rA9 Part. 12

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------------------Ten Years ago--------------

(F/N) frantically started grabbing necessities from his apartment's bedroom, R.A suddenly came up to him with a packed bag, "What else do I need to grab?"

(F/N) looked at R.A, "grab any toys that you might want, we're gonna be on the road for a while. Then wait in the living room."

R.A nodded and walked out of the room, (F/N) grabbed the gun he kept under his bed, in case of emergencies, (F/N) took a deep breath, if he didn't have to use it, he would throw it away. (F/N) slung his bag around his shoulder, he had all the necessities he needed, he quickly walked into his living room to grab R.A so they could get out of the city. Just as (F/N) entered the living room, he heard a knock on the door, R.A who was sitting on the couch, looked at the door then at (F/N), "Is that them?"

(F/N) swallowed he pointed to his bedroom, telling R.A to hide. (F/N) walked over to the door and looked through the peephole, it was a CyberLife extraction team. (F/N) walked away from the door slowly, his heart was pounding. "(F/N) (L/N) we know you and the android are in there, hand over the Android and we can make this easier for all of us."

(F/N) quickly ran to his bedroom, he found R.A hiding under his bed, "Was that them? Are they coming for me?" (F/N) heard the sound of a loud banging on his door, they were breaking it open.

(F/N) started to hyperventilate, he turned to R.A and kneeled down to his level, he put his hands on the android's shoulder. "Yeah, that's them they're coming for you. Come here." (F/N) quickly embraced the android into a hug, this was it, this was the end. (F/N) heard the extraction team, they were in his apartment now, (F/N) looked at the window in the bedroom, then he saw it, "the fire escape."

(F/N) practically jumped up and ran over to the window, R.A followed, the extraction team heard them. (F/N) opened the window and jumped onto the fire escape, just as R.A was leaving through the window, the extraction team entered (F/N)'s bedroom. The team drew their weapons and trained them on R.A, "STOP RIGHT THERE!"

(F/N) grabbed R.A and jumped on the ladder that led down to the street, the team fired a shot, it missed R.A, barely. (F/N) slid down the ladder with R.A on his back, the two hit the sidewalk. (F/N) didn't look to see if the extraction team was following them, he took off running through the street. (F/N) silently prayed that the night would hide them from the extraction team.

-----------------------Present Day---------------------

(F/N) awoke to a loud bang from the car, he looked around, "Hey," he heard Kara say. (F/N) opened his eyes more and moved over to the other side of his seat, his head had been on Kara's shoulder.

(F/N) took a deep breath, that must have been his final memory, but it didn't feel complete, it was still missing a small part, something important.

(F/N) ignored it and looked back at Kara, "Hey. Anything interesting happen while I was asleep." Luther looked in the back seat at (F/N), "Not until now, the car engine seems to have blown." (F/N) sighed and got out of the car, of course, the car was broken. (F/N) popped the hood and peered inside, a column of steam shot up to meet him, (F/N) looked at the motor, "Shit!"

Kara stepped out of the car and looked at the motor for awhile, "Do you think you'll be able to get it started again?" (F/N) looked at the engine, just using his hand and using the spare parts around them, it would take him about two hours to fix it. (F/N) looked at Chloe, "How long would it take to walk there?" Chloe smiled at (F/N).

Chloe's LED turned yellow and started flashing, then she said: "it would take 37 minutes to walk to Jericho." Chloe's LED turned blue again, (F/N) looked around the crowded street, he looked back at Kara, "Look's like we're walking." Kara nodded as she walked over to the busy sidewalk, (F/N) followed her, he reached for her hand and held onto it. Kara quickly looked down and then at (F/N) as if he was crazy, they didn't want to draw attention. A human holding hands with an android certainly would, but then she realized, she was supposed to be a human.

(F/N) smiled at Kara's reaction, he looked back at the car, Luther got out as well, he looked a bit out of place but no one gave him any extra attention. The only member of the group still in the car was Chloe, she exited the car and smiled at (F/N), she walked past them.

