Little Miss Advice

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What would be your advice to break out of your shell.. I have a problem with talking to people especially peers.. I don't get it.. I am so open to adults and then kids my age come around and i shut down..?

Hey It's Little Miss Advice

My advice to you today is simple: common interests and questions. Whenever I meet someone new, I always start off with a couple of simple questions such as "Whats your favorite music artist?" or "What is your favorite TV show?" Questions like that unleash common interests you and whoever your talking to have, and after you find one thing both of you can bond on, the rest is a piece of cake.


How do I get over a guy that I've liked for a very long time? He has a girlfriend now.

Hi. It's Little Miss Advice....

It's officially time to bring out the besties. Whenever one of my friends goes through a really bad breakup and needs to get over a guy, the rest of my friends and I start out a matchmaking scheme. For who knows you better than your closest friends? But if you don't want your friends to set you up, I suggest you settle with the handy con list. With junk food and a temper in hand, list everything negative and horrible about the guy you want to get over. And if you can't think of one, then the back up plan is get close to or make GUY friends. Guys totally understand these types of situations, and they'll being an insight that your girlfriends can't. Stay strong. Have fun. Keep me updated.

Hi! please tell me how to be famous on Wattpad! I try so hard with my book but nothing is working. My friends are no help either. Am I doing something wrong?

Hi! It's Little Miss Advice here :)

Well to start off, my book got a lot of publicity because I went around to famous authors' profiles and tagged my story onto their message board. Do NOT do what I did. Take my advice and do what I did next after being yelled at by tons of authors for advertising my story on their profile. Magazines are always looking for undiscovered stories and some even have a section just for authors like you who want to advertise their stories. Advertising my story on a Watty magazine helped with my publicity more than I would have imagined. The second best thing to do is make sure to get to know each one of your followers or just merely say a simple "hi. thank you for following" to each follower. By getting to know each followers on a friendly basis, simple reminding them to read the newest chapter of your story wont be rude, it'll just be you reaching out to a friend for a favor. And last but not least, add tags to your story. That way when people search or that random word, your story will immediately pop out and they'll read it! Be you. Keep writing. Hope my advice helped.

I told the guy I like that I like him and he said "he just wants to be friends" should I move on?

Hey gurl, Its Little Miss Advice,
Boys. Tell me about it....My advice for you is to move on. If he doesn't see a future and doesn't recognize the amazing wonderful person you are as more than a friend, then he's not worth waiting. You never know. He might have a good reason for wanting to stay friends for the now and might end up liking you as more than a friend later, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy in the moment. There are plenty of, as they say, fish in the sea. Have fun and move on. And one day if you still have a drop of feelings for him and he does say he likes you as more than a friend, then go ahead. At least you'll say you weren't moping around waiting for him. Be you. Have fun. And good luck with boy drama. :)

How do you know if you're being used?


Well now that is a dangerous question. You can tell you are being used if that certain someone will not do half the things you do for them. Think about it. If you were sick, would they show up at your house with kleenexes and medicine? If you needed homework help, would they show up with a textbook to help you? If you were going through a tough time, would they bring you your favorite movies? These are just a couple examples of random scenarios, but I hope you get the idea. Hope that helped! 


My boyfriend and best friend hooked up behind my back, what do I do?

Hey! It's Little Miss advice here

The perfect saying in this situation is "Out with the old and in with the new." Your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend, and your former best friend have officially reached their expiry date. Relationships are founded on trust and your boyfriend and best friend have broken their relationship with you with each other. To start off, cheating is completely unacceptable and doing that to your best friend is even worse and unforgivable. Your best friend inst worth it if she stoops as low to cheat with your boyfriend and same goes for your other half. I say move on because those two are NOT worth your time. Stay strong Be you.

There's a guy I've been crushing on for a good while now and I wanna ask him out but I'm the girl and I don't wanna sound too desperate also he's only dating this girl because he was told to so if we used to be "GOOD" friends what do I do know 0_0


 Well if you have been crushing on him for a good while now, it's about time you ask him out! If he's dating this girl just because he's told to, that means he doesn't like her and therefore is available, in my terms. Casually test the water by asking him if he'd like to see a movie with you over the weekend because "you're friends can't make it and you need company". Depending on how excited he is you can figure out if he likes you as a more than a friend or not! Good luck.


There is this girl that I have known for over 10 years and we hugged today and it was so great all the chemistry we felt. We are going to the same school but how can i make sure we stay in tact over the summer?

Hey. It's Little Miss Advice

Lucky for you it is the 21st century and we do have the mobile smart phones, the texting, the twitter, etc. I keep in touch with all my friends by texting them and organizing meet ups every week. Weekly meetups are actually a really smart idea. That way you get to interact with her face to face instead of just through the web or through the phone. And you get to impress her with really cool meet up ideas such as mini golfing, a movie (the fault in our stars), or bowling etc. Hope that helps!


Back to school question: My school is a Charter School, so we have dress code and strict teachers. Last year I was new, but I had my friends with me. This year I'm going to seventh grade, but I need something different. I want to stand out, but I also don't want to get in trouble. Any advice?

Hi! It's Little Miss Advice

For middle school I went to a charter school as well. I totally understand the strict dress code and teachers. As a dress code lawbreaker myself, I learnt how not to get caught. I learnt to bring an extra sweatshirt to cover my dress code violations during math and science because both those teachers did random uniform checks and etc. But for you I recommend a deep study of the uniform handbook. Instead of breaking the dress code, find loopholes and bend the rules. For example if the handbook says "skirts have to go up to the knee, no skin showing", wear a cute short skirt but wear legging underneath. That way you are not showing any skin. Haha. Well good luck and message me if you still need any more help.


Teen Life Magazine Issue #2 July 2014Where stories live. Discover now