Questions and Answers Part. 11

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The car pulled up to a large house, (F/N) quickly jumped out of the car, a determined look on his face. He ignored the cold air and the snow crunching on his shoes. Kara and Luther followed him, stopping after a while. (F/N) started to bang on the door angrily, Kara suddenly realized where they were. Kara tried to keep her concern low, "We should go. We need to keep going" (F/N) ignored her and stood waiting at the front door.

Kara looked at Luther, she was concerned (F/N) had lost his mind. "KAMSKI OPEN THE DAMN DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT!" Kara looked at Luther, she was about to ask for his help in getting (F/N) back in the car. Suddenly, the door opened, and Chloe stood in the doorway. Chloe smiled when she saw (F/N), Kara's expression turned to one of anger.

Chloe glanced at Kara and Luther, then focused all her attention on (F/N), "(F/N) I'm so glad you could come." She seemed oblivious to (F/N)'s anger, it was almost like she had invited them all over to dinner.

(F/N) smiled when he saw the android, "I should have known. Were you always working with Kamski?"

Chloe nodded, "From the very beginning, he arranged for me to be in that CyberLife store, so we could meet each other." (F/N) nodded and looked at the ground, Kara walked up and put her arm around (F/N),  he looked back up at Chloe, "Worst purchase of my life." Kara smiled at (F/N)'s comment, "Why don't you come in? Mr. Kamski is expecting you."

(F/N) smiled and nodded, "That would be lovely," he walked into the large mansion, Kara followed him, so did Luther he seemed slower than usual.

(F/N) stood in the living room, he had been here a couple times while he worked for CyberLife, however, Kamski had not invited him up since he was fired.

(F/N) walked over, he looked at the wall there was a picture of him and Kamski they were smiling they were so young back then. (F/N) sighed, Chloe spoke up, "I'll go tell Mr. Kamski you've arrived." Chloe walked out of the room, as soon as she left, Kara let go of (F/N), "Why did you bring us here?"

(F/N) sat down on one of the chairs, "I have a lot of questions, he's one of the only people left with answers."

Kara sighed and put her hands on her face, that life she wanted with (F/N) would need to be put on hold. Luther looked at (F/N), he looked at him with a neutral expression, finally he asked "Is this really Elijah Kamski's house?"

(F/N) nodded, "We were close," Kara walked over and looked at (F/N)'s picture with Kamski. "Seems like you were very close," (F/N) looked at Kara, he was about to reply but Chloe chose that moment to walk back inside, "Mr. Kamski is ready to see you."

(F/N) stood up from his chair, he walked through the door into the pool area, he smiled when he saw all the other androids of Chloe in the red pool. (F/N) remembered them very fondly, whenever he went over to Kamski's house they...entertained him, (F/N) would never tell Kara that.

The RT600's saw (F/N) and smiled one even blew him a kiss and winked, they remembered him to. (F/N) looked back at Kara, she glared at the androids and kept close to (F/N), it wasn't hard to understand why she was jealous.

(F/N) looked away and saw the man himself, "Kamski," (F/N) said the name in quiet fury. Kamski turned away from the window he was looking out of, he had a small smile on his face. Kamski had gotten a new hairstyle and contacts, but (F/N) would never forget that face.

"(F/N), it's so good to see you again." (F/N) walked up to him, Kamski's smile didn't fade.

"Would you like a drink?" (F/N) stood right in front of him, he glowered at Kamski his smile faded.

"Alright straight to business, I've been waiting for this day for ten years now. What is it that you need?"

(F/N) felt every question bubble up in his head, "Did we create the first deviant? Why did CyberLife take my memories? Why does CyberLife want me? What happened to R.A?"

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