(F/N) walked with Kara down the street, Chloe walked in front as she knew the way, leaving Luther to walk behind the group. Kara looked at all the people, not a single person even glanced in her direction, no one had a problem with her holding (F/N)'s hand, no one cared. Kara smiled, she suddenly pulled on (F/N)'s hand, he turned to look at her, and Kara kissed him. (F/N)'s eyes widened a bit in surprise, but Kara broke away quickly, a couple of people glanced at them both, but they didn't say anything. Kara was happy, this was one of the few times that she actually felt the taste of freedom.

Kara squeezed (F/N)'s hand, he leaned in and whispered, "What was that for?" Kara smiled and looked back at him, "We can finally be together in public." (F/N) smiled and nodded, "What a difference a change of clothes and a pair of pliers can make." Suddenly Chloe stopped, (F/N) noticed and walked up to her. Chloe smiled and pointed to a large freighter off in the distance, she placed a hand of (F/N)'s shoulder and said, "The abandoned Jericho freighter." Kara looked at Chloe angrily, she pulled (F/N) forward so he wasn't as close to Chloe, Chloe's LED turned red but quickly switched back to blue.

(F/N) started to run to the freighter, the androids looked at (F/N) as if he was crazy. (F/N) was happy to see this was almost over he was like a small child who was seeing a long lost relative for the first time. Kara walked up to (F/N) after he stopped in front of the freighter, the smile didn't disappear on (F/N)'s face, he looked at Kara, "We're almost there." Kara smiled and wrapped her arms around (F/N)'s neck, Kara leaned in and whispered, "I can almost see us getting to the other side of the border."

Luther and Chloe walked up slowly, Chloe looked concerned about something, Luther walked past (F/N) and Kara so he could get a good look at the freighter. (F/N) turned to Chloe, "So...what's next, how do we get inside?" Chloe's LED turned red but she didn't seem alarmed. "Unfortunately, that part might be a little difficult." (F/N) frowned, "Why?"

Chloe's LED remained red, "Well...the androids at Jericho are a bit hostile towards humans," before (F/N) could answer he felt something hard hit his, head. The whole world went quiet as (F/N) hit the ground, the last thing he saw was Kara looking at him with horror in her eyes.

---------------10 years ago-------------------

(F/N) stopped and leaned against the wall, he couldn't run anymore, sweat was pouring down his face, his body was telling him to stop. R.A was standing next to him, pulling his arm, urging him to keep going. (F/N) heard the extraction team behind him, how long had he been running, an hour? Ten Minutes? He couldn't tell. (F/N) kept gasping for air, he couldn't manage any words, all he could do was stumble forward, R.A helped him a little, but it wasn't enough. R.A helped (F/N) down an alleyway, the extraction team must have noticed, they were getting closer, (F/N) could tell by there yelling.

(F/N) fell on the ground, he was beside a dumpster. (F/N) looked for anything that could help, all that was by the dumpster was a bunch of gasoline canisters, one was even leaking. (F/N) was running out of options, R.A hugged him tightly, he cried silently. (F/N) heard the extraction team approaching, he reached for his waist, he pulled out the gun he had gotten from his apartment. R.A saw the gun and knew neither of them would make it out of the alleyway, he just buried his face in (F/N)'s stomach, (F/N) heard the extraction team enter the alleyway. "R.A?" R.A looked up and nodded at (F/N), "Yeah?" (F/N) took one last deep breath, "I want you to know that you mean so much to me. For awhile you helped me more than you can imagine. I felt like I actually had another friend, someone who helped me overcome so many of my problems. I wish this didn't have to happen. I'm sorry."

R.A nodded and cried harder, he hugged the older man softly, "Don't leave me!" (F/N) slowly stood up, he pushed the android off slightly, "Close your eyes," (F/N) said kneeling next to the android. R.A shook his head, "No, please... I'm scared," (F/N) smiled, suddenly the extraction team shouted to the pair. "Mr. (L/N) if you and the android do not come out with your hands up now, we will use force to extract you."

