Neon Pink Nail Polish

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The Messner household was filled with laughter and warmth as the adults and three kids enjoyed a meal all together. Ken had made burgers and hotdogs on the grill that night, and while they were pretty overcooked and dry, everyone was appreciative.
"So, uh, since all the students at this table are involved with this year's movie, that might be an appropriate topi-"
"What I believe Ken is trying to ask," Sherry cut him off, "is what is the goal of this film? Luke; what's the vision? Kate, tell us about costumes and makeup! Emaline, what are you going to try to do with your character this time around?"
"Well, I really want both male leads to be so enticing and likable that even the audience doesn't know who they want her to end up with. As for the actual production, I just want it to be as high quality as possible, you know? Like, considering what we're working with." Luke explained.
"Uh, honestly I think that last year's movie was really hard in terms of special effects and makeup, so a medieval movie will be a cakewalk compared to that. However, costumes should be fun. I kinda have to do some research on it though." Kate said, smiling at Ken and Sherry.
Then all eyes were on Emaline. She felt her cheeks turn red as she fidgeted with her jean skirt under the table. "I-I was thinking... uh, um, t-that I," She paused and took a breath before forcing a smile and a nervous laugh, "Sorry, I'm really not used to speaking at the dinner table. Or really even having 'family' dinners," she let out an artificial laugh again before quickly recovering and giving a toothy grin. "Yeah, um, assuming I get the lead, I really want the audience to feel her struggle between commitment and gut instinct. She loves both, but she has to follow her heart." Kate smiled at her, before reaching for her hand under the table and giving it a squeeze.


"Emaline Addario. Can speak on a stage in front of hundreds, can't talk to four people at the dinner table," Luke laughed as he and Kate cleared the table. "Hey, cut her some slack. She has a shitty home life. Her parents are pretty absent so obviously being the center of attention was really off for her." Kate said, stacking plate on top of plate to bring into the kitchen. When she walked in, Ken and Sherry were doing the dishes. "Dad? Can I talk to you? It's kind of important."
"Sure sweetie, lead the way."
Kate walked up the stairs, past her bedroom (where Emaline waited, ready for moral support if she needed it), and into Ken and Sherry's room. She turned to face her father and blurted, "Dad, I'm a lesbian," She didn't meet his eyes. She couldn't deal with his reaction quite yet, she still had more to say. "I... wanted to tell you months ago, but the timing was never right. It still isn't right," she laughed, gesturing to their surroundings, "but I had to tell you. You're my dad. I love you. I'm still the Kate you've always known, but I just like girls. I've known for a while now but I wasn't sure until-... are you crying?" She looked at her dad, eyes wide. Ken pulled her into a tight bear hug and Kate felt kisses and tears fall onto her forehead and hair. She was so relieved. That couldn't have possibly gone better. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a silhouette in the doorframe. As Kate and her father parted from their embrace, Emaline walked up to her. The girls proudly intertwined their hands, and looked to Ken for approval. As he brushed the tears from his face, his eyes widened. "Oh! Wow, okay. Did not see that one coming. Emaline, haven't you dated quite a lot of boys?" He asked awkwardly.
"Yes, and none of them treated me half as well as your daughter. Before Kate, I had never even thought of girls in that way," she smiled and nudged the brunette, "but look at us now. I care about her so much, Mr. Messner, and I truly believe we make each other happy. With your approval, I would like to continue seeing her, but if you don't want me to, obviously we-" he cut her off by hugging both girls at the same time. He took the blonde by the shoulders, "Emaline, while I never would've paired you two together, it seems to be a really good fit. I want Kate to be happy, and if that means dating you, I absolutely endorse that. On that note, if you hurt her, so help me I will-"
"-Cool, so we're done with this conversation," Kate said through an embarrassed smile. She took Emaline's hand and lead her back to her bedroom.
"Okay, so what do you wanna do now?" Emaline asked.
"Depends. Do you wanna mess around? Or we could be gal pals for a minute? You know, braid each others hair, paint our nails and shit?"
"Ooh, we haven't done option B in a while. Am I allowed to pick all of the above?" Emaline bounced up and down excitedly on Kate's bed.
"Only if we force Luke to paint his nails with us," Kate snorted.
Emaline laughed, but suddenly the look in her eyes changed. The sweetness and innocence disappeared; something more primal and filled with lust took its place. She took Kate's hand, and pulled the taller girl on top of her. Giggling, she closed the space between them and well, girls will be girls.
They had hooked up many times before, but that night was special. Shirts had been discarded. Bras had been unhooked. As they lay on the bed together, Kate looked past Emaline's shoulder. Her clock read 10:06.
"It's surprisingly early."
"What time is it?"
"Damn, girlie. 45 minutes. You sure know how to keep a girl occupied." Emaline laughed.
Both of them started at a sharp knock on the door. "Hey, it's Luke. Message from Ken: Emaline needs to leave now, unless she plans on staying the night. If so, she is sleeping on the couch in the living room."
"Luke! What the hell!"
"Don't shoot the messenger! I'm going back downstairs."
Emaline raised her eyebrow mischievously before rolling on her other side to grab something from Kate's bedside table. She opened her hand to produce a neon pink nail polish and wiggled it in her fingers playfully, suppressing a laugh. "Nuh uh Luke. You aren't going anywhere just yet!"

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