Top Reads

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Have you ever been caught up while finding for a good book on Wattpad? Did you have difficulty in selecting from the wide range of books and hitting upon what would prove to be a good read?

Ahoy lovelies! So we are here with the TOP READS of the month! And this time we’ve the list of the hot reads here on Wattpad as well as the others that have been trending around recently!

And yes, there’s also some awesome news for the Harry Potter fans out there! According to the news, J K Rowling is writing a new Harry Potter book! Yay, we can see you do your mini dance there!

The Top Reads for the month thus include:

 GROWING UP (cold_lady19) - Trending since the past few months is the wonderful sequel of the ever-famous “My Wattpad Love”. This time, the sequel comes up with even better twists and turns when two new students join the gang! If you are that die-hard romantic girl who loves sitting with a book in any season, this is the perfect story for you! So settle down with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy Julie’s smartass comments and fangirling Evan! And it just gets better after every page!

 DORM ROOM 210 (Broken_Dream07) - So what happens exactly when you put a girl and guy in the same dorm room? Well, a lot to expect right? Hold your imagination right there! And go check out this awesome book if you haven’t checked it out yet! The title sounds more like a mystery novel, but it is a treat to every romantic heart there! And I tell you, you are so going to wish to be caught up with a guy in the dorm! *winks*

 RILEY’S TALE ON THE OPPOSITE GENDER (Cappuccinos)- Yes! Yes! Yes! It’s exactly what the title says. Follow the sweet, sexy girl on her adventures with seven guys! Well, wait, seven, smoking hot guys! The story had been put on hold for an indefinite amount of time and the readers had been heartbroken! But the story is now complete and the author has even put up a One Shot writing competition (because everyone was complaining of how sadly the story, I’m not giving away any details!) So go catch up with this one-in-a-million novel and even try out the one shots! They are amazing as well!

 A PROSCRIPTIVE RELATIONSHIP (XxSkater2Girl16xX)- For the new members out here on Wattpad, in case you haven’t tried out this book, then you are missing out on a lot! With the amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, ah-mazing Chace Crawford in the cast, this story juts gets better after every chapter! The title sounds dangerous but the romance is sweet! And you are so going to love the writer after you’ve checked out this book of hers! Action, drama, romance, fight, you name it and it’s there!

 LOVE AT LAST SIGHT (XxSkater2Girl16xX)- This happens to be one of my favourites and one of the first books I tried out on this site, three years ago! An evergreen romance, cutting out all the odds. For the new members again, this is one story that’s worth a million try-s. From the writer of A PROSCRIPTIVE RELATIONSHIP, this book brings out all the odds in the most beautiful manner possible. And if you haven’t tried out this book, then go! Now! I bet you are going to cry you read how it ends!

 THE GHOST FILES (AprylBaker7) - For the paranormal lovers around, this book is definitely all the worth. The story revolves around a girl who’s able to see ghosts! Wow, that can be pretty scary although it sounds cool! And it’s soon going to be a major motion picture. So start reading the book now (only if you aren’t that weak at heart as me

 THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (John Green) – Do I even need to say anything? ‘cause I’d start blabbering right away! From the amount of posts on my Facebook to the ever-continuing tweets, this story has gripped everyone’s hearts! And now that it has hit the theatres, I can imagine how long the queue would be in front of the ticket counter!


 THE LEMON GROVE (Helen Walsh)


Teen Life Magazine Issue #2 July 2014Where stories live. Discover now