(F/N) swallowed and looked down at R.A, "I'm scared to," he stood up slowly, and using the dumpster as cover he pulled the gun, the extraction team scrambled. (F/N) fired a single shot before he fell back down again, a bullet in his chest. (F/N) looked at his chest, blood started to spread all over his t-shirt, R.A looked at (F/N) and kneeled down next to him, "NO!" (F/N) heard the extraction team, "Subject has a gun, throwing a flashbang." (F/N) looked at the gas canisters, he laughed slightly, "They have no idea." R.A looked at the gas canisters, he came to the same conclusion (F/N) did, he hugged him tightly, trying to shield (F/N) from the inevitable explosion. (F/N) held the small android, his white shirt was stained red with his blood.

(F/N) saw the flashbang hit the ground, it landed right next to the gas canister, (F/N) smiled. The last thing he remembered was a very large, very loud explosion, R.A exploded his bio components flew everywhere. (F/N) was thrown far against the wall, he couldn't feel anything, everything was buzzing, he slowly closed his eyes waiting for death.

--------------------Present Day-------------------------

Markus looked over the small number of androids that had come to Jericho, the numbers weren't as large as he expected but they were better than nothing. Markus sighed and turned to Simon, Josh, and North, "What's our status on blue blood and bio components?" Simon froze for a second then responded, "We have a strong supply of both, we should be able to last for a while with the amount we have stored."

Markus nodded at least the situation had a silver lining, he looked at North, "How are our numbers?" North spoke right away, "We've had 13 androids come to Jericho since your speech," Markus sighed, not enough androids seemed to be joining.

Finally, Markus turned to Josh, "And the public's opinion?" Josh froze for a while as he checked the current situation, "the public appears to be indifferent towards us." Markus turned to look at the small number of androids that had been freed, "What are we doing wrong? The humans and androids know we exist, but yet more androids haven't come to us."

North stepped forward, "Maybe we need to send another message." Markus turned to look at North again, "What are you proposing?" North smiled, "A coordinated attack, against CyberLife stores in Detroit, we can shut down the stores and free our people at the same time." Josh looked like he was very against the idea, but Simon looked less reluctant, "I don't like the idea of an attack but if it involves freeing our people, I'm on board." Markus nodded, "I like it. We should strike at night and try to stay quiet."

North smiled at Markus, Simon gave a small nod of encouragement, Josh still seemed reluctant but didn't openly object. Suddenly, and android walked in, "I'm sorry to bother you Markus, but we found a human and a couple of androids trying to enter Jericho," Markus looked at the android a look of concern on his face, "bring them to me."

The android nodded and walked out of the room, Markus gave his friends a grave look, "If the humans have discovered us then we will have no choice but to stop freeing androids, we'll have to go on the defensive. This isn't good." North, Simon, and Josh shared concerned expressions, they silently hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Suddenly, a voice started to echo through Jericho, "Let go of me. I haven't done anything wrong. Please, I don't know what's going on." Markus turned toward the source of the voice, a small smirk appeared on his face, "Markus, are you alright?" North asked, concerned with how focused on the voice Markus was. Suddenly, two androids pulled a struggling (F/N) into the room, a handful of androids walked with Kara, Luther, and Chloe, they were guided into the room. (F/N)'s eyes were flickering around the room frantically, his heart was beating like never before, he felt like he might pass out.

When (F/N) saw Markus, he felt like he might cry from joy, "Markus? What's going on?" (F/N) asked looking straight at the deviant's face. Markus looked at the guards with his mismatched eyes, "Let him go." North looked at Markus concerned, it wasn't like him to drop his guard like this around a human. Markus ignored (F/N)'s question, and looked at (F/N)'s friends, his eyes locked on Kara, he recognized her. Kara's focus was on (F/N) he was still on the floor, she was scared, she didn't know what was going to happen to any of them. Markus didn't drop his gaze, "Kara, right?"

Kara looked at Markus and nodded slowly, he remembered her from the night he had escaped the junkyard, "You can help him up if you'd like." Kara smiled at Markus for just a moment and helped (F/N) up to his feet, (F/N) didn't take his gaze off Markus. Markus looked at Luther, he was the only android he didn't recognize so he paid him little attention. Markus then looked at Chloe, "I was starting to wonder where you went." Chloe smiled, "I had work I needed to do."

Markus nodded and looked at the androids that had brought the group in, "I can handle it from here." The androids slowly exited the room but stayed close enough so they could see and hear what was going on.

