Choice. B

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Connor stumbled over to the rock, he desperately tried to move, he could feel his actions, he was about to kill (F/N). Connor was desperate to save him, Connor saw that the rock was within grabbing distance, it had a hand scanner on it. It must have been the key out of here. Connor suddenly fell down, Amanda was trying to stop him. But he was determined to succeed, he crawled over to the rock it was glowing, and it felt warm. Connor desperately tried to reach for it, he felt his eyeballs start to freeze over, he was slowing down. Connor made a last ditch effort to reach the hand scanner, his hand was inches away from it. Suddenly, Connor's hand fell completely to the ground, it hit the snow with a thud, he couldn't do it. Connor was to weak to fight, Connor moved over on his back, he felt himself slowly dying, "I'm sorry."

Connor gasped for breath, he felt the cold try to consume him, but he resisted, he refused to die, not yet at least.


(F/N) felt his heart beating as the words flowed out of his mouth, "This is the moment where we forget our bitterness and bandage our wounds."

Markus watched (F/N) intently, this was happening, today they had won. Tomorrow they would be free, Markus frowned suddenly, when he overheard Connor, it sounded like he was grunting. Markus turned to look at the android, his LED was yellow and flashing, he looked like he was having a malfunction in his software. Markus frowned when he saw Connor raise his gun, he had it pointed at (F/N), he muttered the words, "sorry," as if he was regretting this. Markus' eyes widened, he spoke loudly "WATCH OUT!"

(F/N) only had time to turn at Markus confused, before Connor fired two shots into his chest, the crowd erupted in screams. (F/N) yelled out in pain, Markus quickly ran over and grabbed (F/N) as he fell to the ground.


Connor heard the gunshots somehow, then he heard (F/N) scream out in pain, his eyes snapped open, "NO!"

With renewed strength, Connor raised his hand to the scanner again, he was groaning and gasping from the cold. With his last ounce of strength he threw his hand on the panel with everything he had. Connor felt warm as soon as he did, the entire garden erupted in a bright white light. When the light faded he was back in the regular world, but Connor immediately looked at the situation shocked. He had a handgun in his hands and it was aimed right at (F/N), he was laying on the ground, he had two purple stains growing on his shirt. Connor looked down at the gun in his hands it was smoking, North ran up to him, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!"

Kara ran up to (F/N)'s other side, "NO! NO! NO!" Connor watched Kara as she knelled down next to him. Connor quickly threw the gun and practically shoved North aside. He had to see if his friend was okay, Connor quickly ran up to (F/N). (F/N)'s eyes were open and he looked like he was in a lot of pain, his healing program was slowing the effects, but there was no doubt in Connor's mind, he was going to die.

(F/N) gasped for breath when he saw Connor, the android immediately spoke, "(F/N) I'm sorry... it was Amanda. This was her plan all along."

(F/N) looked at Connor for a long time, his breathing was slowing down, he was calming down, but he seemed to be looking into Connor's soul.

(F/N) finally spoke, saying "it's alright Connor."

(F/N) looked at all his friends, the reality of the situation not lost on him, he squeezed Kara's hand lightly. North slowly walked up to (F/N), she couldn't believe what she was seeing the powerful man that had freed them all looked so weak at that moment. Suddenly a loud voice boomed out, "(F/N)!"

Kara turned her head, Luther had climbed onto the container Alice was still on his shoulders, but she quickly got off. (F/N) smiled, he looked back at Connor, he felt the pain in his chest flare again. (F/N) knew he was dying, he spoke in a firm tone, "Make her pay for it...she's still out there."

Connor's LED stayed yellow but he nodded. (F/N) looked at North, he sighed, "Don't hate them North, help them understand."

(F/N) didn't have time to look at Norths face, Luther suddenly appeared he towered over him, Alice sat next to Kara, she was tearing up when she looked at (F/N).

(F/N) looked at Alice, he smiled slightly, "hey," Alice looked at (F/N), she was scared, but replied with a quick "hi."

Alice looked at (F/N), she knew what was going to happen, "You can't go (F/N). You can't."

(F/N) smiled at Alice, "I'm sorry...I wish I didn't have to either." (F/N) paused, tears stared to form in his eyes, he looked back at Alice, "you're the smartest kid I know. You helped me face my fears...I couldn't have done this without you...Thank you."

Alice smiled, she started to cry, she quickly hugged Kara's waist. (F/N) turned his head to look at Markus, he felt his blood leaking into his lungs slowly. (F/N) smiled at Markus, his body was trying to save him but he was failing, "You believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself...I."

(F/N) coughed, purple blood, slipped out of his lips, he had minutes left, Markus nodded, he understood what the man was trying to say, he didn't want him to waste his words. (F/N) smacked Markus' waist in a friendly manner, Markus smiled, "I'll finish this."

(F/N) smiled and looked up at Luther, even with the large android kneeling down slightly, (F/N) had to strain his head to look up at him. (F/N) weakly and quietly said, "Protect them alright?"

