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He walked up to her, a sad smile was shown on his face. She walked closer to him, the same expression was on her face.

They stood right in front of each other, their bodies almost touched.

"I'm so sorry, I'll stay here for you and her" Jorge exclaimed on which Martina widened her eyes.

"You want to be mine?" He asked on which she only smiled, cried and nodded her head happily.

She hesitated for a second before wrapping her small arms around his muscled neck. She held him tight to her body, smelling his cologne.

She couldn't believe he really wanted to stay for her. Slowly they released form the hug as their faces moved closer.

A few seconds later their lips fell on top of each other. They held each other as they were standing under the moonlight.

Olivia was already in bed, even Mariana. They released from their long kiss and looked deeply into each others eyes.

He moved his big hand towards her small one and laced their fingers. As she leaned her head on his shoulder they walked home.

The silence wasn't awkward, it was calming and comfortable. It was like the old times.

His eyes glanced at his girl every minute, not believing she was really his now.

"I love you" She whispered, looking at the moonlight from the sky.

"I love you too" He kissed her head softly, smelling her hair. "Damn yes I do" He added, making her giggle lightly.

Just then Martina's thoughts stopped and she shot back from her imagination. She was standing under the shower, hot water streamed over her shaking body.

All of this was just in her head, what she wished would happen. But Jorge was too proud to give in.

He would never stay here for her. But on the other side she would never leave for him either.

She had built up her life here now, new friends, new job. She loved living by the lake, swimming whenever she wanted.

She felt like her life had more space than in Buenos Aires. She had so many problems and stuff she had to deal with. Now here, nobody wanted anything from her, she was free.

She stepped out of the shower and git her pink towel. She dried her body carefully and then turned to the mirror.

Her eyes were red and puffy and tears were stained on her cheeks. "Why does everything has to be so complicated" She breathed out before putting on her pyjamas and walking out of the bathroom.

Olivia was standing in Martina's room, tears rolled over her small cheeks.

Martina immediately walked over to her and took her daughter in her arms. "Hey, what happened honey?" She asked while she sat down on her bed with Olivia in her arms.

"I had a nightmare mommy" She cried and hid herself in her mom's arms. "Where's daddy?" She whispered as Martina felt how her heart sunk in her chest.

where's daddy?

"He's not here" Martina stuttered out and just held Olivia tightly. She accepted the answer and decided to listen to her mothers calming heart beat.

Martina felt how her daughter fell asleep in her arms. She lifted her up and placed her under Martina's own covers.

She walked around the bed and layed down next to Olivia. "I love you" Martina whispered and kissed the top of her head.

She then turned off the light and zoned off herself as well.


It was 3 am. The loud sound of a bell ringing was heard through the house of the Stoessels.

Martina's eyes shot open as the bell stopped ringing. She looked next to her and saw Olivia was still quietly sleeping.

Martina stood up from the bed and put on her robe. She walked towards the door as she met her mother in the hallway.

"Who the hell can that be?" Martina asked her mother who shrugged her shoulders.

Martina opened the door and was greeted by his green eyes. She slightly bounced backwards from shock.

Mariana looked through the door and saw Jorge. "I'll handle this mom, go to bed" Martina ordered her mom who smiled weak and nodded.

"I'm sorry Martina, I am. I didn't mean to shout and-" Martina tried to cut him off.

"So-" She started but then he cuttee her off again.

"Let me talk first." He stated seriously while he took her hand in his. "I have an idea. What if we stay here for another 2 months, then we'll get back to Buenos Aires and return to out old lifes again" Jorge explained on which Martina frowned.

She didn't doubt for a second before she answered. "I'm not going back." Her face was dead serious, just like his.

"But just try it, for me" Jorge begged but Martina shook her head negatively.

"I'm not going back" Was the last think she said before throwing the door shut in his face.

Jorge heard the bang from the door right in front of him. He tried everything, he just couldn't give up his entire life.

She was being selfish at this one, it wasn't his fault.

He walked over the streets, feeling empty. He didn't know what to think, what to do or which way to go. He only knew he couldn't go back to her.

Maybe she wasn't the one he was going to carry with him forever. Maybe his heart had been wrong all this time.

Maybe he had to search for someone else.


Martina was laying in her bed again. Her eyes were closed, but tears were falling from it.

This was it. There was no way she could get back with Jorge.

Everything they did always turned out in a fight or an argument. Their opinions were different about everything.

The only thing they had in common was the love they shared. Only their love was far to search at the moment.

There was no way she was able to sleep this night anymore. She felt broken, just like Olivia when she had that nightmare.

She wanted to burst out in crying and run into her mothers arms. But she had to keep strong, otherwise this huge pain in her body would never fade.

Breaking up with Jorge was like a knife had cut a hole in her heart. A piece was missing.

She knew 100 percent sure Jorge was the one for her. Even though their differences and arguments, their love would never fade.

Martina knew she wanted him by her side on her wedding day, kissing him, having more kids with him. Raising Olivia together, give her a happy life.

But she wanted this to happen here in Italy, and he wanted it in Buenos Aires.

< im being a meanie 😜 >
< manon >

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