Markus smiled at (F/N), the normally nervous human was slowly getting his composure back, "Hey (F/N), it's good to see you again." North, Josh, and Simon suddenly looked at (F/N), this was the key to rA9. (F/N) held up a hand in greeting, "It's good to see you to Markus, I heard you've been busy." The android suddenly started to laugh, he walked over to (F/N) and hugged him, (F/N) smiled too and hugged back, "I'm glad to see you're okay." Markus broke away and looked at (F/N), the man looked exhausted beyond belief, his clothes were covered in mud and water, and he smelled like he hadn't bathed in a week.

Markus gestured for (F/N) to sit down which he did, Kara slowly walked with (F/N) so he could sit down on a nearby chair. More androids came to the room to look at the supposed key to rA9, the androids watched his every move, Chloe seemed to be very excited. Markus observed the way in which Kara handled (F/N), she seemed to take extra care with him, there must be something between them. "So..." (F/N) looked around at all the androids, staring intently at him, "I...uhm...I need a favor. I need a way to get across the border."

Markus looked at (F/N), "That's doable. But, First I need a favor from you, rA9, I need you to tell me everything you know about him." (F/N) shook his head, he looked like he might cry, all of a sudden Kara walked over and held him like he was extremely fragile, he whispered something in her ear, it sounded something like, "it came back, all of it. He's gone"

(F/N) looked back at Markus, he was tearing up now, "He's dead." Markus looked at (F/N) shocked, no he had to be wrong, rA9 couldn't be dead, he was the only one who could free them. North suddenly walked over and grabbed (F/N) by the collar and pulled him up, "No, he can't be," North looked at Chloe, suddenly Kara stood up and shoved North off of (F/N), she knelled down next to him protectively. Luther also walked over and stood in front of Kara and (F/N), he shot a look of murder at all the androids who dared step forward.

Markus looked at Chloe, just as angry as North, "You told me he was the key to rA9. Why is he saying that he's dead?"

All eyes turned to Chloe, her LED turned red, "I suspected that the android was destroyed, but rA9 is still very much alive. When I said (F/N) was the key, I knew he was also the door." North looked at Chloe annoyed, she stood up, and looked as if she might punch the android, she suddenly started walking toward Chloe. "(F/N) is here, but all he brought with him are a couple androids, and unless either of them are rA9, you lied." Chloe's LED stayed red, she backed away from North suddenly Markus stuck out his arm to stop North. "What do you mean? Don't be cryptic."

Chloe nodded, she looked at a TV that was mounted on the wall, it was currently switched off. "When I said 'if you find (F/N) you will find rA9,' I meant they're together. They're the same person." North looked at (F/N) she looked confused, "You're saying he's an android?" Chloe shook her head and looked at (F/N).

Chloe then walked over to the TV, her LED turned yellow and flashed suddenly the TV turned on, the word 'CyberLife' appeared on the screen in big white letters. Chloe looked at (F/N), "I apologize, Mr. Kamski forbade me from telling you anything until the time was right and when you got your entire memory back. And from the sound of it, you have it all back."

(F/N) didn't respond, he was watching the TV, everyone in Jericho was looking at the screen as well. Suddenly, a man's face came on screen, he looked cold and lacked all emotion, "Doctor Hoffman's official report on project Conversion, number nine."

Doctor Hoffman moved out of the way and it revealed (F/N), he was laying there unconscious, multiple machines were hooked up to nearly every part of him, but he looked like he was alive. (F/N) looked at himself on the video, he looked terrible, he was missing multiple parts of his body including one of his arms and he was bleeding all over. (F/N) could only see a side view of himself, but he could tell he was barely alive. (F/N) stood up, the doctor continued, "The subject seems to be taking the conversion well, he appears to be stable, he is the only subject to progress this far." The doctor walked over and suddenly pulled out a silver metal case, suddenly the doctor opened it and pulled out a robotic arm.

The doctor walked over to the stump that was supposed to be (F/N)'s arm. "The subject does have bio-components in his brain from the accident, but for some unknown reason, they're interacting with his brain, which has allowed us to progress more." (F/N) stared at the TV, this couldn't be happening, the doctor slowly moved the arm down to (F/N)'s stump.

