An Act of Love

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Luke and Kate stayed up for the majority of the night, but it was worth it. They came up with an amazing plot. Despite this, they both had a big concern that neither wanted to be the one to bring up.
"Um, Luke?"
"I think this movie is going to be amazing, but the plot requires a female lead-"
"Emaline, obviously."
"... and two male leads. McQuaid could play Kolby very well, but who can we cast as Sawyer?"
"Kate, we shouldn't worry about that until after auditions. I mean, the fact that we're already precasting Emaline and McQuaid is technically unfair."
"I guess you're right," she said, as she tapped the stack of papers against the table to get them aligned with each other. They had finished writing the script for the morning announcements, defying both their expectations. Luke was hoping that after last year's success, the movie's auditions would be a big hit.

Leslie waited outside of Tyler's first period class, chewing the string of her sweatshirt anxiously. The second the bell rang, kids poured out of the classrooms and Tyler almost walked right by Leslie. "Hey!" She caught him by the arm, "Wanna walk to AV with me?"
"I mean we're both going there. I don't think I have much of a choice." He muttered.
As much as she hated to admit it, the comment stung. Why didn't he like her? She just wanted to spend time with him!
"So, uh, you excited to find out what the movie's gonna be about?" She asked, trying to make conversation.
"I honestly don't care. I know I'll get a good part. Oliver told me so."
Leslie wrinkled her nose. She liked Tyler, but he was a pretty bad actor. "So, have you been in communication with him?"
"Yeah. He says New York is great. I'm trying to get him to come back and visit though," Tyler said, looking at his feet.
As they arrived at the door, Leslie immediately went to check sound levels, Tyler walked up to the control booth to hang with Stargrove, and the three freshmen from the day before came into the room.
As Jessica and Scott both argued about God knows what, Kate left Camera Three to talk to Luke. "You nervous?" She asked. She received her answer when he met her eyes and looked as pale as she had ever seen him. "Hey, it's okay!" she said, wrapping him in a hug. "It's gonna go great. The school is gonna love it, and my dad will totally financially support whatever we need." Luke gave a small smile as house lights went out. "We're live in three! Two!" He pointed at Scott.
"Good morning BHS! I'm Scott,"
"and I'm Jessica,"
"And we have very exciting news to announce today!"
"The name and plot of this year's movie, directed and produced by Luke O'Neil!"
Luke stepped into the frame of the camera and gave a big smile. "As many of you know, last year I directed a movie called Intergalactic Lust, about an alien invasion and a star crossed love."
From her second period class, Emaline watched the TV in anticipation.
"This year, I'm proud to announce our new movie: An Act of Love! A medieval woman is put at odds when she loves both the man she is betrothed to, and the father of her unborn child. A nobleman and a stableboy, whom shall win her heart?"
Everyone applauded, and Emaline was ecstatic. She knew that part was reserved for her, and she couldn't have been happier.
Jessica was grinning ear to ear, "Audtions will be held Tuesday of next week. Have a Boring day!"
"We're off!" Stargrove shouted from the control panel. Everyone clapped and Luke took an overly dramatic bow. Kate slung her arm around his shoulder, "See? That wasn't that bad." He pushed her arm off of him and laughed.


After school, Kate leaned against Emaline's car, popping a piece of bubblegum into her mouth. As she chewed, she closed her eyes and sighed happily.

Monday after the premiere of the movie. I walked to my locker to find Emaline waiting for me. "Hey sweetie,"  She smiled, "want a ride home?" I raised my eyebrows, "I didn't know you had a car?" I questioned.
"Yeah, rich parents aren't good for much. They're A+ at child neglect and criticism, but if you want a car all you have to do is say something," she said. She talked about it so casually, and honestly it made me mad. It was her normal to have terrible parents. "Emaline," I said quietly. "Kate, it's totally fine. There are pro's to having asshole parents. Let's go," she jerked her head in the direction of the door.
Not only did she have a car, but it was a red Mercedes. It was gorgeous. I got into the passenger seat, and we drove in silence. Emaline finally said, "So are we gonna talk about it?" I knew perfectly well what she was talking about, but I pretended I didn't. "Talk about what?"
"The kiss."
"What's there to talk about?"
"You've gotta be shitting me, Messner."
"What the hell do you want me to say? That it was the best thing to ever happen to me? That you further confirmed that I'm a lesbian? That I had the privilege of kissing the girl I had a crush on for months, and I couldn't believe my luck?"
Emaline pulled the car over at light speed. She unbuckled her seat belt, and threw her body on top of mine. She swung her leg over, so she was straddling me. She cupped my face and kissed me. Her hands on my shoulders, mine on her waist. I began to place little kisses down her neck and collarbone, and she threw her head back. I rested my forehead against her chest, and I felt her laugh. "Damnit, Kate... you're, like, too good. I hope you know this is how we're gonna spend the summer." I smiled.

They did spend a lot of the summer together, but they hadn't defined the relationship. It was just an unspoken, mutual understanding that they were dating. Kate wanted to tell her dad so badly, and she planned to that weekend. She had invited Emaline to dinner with her, Ken, Sherry, and Luke. She hoped it would go well.

(A/N: Hi guys, so I've noticed I don't really get comments or votes on this story. Am I doing everything correctly? Like is there something you would like to see and I'm just not delivering? Please let me know, I wanna do everything I can to make this story enjoyable for you guys!)

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