Maddie Addario

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(TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter is graphic. If suicide/self harm triggers you, do not read.)

All was quiet in the Addario household. Emaline was in her room, reading BOP magazine. She flipped to an article about the Backstreet Boys, and was fantasizing about going to their concert when they came to Portland. She hated asking her parents for cash, even through they were practically drowning in it, so she decided to ask her sister for some money.
"Maddie?" She called out, swinging her legs over the side of her bed and rising to her feet. "Mad, would you maybe wanna pitch in to go see Backstreet in concert? I know you have a stash," she said as she walked into her older sister's room. She had come back to visit for Thanksgiving break, but had been living in Iowa for collage.
Maddie's room was clean and organized, the opposite of Emaline's. Her older sisters walls were painted a pale pink, and all the furniture was painted white. The only thing that seemed to be out of place was a piece of paper lying in the middle of her bed. Emaline hesitantly approached it, and took the paper into her hands.
"I just want to say, this isn't anyone's fault but mine. Mom and Dad, you weren't the best parents ever, but I love you, and you both gave me a wonderful childhood, so for that I am grateful. Emmy, I love you so much and I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you.
As you may or may not be aware, I was recently engaged to David. He was the love of my life, and I genuinely thought I would raise a family and grow old with him. I couldn't have been more wrong. He was only with me for our family's money, and because I'm pregnant with his child. He couldn't care less about me. He left me a note saying this, and told me he had run off with his girlfriend.
There is nothing left for me anymore. I've reached the end of the road. I'm sorry, but this is the only choice-"
There was more, but Emaline had stopped reading. Her blood ran cold as the paper fell from her hands.
Time seemed to slow as she turned for the door and sprinted down the hallway. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, and her mind had gone numb. She slammed the bathroom door open.
Her sister was on the ground. Unmoving. Not breathing. A mostly empty bottle of pills lay at her fingertips. Her engagement ring sitting on her still chest. Emaline's jaw hung slack. She couldn't feel anything. She fell to her knees and let out the loudest, most agonizing scream. She couldn't move for a long time, she just sat and trembled. Her entire body seemed to be throbbing. She turned around and held on to the doorknob, trying to stand. Suddenly she dropped to her knees again and vomited in the hallway. She coughed, cried, and finally struggled to her feet. She found her way to the kitchen and grabbed the phone.
"Hello, this is 911, what is your emergency?"
"My sister," Emaline stopped. Drool escaped her mouth and she could feel her entire body shaking.
"Honey, it's okay. Breathe. Tell me what's wrong."
"She killed herself. She overdosed on pills."
"What's your name?"
"Emaline Addario."
"What's her name?"
"Madeline Addario."
"What's the address?"
"1745 Keller Road."
"And how old are you sweetie?"
"I'm 17."
"Are your parents home?"
"No, I don't even know where they are," sobs began to wrack her body.
"Okay. Do you have any immediate family? A boyfriend? A best friend? When you hang up with me, call someone you trust to come be with you. Can you do that honey?"
"Mmhm," she choked out.
"We have an ambulance on the way. Remember to breathe, Emaline." The line went dead.
Emaline's fingers were on autopilot as they began to dial Kate's number. It rang three times. "Hello? Ken speaking."
"Please drive Kate over." Emaline sniffed.
"... Emaline? Are you okay?"
"Ken please. It's an emergency."
"I'll get her. We'll be there in 7 minutes."
Emaline sat on her kitchen floor until she heard the wailing of sirens approaching her house. She was emotionless and stiff as she walked to the door and opened it. Four paramedics pushed past her with a stretcher. One made eye contact and urgently asked, "Where is she?" Emaline stared into the distance as she dryly said, "Upstairs. Bathrooms on the right. When you see the puddle of vomit, you're there."
Four paramedics ran up the staircase, but a man and a woman stayed behind to talk to her.
"You said to our operator she ODed. Do you know when she consumed the medication?"
"Do you know what kind of medication it was?"
"How long do you think it took between her overdosing and you finding her?"
"Well, considering I didn't know the answer to Question #1, how the hell am I supposed to know?" Emaline snapped. She glanced past the paramedic's shoulder and saw the Messners enter. The blonde pushed past him and ran to Kate. She collapsed into her arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Kate glanced up at her father as Emaline cried into her chest, and Ken quietly said, "I'm going to speak with someone. Find out what's going on around here. Stay with her, but for God's sake. Please get her to a couch."
Kate lifted Emaline's weak body into her arms and carried her to the couch. Kate almost felt like a mother in that moment; Emaline on her lap, slowly rocking back and forth, and placing the occasional kiss on her temple. Her father joined them on the couch and whispered into his daughter's ear what had happened. Then, he took her hand and dropped a cold piece of medal into her closed fist. When Kate saw what it was, her eyes welled with tears. Ken put a finger to his lips and walked away.
"Madeline Addario has been transported to the hospital and is in intensive care. She is not stable, and does not have a consistent heartbeat. We will provide free transportation to the hospital for any who would like to come." The female paramedic said.
Kate looked into Emaline's teary blue eyes and whispered, "Come on, Em. Let's go."


"You guys don't need to stay with me," The blonde sniffed, her head leaning on Kate's shoulder.
"I think we do, sweetie." Ken said with a warm smile. "And please know that in the future, you can consider me your father if your real parents are ever absent and you need help. We will not hesitate to be there, Emaline." He placed his hand on her knee before rising to his feet. "I'm going to leave you two alone now," he exited the waiting room.
She placed a simple, yet beautiful, necklace into her hands. It was a marble heart, surrounded by small rhinestones. She looked into Kate's eyes with confusion.
"The day my mom killed herself was also the day where I made so many good memories with her. She called me out of school, and we went to a fair. It was so fun... and on the way home, we stopped at a jewelry story. She bought me that, and said it was a promise necklace. A promise that we would always love each other. Five hours later, and I didn't have a mom anymore. I've kept it all these years, but now I'm giving it to you. As my promise. Emaline, I love you. I love you so, so much, and I am not going anywhere. I am always going to fight for you, and for your happiness."
Emaline stared into her beautiful brown eyes and tears began to fall as she choked out the words, "Kate, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I love you so f*cking much." The taller girl drew her in and their lips collided. It didn't even occur to Kate that they had never kissed in public, but she didn't care. She was with the girl she loved.

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