Luther nodded, he made sure to stand next to Kara and Alice, silently vowing to never let them out of his sight again.

(F/N) turned his head to look at Kara, she was crying but she still smiled at (F/N), "Hey."

(F/N) smiled back, "Hey..." (F/N) coughed slightly, his healing program was slowing down, his vision was starting to turn red. (F/N) spoke softly, "I love you...never forget that."

Kara nodded, "I know...I love you to."

(F/N) nodded, "You saved me from a dark place...i'll always be grateful for that...and for you...don't do what I your life...don't let my death hold you free."

Kara nodded quickly, she moved her other arm and hugged Alice, she grasped (F/N)'s hand tightly, "I will. I promise."

(F/N) smiled, then he looked at the whole group, "You all are my family. Don't forget me...thank you."

(F/N) felt his breathing quicken, his healing program had stopped, the pain in his chest flared. (F/N) clenched his teeth, he squeezed Kara's hand from the pain. But a warm smile slowly spread across his face. (F/N) went limp his head fell in the direction of Kara, his eyes still open, the smile still on his face, he looked oddly peaceful.

Kara started crying, she leaned into (F/N)'s chest, Alice leaned in and hugged him as well. Markus slowly let go of his friend, he layed him on the ground softly. (F/N)'s eyes stared up into space. Connor just stared at (F/N), slowly coming to terms as to what he had done, he would never be able to forgive himself. Luther closed his eyes and bowed his head slightly, he looked like he was about to cry as well

Markus sighed, he shut his eyes, and slowly walked off the shipping container, he couldn't look at his dead friend anymore, it should have been him. It should have been someone else. The crowd of androids just stared at the scene before them completely shocked.

---------------------Sometime Later-----------------------

Kara placed the passports on the counter, the federal employee took them without question. Kara was looking at the counter, she was wearing a black sweater and black pants. Kara held onto Alice's hand loosely, the little girl was frowning, she looked ahead, she seemed glad that she was going to Canada, but she wished someone was there to hold her other hand.

Luther stood awkwardly behind Kara and Alice, he watched the federal employee examine the passports, he looked sad to be here. Luther stood proud and confident, he was determined to keep a promise. Finally, the border agent cleared his throat and spoke with a light french accent, "What brings you to Canada?"

Kara weakly smiled, trying to maintain the illusion, "We're just trying to get away from it all."

The border agent smiled, "I understand," he looked at Alice, "you have to keep her safe."

Kara nodded, but she didn't smile, the border agent looked at the passports he was given one last time, "I like you're name, Kara (L/N), it suits you."

Kara smiled, "It's from my husband," Kara patted Alice's back, "her father." The border agent smiled, he slid the passports back across the counter, "Is he in Canada now?"

Kara looked at the ground, her happy demeanor gone, "No...he passed away awhile ago."

The border agent frowned, "Oh, i'm so sorry to hear that."

Kara nodded, she took the passports of the counter and pocketed them, she didn't meet his gaze. The border agent spoke in a more serious tone, "Welcome to Canada."

Kara looked back up and weakly smiled, she walked around the counter, she had nothing else to say. Kara walked down the hallway, to exit the border inspection station, she made sure she held Alice close. Right before Kara could leave, Luther suddenly spoke up, "Kara."

Kara stopped and turned around, Luther was looking at a TV, it was playing the news, the news anchor was talking to President Warren. Kara stopped and slowly led Alice back to the television, the volume was loud enough for her to hear. President Warren continued speaking, "my administration has tried to work with the android known as Markus. But we have failed to make any solid ground work on any legislation. I'm afraid to say it but when Mr. (L/N) died, any hope of co-existence between androids and humans may as well have died with him."

Kara looked at the ground, she had to shut her eyes so she wouldn't cry, all that work was for nothing. "Kara what does that mean? Is everything going to be alright?"

Alice's question shook Kara for a bit, but she somehow managed to smile, she had to stay strong for the little girl "Of course, we're going to be okay."

The news anchor spoke in a serious tone, "Madam President, Mr. (L/N)'s body was seized by the government shortly after his death. It's rumored that this is could be connected to CyberLife's recent merging with the federal government. What can you tell us about that?"

President Warren was obviously caught off guard by this, her eyes widened slightly but she kept her composure, "Mr. (L/N) is an incredible advancement between the relationship of man and machine. All I can say is that we hope to learn more about his...abilities. As for our goals. Well to put it blatantly we want see if it would be possible to replicate his power."

Kara stared at the screen, she shook slightly, not believing the words she had just heard. Alice looked at Kara worried, "Kara?"

Kara felt her eyes tear up, "Let's go...I want to keep going."

Luther looked at Kara as she slowly started to lead Alice out of the station, "Kara, it's alright if you want to talk about it."

Kara turned back, it was clear the TV had depressed her even more, "No...I just want to go."

Luther decided not to press the issue farther, he nodded, the group slowly walked out of the station, and to begin their new lives.

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