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no, why?

Jorge had replied causing Martina to jump up from her bed. She almost fell down again, but managed to keep her balance.

Without responding on Jorge's message, she ran down the stairs past her father. "Where are you going?" He asked, confusion scribbled over her forehead.

"I'll be home tomorrow, it's weekend anyway." She replied in a rush, not looking at him. She opened the front door and ran out, rain pouring over her head.

She hadn't had her driving license yet, she had to run. Running through the streets, she didn't even notice that rain was falling. Step by step she came closer to Jorge's house.

10 minutes later she finally reached the entrance. Impatiently she knocked on the door, not even caring there was also a bell she could ring.

5 seconds later the door was opened by Jorge, only his underwear was on his body. "Martina what-" He started but didn't get to finish his sentence.

Martina grabbed his face in her hands, and slammed her lips onto his. Thousands of sparks flew around the two. Jorge was startled when he felt her soft lips pressed tightly onto his, but his lips kissed hers back almost instantly. .

She pushed him inside the room, their lips still locked with each other. With her foot she slammed the door shut behind her. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him deeper in the kiss.

She jumped up on which Jorge lifted her with his hands under her but. With her in his arms, he walked over to the couch. He threw her on top of it, unlocking their lips. She sat up straight and pulled off every single cloth from her body.

He looked at Martina, into her deep brown eyes. For a few seconds they didn't do anything, they just stared at each other. Before they both could realise what they were actually doing, Martina grabbed his neck and pressed her lips on his again.

They had a night full of love, passion but mostly cravings and lust.


Both Jorge and Martina were still sleeping. They were lying on the couch, only one blanket covered both of their bare bodies. Their limbs were tangled into each other, fitting.

Martina slowly opened her eyes. She felt a male's body lying against hers. Her head shot to the side where she was met with Jorge's sleeping body. The memories of last night flew through her head, every moment.

She saw how his hand moved and placed itself on her thigh. She breathed in sharply, almost too sharp. He was asleep and had no single clue of what he was doing at the moment. A light snore left Jorge's mouth, adorable.

She tried lifting his hand slightly, needing to get out of there as soon as possible. She lifted up the blankets and with a quick movement, stood with her feet on the ground. Quickly she placed the white blanket over Jorge's naked body again, barely looking.

She took her clothes from the ground and pulled them over her cold, naked body. She tiptoed towards the door and opened it softly, running out of the house.

She ran through the dark streets, it was only 5 in the morning. The realisation that she left her jacket with Jorge shot through her mind, but she knew she couldn't go back. Her hands were shaking and her body was freezing cold, it was mid winter.

Some minutes later she arrived at her house, total silence from inside of it. She tried opening the door but it was locked. She searched with her hand through her pocket, but her keys weren't there.

Just then she realised she left her keys in her jacket, and her jacket was at Jorge's.

She couldn't ring the doorbell, it was 5 am. She decided to take a walk.

Meanwhile Jorge had woken up as well. He felt a blanket lying over his naked body.

He immediately looked next to him but no one was to be seen there. Memories of the night before came through in his mind.

The cravings, the kisses, the lust, every singly bit. He felt himself crave for her touch again.

He stood up from the couch, immediately putting on his boxers. His thoughts consumed him, thoughts about Martina.

Who else could he be thinking about?

He knew that Martina wasn't realising what she was doing last night. But beside that, he just wanted to hold her again, make her smile again.

While he was thinking what the heck he was going to do, he tried to bake an egg, failing miserably.

He burned his egg, clouds of smoke flying through the air. Running to grab a towel, Jorge tried to stop the smoke which only made him cough more.

He finally managed to calm the smoke and threw the burned egg outside of the window he just opened.

He then turned back to the kitchen and decided to take an apple, too lazy to make anything else.

"Oh Martina you don't know what you do to me.." He mumbled to himself while he took a small bite from the apple.

Martina was sitting on a bench, somewhere in a random park. She was thinking about what the hell she had been thinking last night to go to Jorge.

Her thoughts were a mix of confusion, stupidity and cravings for his warm arms around her. She wanted nothing else than run back to his house and be his girlfriend for the rest of her life.

But the cheating part was a problem. She couldn't be with someone who cheated and then lies about it.

Martina stood up from the bench and checked her phone. 7 am. She decided to take the risk and go back, hoping someone was awake.

As she walked through the streets her brain was hallucinating. On every house and every person, Jorge appeared.

Martina started running, not having a clue what was happening to her. She arrived by her home and without thinking rang the doorbell, not wanting to see any more Jorge's.

Her sleepy father opened the door, rubbing his eyes with his hands. "I'm sorry did I wake you? Didn't mean to." Martina said rushingly when she saw her father. Her eyes shot around, more Jorge's appeared around her.

She almost jumped inside the house and ran upstairs. Every step only more and more Jorge's appeared for her eyes.

She ran into her room and slammed the door shut. She fell on her bed and pulled her pillow over her head.

The Jorge's stopped coming.

Rest. Martina felt how the tears streamed down her cheeks. She carefully lifted the pillow from her head, scared the his face will appear back in her head.

Luckily for her they all disappeared. She sat down straight on her bed and took her phone which was in her pocket.

She dialed the number of Cande, needing to talk to her best friend.

"martu? what's up?" Cande said happily through the phone, not knowing Martina had just screwed Jorge the night before.

"something stupid, you will never guess. please come over, I'll tell you." Martina cried in response.


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