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Nerves streamed all over Jorge's body when he walked outside the plane. He hadn't thought this through enough.

He knew the address where Martina lived now, but how the hell was he supposed to go there? He took his phone from his bag.

No signal. He couldn't call or search up where he had to go. He had only one option, asking.

But he also couldn't speak Italian. Martina had learned it on school, but Jorge didn't follow Italian classes. Now he regretted that big time.

He saw lots of people walking around and he tried asking some, but they all ignored him. "Sir?" He said tapping lightly on the shoulder of a man who was standing still.

The man turned around and got eye in eye with Jorge. "Bongiorno" He started and then said something in Italian where Jorge couldn't make anything out of it.

"Can you speak English?" Jorge tried in which the man laughed and nodded lightly.

"Yeah, what do you need?" The man kindly said with his Italian accent. The man was old, around the age of 80. He was wearing a blue blouse with denim jeans under it.

"Do you know how I can get to this address?" Jorge asked and showed the man the address on his phone. The man looked at the address for some seconds.

"I know where that is my boy, but that's a long walk" The old man laughed out while he patted Jorge's back lightly.

"How long?" Jorge asked, completely serious. He was so focused on the fact to find Martina and his child.

"Around 2 hours I think, why do you want to go there?" The man asked towards Jorge.

"I need to find my girl and my child" Jorge said determined on his goal. The man laughed and patted Jorge's shoulder.

"Well okay then" He started and reached for something in his bag. A map of Milan came forth.

"This is where we are now" He said and put a red dot on the place he pointed towards, "and this is where you need to go, it's not a hard route to find but it's a long walk." The man explained while he handed the map to Jorge.

"Thank you so much, really" Jorge thanked the old man while he took the map from his hands.

The man nodded and walked away from Jorge. Jorge took another look at the map before he started walking.

On his way to find the one he loves most.


It was around 11 in the evening. Martina was sitting on the couch with her mother, watching some TV.

Martina had waited the entire day for Jorge but he didn't show up. He did read the message but he had no response.

Maybe he didn't care anymore. She kinda had gave up hope already. He probably wasn't going to come.

She didn't know that Jorge was somewhere in Milan hopelessly searching for her.

He was totally lost, not a clue where he was. He had the feeling like the map could be turned in any way.

There were no street names on the map which made the search for Martina's address even more difficult.

He tried asking so many people but no single one of them knew where it was, or some couldn't speak English.

There was no way Jorge was giving up of course. He had to find her no matter what. He just had to.

Just feeling he was walking the right way, he walked over the streets. Through all the houses of Milan, he walked into the night.

11 pm

12 pm

1 am

It was already long over midnight and Jorge was still clueless walking over the streets. His feet were hurting and he was tired as hell.

But he couldn't give in now. He needed to fight for them. This was his only fucking chance.

In the meantime Martina was lying quietly in her bed. She was staring at her dark ceiling. Her hope that Jorge would come had already fade.

Well, she thought it fade, but deep inside her tiny body, a small part still hoped that he would come.

That was probably also the reason why she couldn't sleep. She was wide awake.

Olivia had already fallen asleep hours before, totally forgetting about 'rorge'.

Only Martina hadn't. She needed him close to her. She needed every touch, every hug, every kiss, just everything.

She wanted to lay on his chest, pull him tight against her. Her hands playing with his hair while he was softly sleeping.

But most of all she wanted to raise Olivia further with Jorge. Give Olivia the amazing father she deserved.

She grabbed the picture of her and Jorge from her wooden nightstand. She clicked on her light as her eyes got used to it.

She stared at the beautiful picture in her hands. It was taken in the summer.

Jorge, Martina, Cande and Ruggero went swimming in the sea. Cande and Rugge had sat down on the beach which Martins wanted to do as well, but Jorge had pulled her back into the water.

Together they had played in the water. Splashing each other, holding each other, kissing each other, just being happy.

Cande had taken lots of pictures of the cute couple in the water. It was just too adorable not to make any pictures.

The picture in the frame was made when Jorge was holding Martina. She was totally soaked from the seawater because Jorge had just thrown her in.

She then had said she needed a hug on which Jorge held her to his chest. That was when Cande made the picture.

Martina was happy to think of the memory again. It was 4 years ago, but for Martina it felt like yesterday.

She was so happy with Jorge, both of them thought that their relationship would never break. It was a healthy, strong relationship, but that turned out not to be completely true.

Martina had now finally the power to forgive Jorge for the fact that he cheated. She couldn't stay mad at him any longer.

The cravings for his taste were unbearable after 3 years. She needed him more than anything in the world.

And not only for herself, but also for Olivia.

Meanwhile Jorge was still walking over the silent streets. The sky was dark and the moon was shining.

He was hungry, tired and dirty but he kept surly walking. He needed to find her.

After another hour of walking it was almost 3 am in the morning already. Jorge almost fell on the ground from tiredness.

He found a tree somewhere in the park and sat down against it. He lent his head on the tree and slowly zoned off in the middle of Milan.

How could he know that Martina was only one street away from him...

< it's so hot here i wanna jump in a freezer >
< manon >

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