I Like Her

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"Alright, everyone! Welcome to the first rehearsal for An Act of Love!" Luke paused, and the cast and crew applauded, "We want this production to be as professional as possible, so we will need your upmost maturity and hard work. Kate? If you will?"
Kate began to pass out sheets of paper to everyone, and Luke continued, "These are permission slips that need to be signed by your parents and returned as soon as possible. Basically, we're going to do a read-through of the script today. Then, we'll move to blocking and dress rehearsals. Sometime in November, we will be taking a week long trip to California to film the entire movie." Everyone murmured in excitement. McQuaid raised his hand, "Um, will we be missing any school?"
"I appreciate your concern McQuaid, and yes. We will be absent from four days of school. It's a three day weekend, but missing a little school is inevitable. Sorry. Any other questions before we hop right in?"
McQuaid raised his hand again, "Yes, actually. Where's my costar?"
Luke scanned the group and rolled his eyes, "Kate, can you go check the bathroom? Tell her to get her pretty little ass back here, we literally cannot do this read without her." Kate nodded and quickly left the room.

She pushed open the bathroom door and peeked underneath the stalls. Seeing a pair of feet wearing her shoes, she let out an annoyed sigh.
"Em? Is that you?"
"Kate, thank God. Do you have a tampon?"
"No, but I have ¢25. Do you want me to buy you one?"
"Yeah. Thanks."
Kate walked to the machine and inserted her quarter. She grabbed the tampon and handed it underneath the stall door to Emaline. As the blonde unwrapped it, she said, "Damn, it is so nice to date your best friend. I was never was this comfortable with Oliver," she paused and snorted, "But then again, he had a dick. Guys are weird about periods."
Kate laughed, "Right? They'll talk about their boners all day, but the second mensuration is brought up they gag..." She heard Emaline snicker, but she continued, "Hey, not to rush you, but Luke said you need to get back there. He's not gonna start without you."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." She flushed the toilet and exited the stall. After washing her hands, both girls rejoined the group and they sat down to read the script.


After rehearsal, Sofía jogged up to McQuaid and caught him by the arm.
"Hey," she said, as she nuzzled into his side, "What'd you think?"
"Of the script?"
"The ending really through me for a loop, to be honest," he said, pushing his glasses up on his nose.
"Same!" Her eyes widened when her pager began to buzz. Taking his hand, she lead him to he nearby payphone and called her parents.
"Lo siento mama. Acabo de salir-" She grimaced as her mother cut her off and began to reprimand her. McQuaid stood by her side awkwardly, but let his eyes shift to the parking lot. Panic set in when he saw his father pull up to the front of the school. He pecked Sofía's cheek and began to briskly walk towards the car.
"Wait! Can I have a ride home?" She called to him, and returned to talking with her mother, "Mi novio me llevará a casa, ¿sí?" She asked, clearly exasperated. A grin broke across her face, and she quickly hung up the phone and ran to McQuaid.
"Of course, but when we're in the car, don't mention that we're dating. Is that okay?"
Sofía couldn't help but be slightly offended, but she nodded anyway.
They silently slid into the back seat.
"How was..." McQuaid's father tapered off, "Audio/Visual Club?" He guessed.
"Um, it was actually the first rehearsal for the movie, sir. It was fine."
"Good. Are you playing a part?"
"Yes, sir."
"A background character?"
"No, sir. I'm playing a leading male."
"Hm. I'm looking forward to seeing it."
Sofía watched in confused shock. She never would've pegged him as having a strict and distant father, but now she understood why McQuaid didn't want her to mention their relationship. How could his own father not know that he was playing one of the main characters? She was extremely uncomfortable for the remainder of the car ride, and thanked the McQuaids as she got out. When the car pulled out of the driveway, she saw her boyfriend wink at her, and immediately felt her cheeks flush as she waved goodbye.


"That was a great read! Luke, you're so good at casting." Kate commented. Only two people remained in the room besides herself; Luke and Emaline. They were all going home together, so both girls became increasingly pissed off every time Luke remembered 'one more thing' he had to do.
"Thanks, Kate... Damnit, do you know if Stargrove is still here? I have to talk to him."
Emaline groaned loudly, "Luke. I want to go home. I have homework. That needs to be done at home." Luke ignored her and made his was to the back of the auditorium, "You know what? F*ck it." She headed for the doors.
"Emaline, we are not leaving him here."
"No, but we are gonna make out in the bathroom."
Kate raised an eyebrow, "At school?"
"No ones in the building anymore. Do you have a better idea to pass the time?" She was met with silence, "Yeah, that's what I thought. G-hall bathroom, lets go."


Leslie sat on the grass outside school, reading A Tale of Two Cities for English. Suddenly, a drop of water landed on the page. She looked up to the sky, and it began to pour. She hurriedly collected her things and ran into the building.
Moderately wet, she pouted as she walked the halls. "My makeup is probably trashed." She whined to herself.
Turning the corner, she entered G-hall. She touched underneath her eye, and examined her fingers to find they were black from running mascara. "Dang it..." She muttered as she pushed open the bathroom door to see the damage done.
What she saw was a little more surprising than smudged makeup.

Emaline Addario was perched on the counter, legs wrapped around Kate Messner, and passionately kissing her. Kate's hands were on Emaline's waist, rhythmically pulling her closer. The blonde's hands were tangled in brunette hair, moving her body in time with the taller girl.
Leslie shrieked, and the girls sprung apart.
"What the f*ck?!"
Emaline slid off the counter and hid behind her tall girlfriend, afraid to speak.
"Leslie-" Kate started.
"No! I thought this dyke stuff was behind you!" She glared at Emaline, "And you! I mean, everyone knows you're a slut, but seriously-" Kate shoved her to the ground and towered over her, "Say it again, Leslie! Call her a slut!"
She met Kate's eyes and rose to her feet, "Whatever you think that this is, it isn't. She's using you as a filler for Oliver. You know she's straight, right? She's hooked up with like every guy at school, and she must've gotten bored."
Kate felt a sting in her chest, but Emaline's hands slid onto her waist from behind and it calmed her down. She took a deep breath.
"You know, I thought maybe we could be friends one day."
"I would never be friends with a faggot."
"Nor I with homophobic scum."
"I'll tell the whole school, Messner." She threatened.
"Yeah? And I'll tell everyone about you and Tyler. I'm sure he'll love going public with you." She retaliated.
"F*ck you, Kate. No one f*cking likes you."
"I like her-" Emaline mumbled but Kate interrupted, "I'm sorry that being gay is so offensive to you, Leslie. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She said with a sickeningly sweet smile as she batted her eyelashes.
"Suck my dick." She said flatly and left the bathroom.

(A/N: Sorry, this is kind of a filler chapter. Which characters should you guys like to see in upcoming chapters? Let me know!)

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