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[Green Goblin 2.0 changed their name to Space Daddy's Daddy]

Space Daddy's Daddy: I am everyone's dad by default.

Cryptid Gay: My old man was a shit head. I'd prefer not to have another shit head for a father.

Space Daddy's Daddy: Rude.

J.D.: I could be your daddy, Keith. ;)

Cryptid Girl: Don't say that to the boy with daddy issues.

Cryptid Gay: Little did they know

Incredible Hunk: The boy with daddy issues also had a daddy kink.

Incredible Hunk: A very bad combination.

J.D.: He's also a masochist.

Cryptid Gay: Exposed.

Cryptid Girl: Everything he hated as a child, he loves as an adult, but only when it comes to sex.

Cryptid Gay: Not quite.

J.D.: He still hates eating vegetables.

J.D.: [ChubbyBabyKeith.jpg]

Cryptid Gay: Exposed.

J.D.: You may be thinking, 'wow, how do I get skinny like he did?'

Cryptid Gay: Just lose all hope for humanity.

J.D.: It's called Lactose Intolerance.

J.D.: This boy drinks a gallon of milk per day.

J.D.: And he needs to stop.

Cryptid Gay: No.

Incredible Hunk: Chubby babies are the cutest babies.

AShaymed: They are literally flawless.

AShaymed: Have you seen those paintings of the baby Jesus at the art museum on Park?

AShaymed: You don't have to be a Christian to agree that Chubby Baby Jesus is the cutest thing ever. Even if it is just in a very inaccurate painting.

J.D.: [ChubbyLittleKeith.jpg]

Cryptid Gay: Why do you have all these pictures of me?

J.D.: I know your apartment like the back of my hand.

J.D.: You can't hide shit from me in there.

Space Mom: Aww, my baby was so cute.

Space Mom: And is that an actual smile I see?

Space Mom: Is this heaven?

Cryptid Gay: Why does this always happen to me?

Cryptid Gay: 911, I am being bullied.

[J.D. changed Cryptid Gay's name to Chubby Baby]

Chubby Baby: Unnecessary.

[Chubby Baby changed J.D.'s name to Nobody's Daddy]

Nobody's Daddy: :'(

Space Daddy: This is way too confusing now.

[Space Daddy changed Nobody's Daddy's name to #Don'tBullyKeith2k17]

[Space Daddy changed Space Daddy's Daddy's name to Mac Pro]

#Don'tBullyKeith2k17: Point.

Space Daddy: Don't bully my brother.

Chubby Baby: We're not actually brothers.

Space Daddy: If you can't love and appreciate him, then you can't have him.

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