Chapter 10

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After we entered the school , I could hear soft orchestral music flowing through the doors. Everyone was greeting everyone and they looked all happy to be here.

Coda squeezed my hand and when I looked down , his face was looking at his shoes.

I knelt down and put my fingers under his little chin.

" Sweetheart , look at me."

He turned slowly to me.

" Don't worry about a single thing , when you are up there. It's you and the piano. No one else. You love the piano don't you?"

Coda nodded.

" Then let it love you. Close your eyes and feel the music and you will be fine."

Coda sighed and hugged me.

" Oh Ms Blyth perfect timing." The headmaster was walking towards us.

" Mr Rogers , is everything alright?"

" I'm afraid one of the students is sick and we have the act after Coda's void. Do you think he might be able to play another song?"

I looked at my son. He seemed nervous and afraid.

I pulled his hand and he looked at me.

" How about another song?"

He took a deep breath and nodded.

The headmaster clapped his hands with joy.

" Great, I'll tell the teachers."

The headmaster excused himself.

We went to the front of the stage , luckily enough there were three empty seats.

Coda sat down.

I put my hand on his chest, his heart was beating loudly and fast.

I pulled him on me and he rested his head on my chest.

" See? Our hearts are beating with the same rhythm. We are both scared but you know what?"

He looked at me.

" I'm more scared , because after listening to your playing , everyone will fall in love with you and try to steal you away from me."

Coda grinned.

I turned to Jace , who haven't uttered a word since when we left the house.

He turned to me and smiled softly. I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

" I'll explain everything later, I promise but for now this is more important. You understand that right?"

Jace sighed and nodded.

" Yeah it's just it's so confusing and you didn't tell me anything about it."

" I had my reasons Jace."

He nodded and sighed.

The recital started and every kid showed their talents , by singing , dancing and acting.

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