Am I Missing Anything?

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"God. I just wanna know who's dumbass that thinks he can take what's mine," Oliver said, sitting on the riverbank with Tyler. He took a long drag off of his cig, and offered it to the curly-haired boy. Wanting to impress him, Tyler accepted it and took a puff. His face turned red and he began to cough.
"Woah, don't hurt yourself there, kid." Oliver said, smacking his back a few times.
"Can I ask something?" Tyler questioned.
"Yeah, go ahead."
"When you were dating Emaline, it didn't even seem like you were that into her."
The cigarette glowed in Oliver's mouth as he inhaled. He took it out and flicked it into the river.
"I can't really explain it," he began, "While we were dating, I knew I didn't love her. Like sure, she was great company. She was fiery and confident. She was loyal to me and only me. And there's the added bonus of how sexy she is," He closed his eyes and lifted his face to the sky, "I know you never had the privilege of seeing her naked, but lemme tell you; it's a show," his eyes opened and he looked at the running water in front of them, "But I don't know, I didn't want to feel anchored by one girl. So to prove my point, I left. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I was gone. Every time I banged someone in New York, I thought of her. It's embarrassing, really. I hate emotional attachment."
"Me too!" Tyler exclaimed, "I'm seeing a girl right now, and she wants to go public. I know if we do, it'll all feel so real. I don't want it to be real. Like, why can't girls be satisfied just hooking up in private?"
"Do you know who she is dating?"
Tyler played with the soil they were sitting on, and avoided the question.
"You do, don't you?"
"... Yes. But I'm friends with Emaline. I feel like that's betraying her."
"Yeah, and you're friends with me. If you don't tell, isn't that betraying me?"
Tyler met Oliver's eyes. He thought of how he had made freshman year so fun for him. All the kindness the older boy had shown him.
"Fine," He already regretted what he hadn't yet said, "She's dating Kate Messner."
"What!?" Oliver screamed, "That f*cking dyke!?"
His breath was ridged and intense. He tried to calm himself, and pushed his hair back. Taking a deep breath, he asked, "May I clarify?"
Terrified, Tyler nodded.
"Emaline Addario is not only dating a girl... she is dating the girl who she talked endless shit about. The girl whose locker we graffitied together. The girl who touched her tits in the locker room. Am I missing anything?"
Tyler shook his head.
"F*cking lesbians. It's a mental illness, you know," Oliver said, taking a beer out of his backpack, "Kate Messner contaminated her, I'm sure of it. The Emaline I know would never," he looked sick, "kiss," he said the word with utter disgust, "a girl. She's straight."
"She actually says she's bisexual," Tyler mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"What's that?"
"Attracted to both genders."
"Wow, she's more of a whore than I originally anticipated. I need to talk to her."


About a mile away, on the same river, Luke sat with his father. Both their fishing lines dangled into the water. They sat in uncomfortable silence.
"So, what's been up with you, little man?" Leroy asked awkwardly.
"Nothing much. Finishing up the script and the cast list of my new movie."
Leroy's face lit up, "Movie? You're directing a movie, Luke?"
"Yeah, I did last year too. It's pretty good."
"Wow! You're a chip off the 'ole block, aren't you kid?"
"I guess so."
"Hey, if you ever need any help, I would be more than happy to assist."
"Okay," Luke said, looking into the flowing river before saying, "Actually? I assume you know a fair amount about all genres of movies, correct? Since you worked at a Blockbuster?"
"Yeah, what do you want to know?"
"I want our movie to be set in medieval times. Think like Arthurian era. I have absolutely no idea where to film a movie like that."
Leroy was quiet, but snapped his fingers suddenly. "I've got it!" He beamed, but his eyes shifted to Luke's fishing rod and he raised an eyebrow, "Hey, kiddo, looks like you've got a bite."
Luke pulled against the current of the river, and his father cheered him on. Suddenly, the tension in the line was released. The boy fell backwards, "What the hell?" He laughed as he brushed himself off.
"Fish must've gotten away. Want me to tell you about where you should film?"
"There's a place about a days drive away from Boring, called Hearst Castle. It's in Cali, and I'm friends with one of the historical experts who works there. Maybe I could... set something up?"
Luke's face lit up and he threw his arms around his father's neck.
"Thanks, dad." He pulled away, "I know you're trying to make up for lost time, but I truly appreciate it."


"Daniel!" Jenya called after him. It was Friday morning, and Luke had promised the cast list would be posted by the end of the week.
He pushed past the crowd of people to see the list. There he was, second to the top.

Emaline Addario - Lady Wren
Daniel Lee - Sawyer, "Stableboy"
Aidan McQuaid - Sir Kolby, "Nobleman"
Scott Pocket - Narrator
Jessica Betts - Lady in Waiting
Audrey Smith - Lady Fae
Liam Wilcox - Sir Anthony
Nicole Freeman - Lady Rose
Tyler Edward Randolph Bowen - Knight
Pablo Sanchez - Knight
Noah Kaplan - Knight

"I got it." Daniel said, in shock, "I got it!"
He grabbed Jenya's hands, and her heart fluttered.
"Congrats, Danny! You're going to be amazing!" She exclaimed. Sofía ran up to join them, out of breath. "Jenya," she gasped, "I need to talk to you."
She pulled her around the corner and began to laugh. "You're never gonna guess what I just did."
"You know that sophomore? McQuaid?"
"Yes, I do. I just found out his real name is 'Aidan', and honestly I don't know how I feel about that."
"Okay, well besides the point. I just had my first kiss!" Sofía squealed.
"No way! With him?"
"Yeah. He's surprisingly sweet, and funny. He's a pretty good kisser, too." She pressed her back against a locker and sighed.
"Hey, Cinderella. There's your Prince Charming now," Jenya smiled and nudged her.
Sofía looked around and sure enough, there he was. Going to check the cast list, no doubt. He saw her and gave a nervous wave, to which Sofía blushed and smiled at her feet.
"Wooooooow. You guys are perfect for each other," Jenya snorted, "He really brings out your true self. Never in a million years did I ever think you would have a thing with a nerd! You're kind of a bad girl, Sof."
"Well yeah. I know, but he sees past all that. I really like him."
"Suit yourself," Jenya smiled, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
"Hey! Turnabout is coming up! Should I ask him to the dance?" The Latina questioned.
"Depends. Am I allowed to ask Danny?"
Sofía laughed, but she quickly stopped, "Wait. Are you serious?"
"C'mon Sofía. You're just going to act like we're not best friends with the most gorgeous boy at this school?"
"'Best friends' is why I'm worried. I don't want you two to f*ck it up for all of us." Annoyed, she walked down the hall and to her first period class.

Boring, 1997-1998Where stories live. Discover now