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A pink colour formed on the small stick Martina was holding. She wasn't looking yet, too scared of what she would set eyes on. For seconds she left her eyes pressed onto each other, but then opened them.

The pink colour got in contact with her chestnut brown eyes where now tears were falling from. Her hand opened itself, making the small stick drop to the ground. She held her head in her hands, crying.

pink means pregnant

The word kept repeating in her head, it was this voice who kept reminding her. She felt the urge to throw up again, just like she had these past days. She quickly turned towards the toilet and threw up, trying not to make her hair dirty.

She grabbed the bottle of water, which she already had placed next to the toilet the last time she threw up, and drank some. Her breath was hitching in her throat and tears kept falling. A baby was really growing inside of her.

It was the third pregnancy test she had taken, and she knew that now the chance for it not to be correct was really small.

"Why am I so damn stupid?" She mumbled through her tears, not that anyone was there to hear. She fell to the ground, her back leaning against the white bathroom wall.

The liquid tears fell from her now red eyes. Her eyes were closed and she was trying to think about what the hell she was going to do now. She needed to tell Jorge, but there was no way she wanted to do that.

One of the biggest problems was also that she was only 17. 17 and pregnant.

Her mind was a complete chaos but in her heart she knew one thing for sure; she was going to keep this baby, no matter what it took.

She stood up from the ground, her tears had finally stopped falling. The nauseous feeling had not dissapeared, but she had decided to ignore it. Standing in front of the mirror, she stared at her own reflection.

Her eyes were bright red and tears were still on her cheeks. She wiped them away and tried to make the red colour in her eyes dissapear by throwing some water over her face.

She walked towards the door and slowly unlocked it. Her legs moved out of the bathroom.

"I can do this." She whispered, trying to encourage herself. She stepped down the stairs where she was greeted by her mom.

"Hey honey, are you okay?" A tone of worry in her voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, I really got to go now." Martina told her mom, kissed her cheek, and ran out of the house.

After some minutes she arrived on school. Before walking inside she took a deep breath, having no clue how to handle all this.

Jorge saw Martina standing lonely in front of the school. He could spot the piece of scaredness in her eyes.

Jorge wanted to run to her, hold her, ask her what's wrong. But she didn't want him to, and he knew that. She walked inside the school while he quietly stared at her.

He then heard the guys behind him coming as he immediately turned his attention towards them, off Martina. He shook off his thoughts about Martina and started chatting with his friends.

"Martu!" Cande squealed out while she ran over to her best friend and hugged her tightly. The nauseous feeling came back in Martina's head, but she shook it off.

What the hell was she going to do about this pregnancy?

"I-I need to put something in my locker" The nauseous feeling rose through her body. She backed off from the hug and ran away, making Cande think she was just directioning towards her locker.

Instead she ran straight to the toilets, into the first toilet where she immediately threw up. She didn't know that Jorge had seen her when she ran rapidly inside the girls toilet.

He was standind outside  the toilet, not knowing whether to go in or not. The bell had already rung, so everyone was already off to their classes.

He heard a vomiting sound coming from inside as he didn't hesitate anymore. He swung the door widely open and his eyes were met with Martina throwing up in the toilet. He immediately held her hair up and softly stroke her back with his hand.

At first she had no clue, but she recognized the shape of his hand and knew it was him. She also knew she couldn't act cool anymore and just let him help her.

"Calm down, try to sit straight." Jorge calmingly said and supported her with his hand. She turned away from the toilet and leaned against the side wall. Jorge placed himself carefully next to her.

She placed her head on his muscled shoulder. The place she always layed herself when she felt tired, or when she just wanted to lay against Jorge.

"Thank you." She whispered, Jorge smiled to himself. He pulled her a bit closer to him, protecting her from any danger.

"Let's get you home." He told her and slowly lifted her head from his shoulder. The warm feeling inside of Martina's body dissapeared.

"Yeah." She shortly answered, her body wasn't able to produce any more words. She stood up with help of Jorge as dizziness filled her head. She almost fell but Jorge held her weak body just in time.

Her body where his baby was growing inside.

Jorge lifted the tiny figure in his arms and they walked towards the reception of their school. "She's sick, I'm going to bring her home." Martina tried to add something to what Jorge said but no sound left her lips.

"It's okay Martu." There's that nickname again. Everybody called her Martu, but the way he said it made her feel so happy, so loved. "I'll just take you home." He whispered and then said thank you to the receptionist.

He held Martina tightly while he walked out of the schoolbuilding. He placed her small body in his car and started driving towards her house.

"Is anyone home?" He asked Martina, like she was a child. She shook her head negatively.

"Do you know where the key is?" He then asked on the same tone as before. She nodded this time, reaching for the silver key in her bag.

She handed the key to Jorge who took it and then turned his full attention towards the road again, making sure they drove safely.

They arrived at Martina's house and Jorge held Martina and brought her inside after he opened the door with the key. Her entire body was tired and her head was still nauseous as hell.

Jorge placed Martina on the couch put a blanket over her body. "Take good care, I got to go back" He quickly filled a glass water and placed it next to Martina before kissing her head and walking out of her house.

There were only three words he craved to say.

I love you

< i love holiday oml, i feel so freeeee > < manon >

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