Ralph Part. 6

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(F/N) was starting to shiver, despite the rain letting up, he was finding it hard to focus, Kara took notice. Kara was practically leading him at this point, (F/N) was trying to keep an eye out for the abandoned house, but he was having trouble, his focus was drifting due to the cold rain. Kara suddenly spotted the house, she smiled, but her happy demeanor didn't last long, the house was fenced off, she needed to find another way in, but when she looked at (F/N) she knew he had to get out of the rain. Kara noticed a bus stop, she quickly led (F/N) down the quiet street and set him down, it wasn't perfect, but it covered him enough. "Are you okay?" Kara asked, (F/N)'s face was almost drained of all color, he was silent, but he managed to nod. "I'll find a way to get us into the house, you wait here," (F/N) nodded, Kara  started to walk to the fence. "You look lost," Kara glanced at the android that had said that, he had been collecting the trash, "We have nowhere to go."

The android had an odd look on its face, "I know someone who can help you," the android held out its arm.  Kara looked at it apprehensively, and then touched the android's arm. (F/N) noticed Kara's synthetic skin dispensary on her arm, he saw her actual white arm, her eyes were shut, Kara's LED was flashing yellow. (F/N) watched as the other android left, Kara didn't notice as her eyes were closed, "But, that's on the other side of town, we need help tonight!" Kara opened her eyes to question the strange android but he had already gotten back in his garbage truck.

(F/N) stood up from the bus station bench, he walked over to Kara, he had regained some of his strength, but he was still weak. "Come on, we can talk when we get out of the rain," (F/N) shivered the rain was still just as cold. (F/N) noticed a pair of wire cutters sitting on a crate near the fence, finally some good luck. (F/N) walked over and grabbed the wire cutters, his swiss army knife couldn't handle the fence. (F/N) smiled and cut a small right angle in the fence, just big enough to fit a human through. (F/N) held the hole in the fence open, "Ladies first," (F/N) said to Kara, she rolled her eyes, but smiled and went first. (F/N) followed.

"Okay, you go find an entrance that way. I'll look for an entrance on the other side." Kara nodded, and started to look for an opening, (F/N) went under the house's covered porch. (F/N) was out of the rain, but he was still cold, (F/N) sighed most of the windows were boarded.(F/N) was about to go find Kara when suddenly someone grabbed him and put a blade on his throat. (F/N) swallowed, "Ralph caught a human hunting him," (F/N) put his hands up slowly, "Others, are there others?" (F/N) shook his head. His captor who called himself Ralph seemed to be satisfied with this, hopefully Kara wouldn't come looking for him. "Listen, i'm not gonna hurt you, let me go, i'll leave you alone. You'll never see me again," Ralph wasn't satisfied, this time. "No you humans all the same, trying to hurt Ralph, this time Ralph hurt human," (F/N) heard footsteps, Kara was trying to fins him, "Hey I found an entrance, come..." Kara walked up and saw the scene before her. Kara put her hands in a defensive position, "It's okay, Kara, get out of here," Ralph seemed to be upset by Kara's sudden appearance. "Android, Ralph must kill human," Kara walked closer slowly, "No, don't he's done nothing wrong." Ralph looked at Kara, "I'm an android just like you," (F/N) swallowed, so Ralph was an android, he must have been malfunctioning. Kara deactivated the synthetic skin on her arm, Ralph seemed to calm down a little bit, "Then Ralph must protect us from human," Kara's LED turned red. "No! I mean no, he's a good human," Ralph looked down at (F/N), "Why are you bothering Ralph?"

(F/N) swallowed, "We just need shelter for the night, we thought no one was here." Ralph seemed satisfied, he took the knife off (F/N)'s throat, "Ralph will provide shelter, come, Ralph will be kind to human and android." (F/N) watched as Ralph walked down the covered porch, "Come Ralph will help,come," (F/N) looked at Kara, her LED was yellow. "It's not like we have any other choice, if I stay out in this weather any longer i'm gonna get hypothermia," Kara's LED remained yellow, but she followed Ralph. (F/N) followed behind, he walked inside the house, it was a little warmer. (F/N) kept his eyes on Ralph though, he had blue blood leaking on his face, Ralph looked like he had been beaten. "Ralph wishes he could stay with man and android, but Ralph must go into the other room...he has things to do, make yourselves at home here."

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