She's Like a Drug

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Luke sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him, knees tucked to his chest, sharing a bowl of popcorn with Kate. Ken and Sherry sat at the other end of the couch, and they were enjoying the movie Jurassic Park. Kate was snuggled against his side, and every time something even remotely scary happened, he felt her jump. It was kind of funny, and he let a chuckle escape. She instantly smacked him and shifted her weight to the opposite side, taking the popcorn with her. "Hey!" Luke exclaimed. "Kids, please don't take this the wrong way," Sherry whispered, "If you both don't shut up, you're officially uninvited from movie night." Ken laughed and pressed his lips against her temple. They were all interrupted by the abrasive sound of the door bell. "I'll get it," Luke said.
He rose to his feet and walked to the door. The boy opened it and reveled Leroy leaning against the frame, glowing cigarette dangling out of his mouth. "Lukie!" He smiled warmly. "Hi dad," Luke shuffled his feed uncomfortably, "I didn't know you'd be back in Boring so soon."
"I just couldn't stay away. Is your mother home?"
"Uh, yes? But she's with Ken right now," Leroy's face darkened for a moment but his smile returned quickly. "What about you, little man? Wanna go to the Crouton Factory or something?"
"I... can't. I'm sorry. We're watching a movie right now."
The man's face fell, "Alrighty then, kiddo. We'll make time another day," He turned and began to walk away before suddenly stopping and calling out to his son one more time. "Luke? I really am trying to make an effort. I know I can't take back what I did to you, but I want to try to make it right." Luke nodded, and slowly closed the door.


"May I speak to Tyler?" A low voice rasped over the phone.
"Speaking." Tyler answered quickly.
"It's Oliver. Did you get my last letter?"
"Yeah, um, but I have trouble reading sometim-"
"I know. That's why this time I'm calling instead of writing."
"Um, okay." Tyler played with the cord of the phone as the Oliver went eerily silent. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just," Tyler could practically hear him rubbing his temples, "to be honest, I'm broke. I'm out of money. I stole some from my parents and just assumed I was gonna make it big over here. So far I've only been in two productions, and I was ensemble in both. Ensemble!"
"Wow, Oliver. I would've never thought that you of all people, would have trouble finding work."
"Yeah, well that's the Big Apple kid. I'm coming back to Boring before my sorry ass gets evicted and ends up living on the street." Tyler heard the click of a lighter on the other end and knew he was lighting a smoke.
"But you're too old to go to BHS... what are you gonna do?"
"I don't know? Live with my parents for a bit? Get back on my feet? Maybe star in the next O'Neil production?" He said sarcastically. "I'm going back to New York the second I'm financially stable again."
"Oh." Tyler mumbled.
"Hey, keep this between us, but can I ask you something?" Oliver questioned hesitantly.
"How's Emaline?"
Now it was Oliver's turn to hear uncomfortable silence on the other end of the phone. Tyler debated telling him the truth, but eventually decided against it. He would tell him a half truth. "She's, uh, seeing someone."
"Slut. How long did it take her to get over me?"
"Well she was really heartbroken about it, but now she's in a kind-of serious relationship."
"She probably thinks I came to New York and just banged anything than moved. While that's not entirely false, I can't get that stupid bitch out of my head. She's like drug, you know? Whoever she's with, I hope that he takes advantage of her while he can."
Tyler bit his tongue, but God did he want to tell Oliver the truth. "Uh, my mom is calling me to dinner. Can I hang up?"
"Yeah, sure. Hang tight, buddy."


Luke stared at the sign up list for movie auditions in awe. Full. All 30 slots. He would have to make an extension to the sheet so more could sign up. He was honestly giddy, and couldn't believe it was going so well.
"Hey Luke." Emaline walked up to him and pressed her back against the lockers, arms wrapped around herself.
"Hey!" He saw her solemn expression and his smile faded. "What's wrong?"
"This is my last year in high school. I don't know, I guess part of me just assumed it would last forever. My parents don't want me to do theatre after I graduate. They're all, 'You need to grow up, who cares about happiness?' I've been acting since I was a little girl! I don't want to just give it up."
Luke didn't really know what to say, but he felt bad for her. "I'm sorry, Emaline. Maybe they'll come around? Regardless if they do," He leaned into her ear and whispered, "you're getting the best role in this movie." Emaline sniffed and smiled. "Thanks for that, kiddo. Hey, Kate mentioned a dinner tomorrow with everyone?"
"Oh, this is the first I'm hearing about it. Are you guys coming out to the rents?"
"Honestly, I don't really know. It's her family, not mine. If she wants to, I'll support her 100%."
"Don't you think it'll be awkward if you guys say you're dating, and Ken remembers all the times you guys had 'sleepovers' this summer?"
Emaline blushed and laughed, "Well shit. I didn't really think about that. And get your mind out of the gutter, we never went past messing around. Hey, I gotta get to 6th period. Catch you later, O'Neil."

Boring, 1997-1998Where stories live. Discover now