family restaurant , nothing fancy and nothing special , but still intimate somehow.

" Thank you for not standing me up." He said grinning while looking at the menu.

" Well , I had to take my kid to school so."

He chuckled.

We ordered and for some time there was a huge awkward silence between us but he soon solved it.

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