Keep Her Safe

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As Kate walked out of view, Luke felt anger creep up his spine. No one f*cks with my sister, he thought, And there's no way Emaline just dropped everything and went back to that egocentric asshole.
He stormed into the house, and walked into the living room. Emaline was still on top of Oliver, grinding her pelvis into his lap, but without thinking Luke grabbed her arm and dragged her off of him.
"Hey! What the hell?" Oliver called after them, as Luke pulled her towards the stairs.
She struggled to keep up with him, tripping over her own feet, "Can you slow down?" She mumbled. When they reached the top of the staircase, he had to push past many couples that were passionately making out. The boy pulled her into the bathroom and locked the door.
"You better have a good explanation."
She pushed a curly strand of hair out of her face, "What is there to explain?"
"You're wasted, you look like you did in junior year, and you're making out with Oliver!"
She looked at the floor, debating telling him the truth, when someone began to pound on the bathroom door. "Emaline! I know you're in there!" Oliver yelled.
"I'm not stupid. Kate fell for it, but only because she saw her girlfriend making out with someone else. There's no way that this is just for shits and giggles, Emaline. This isn't you. What's going on?"
She looked into his eyes, and in that moment (even in her drunken state), she could think clearly. She had to tell him what had happened. Besides, Oliver already received the reaction he was looking for; Kate seeing them kiss and leaving, completely heartbroken.
"I... I'm sorry," she quietly whispered so Oliver wouldn't hear, "You're right. I'm just trying to keep her safe." She pulled Kate's necklace out of the pocket in her skirt, and pressed it into his palm. She closed his fingers around the jewelry. "Just... make sure she knows that I'm doing this for her. He needs to believe we're broken up. Tell her I love her."
Luke cracked a small smile and he nodded, as the pounding on the door became louder. "I'm coming in whether you unlock it or not." Oliver threatened.
"Quickly, put your hands on my waist." The boy obliged, and she leaned in, letting her lips hover over his. He busted the door open, and Emaline dramatically gasped and pulled away from Luke. Oliver looked surprised, but not angry. A smile began to form on his face, and he gave Luke a pat on the back. "Nice, little man. Get some." He smirked. Emaline pushed past Oliver and into the hallway, disgusted with him. He could be testy when he was sober, but he was just an awful person when he was drunk. She slightly missed Sober Oliver. She had always enjoyed his company, but recently his homophobia was driving all of his actions. It was so hateful and sickening.
She looked at Luke, and gave a warm smile. Luke's fingers tightened around the necklace, and he nodded at her. "Yo, Oliver. I gotta dip, but it's been fun. Thanks for letting me mess around with your girl."
"Anytime, dude. Just don't make it a frequent thing."
Emaline practically threw up in her mouth.


Luke approached Kate's room with caution. The door was open a crack, and a sliver of light poured out into the dark hallway he stood in. He heard muffled cries coming from within, but he still made his way into her room slowly.
She was lying on top of her blankets, face buried in a pillow. Her back heaved up and down with sobs. Luke hesitantly took a seat at the end of her bed, and Kate turned to look at him. Her face red and tear stained, she said, "What are you doing in here? Can't you take a hint?"
"Kate, I was right."
Her brow furrowed in confusion, "What?"
"Oliver blackmailed her. She's just trying to protect you."
"Protect me?" She raised her eyebrows and laughed, "Bullshit. Didn't you see her?"
"It was an act, Kate. Oliver made her. If she didn't, he said he was going to hurt you." Kate's expression softened, and Luke continued, "Look, I talked to her alone for a minute. She says it's important he thinks that you guys have broken up." He took her hand and lowered the necklace into her fingers. She looked at him with watery eyes, "She also says that she loves you." Luke mumbled, and Kate wrapped him into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier." She whispered.
"It's understandable."
"I should've listened to you."
"Yeah. But more than that, you should've listened to yourself. You knew that Emaline would never do that."
"I reacted exactly the way Oliver wanted me to... Luke, you're the best friend I could've ever asked for." He smiled and she placed her hand on top of his.
She pulled away and they were quiet for a moment, but Luke broke the silence,"So what's the plan?"
"To get her back?"
"Didn't you just say Oliver needs to think we've split up?" Kate asked, reaching her arms around her head and lifting her hair to clasp the necklace around her neck.
"Kate, we can't just leave her with him overnight."
"You're right. Let's go."
"Oh my G-... Kate. Plan. We need a plan."
She rolled her eyes, "We'll figure it out. Besides, he's really drunk right now. Not super hard to outsmart."
She climbed out of her window, and Luke followed, muttering to himself, "This is such a bad idea..."

(A/N: Quick chapter, I'm sorry! Next one will be up shortly!)

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