"The subject is ready for his first implant, the arm is designed to blend in with the subject's skin, it's supposed to be nearly indistinguishable from an actual arm. Hopefully, the nerves in the subject's remaining arm will interact with the implant and give the subject the ability to feel using the implanted arm."

(F/N) looked down at his arm, he turned pale, his arm looked exactly like it always had, it felt like a real arm. (F/N) started breathing hard, that couldn't be him on the TV it just couldn't. (F/N) watched the robotic arm on the screen, suddenly Doctor Hoffman put the arm on (F/N)'s stump.

The arm immediately started to change appearance until it looked like an actual arm. Doctor Hoffman smiled, he walked over to the camera and grabbed it, he kept it pointed at his face, "The subject appears to have accepted the implant, we will let him rest, and tomorrow..." Doctor Hoffman then moved the camera so it was looking directly at (F/N)'s face. (F/N)'s heart raced, he was missing about half his face on the video.

Doctor Hoffman continued, "We will put implants on the subjects face. Ending official report number nine." The TV switched off, leaving a dark reflection of the room and everyone in it.

(F/N) clutched his chest, he was taking deep breaths but they weren't helping, "That's not true, that guy on the camera, that's not me."

(F/N) looked around, everyone in the room was staring at him in stunned silence, even Kara. (F/N) looked at Chloe, he gave a fake laugh, "You're lying to me, right? Kamski arranged this as some sort of joke?" Chloe didn't say anything, her LED was yellow, she walked over to (F/N) and reached for his hand, (F/N) pulled away. (F/N) looked at Markus, "Markus you can't believe this. Right?" Markus looked at (F/N) he jerked his head, he was confused, "I...don't. I don't know what to say."

Chloe reached for (F/N)'s hands but he pulled away again, "NO! Don't touch me. You're lying to me, there's no way I have been an android or...anything but a human,for the last ten years of my life, and I just never knew. I've seen myself bleed red. I have a heartbeat. I get sick. I get tired. I'm a human." Chloe didn't respond her LED was still yellow, (F/N) didn't calm down, this was all just a big joke, any second now Kamski would walk in the room laughing his ass off. Right?

Chloe looked at (F/N) again, "I know this is allot to take in. But...I can show you." Chloe held out her hand again, (F/N) shook his head, "I'm leaving." (F/N) walked over to the door, he tried to leave but the androids blocked his path. (F/N) turned back to Chloe, she smiled at him, "The answer is under your skin...please, I want to show you."

(F/N) shook his head, his eyes were tearing up from anger, "Markus, tell them to move. I'm leaving." Markus looked at (F/N) then at Chloe, "(F/N) please...the videos probably fake but I want to be sure." (F/N) let out a sigh and ran a hand along his head, as if to make sure his face was still there. "Alright, I will humor you."

(F/N) stuck out his hand, Chloe smiled and walked over, she deactivated her synthetic skin and grasped (F/N)'s hand lightly. Chloe's LED flashed, then she released (F/N)'s hand, her LED was blue again. (F/N) looked at his hand, nothing happened, he didn't feel any different.

(F/N) looked around the room, he felt relieved, "Okay Kamski, this has gone on long enough, come out, you got me okay." (F/N) sighed when nothing happened, he looked at Kara, "Come on we're leaving."

Suddenly, everyone in the room gasped, even Kara couldn't help but say, "oh my god," she put her hands on her mouth. (F/N) frowned, "What?" he turned his head to look back at the TV, then he froze.

The thing that was staring back at him wasn't human...and it wasn't an android either. (F/N) shook slightly and walked toward the TV, sure enough, his reflection mirrored his movements. (F/N) looked at the reflection, on the left side he had half an android's face and the right side had half of his face. (F/N) went to touch his face but then he looked at his right arm, it looked exactly like the robotic arm that had been implanted in the video. (F/N) looked down again, both his arms were robotic, and so were one of his legs to, in fact about half of his body looked like an androids. (F/N) couldn't say anything, he felt the gazes of everyone in the room, he didn't turn around, his eyes rolled into his head and he passed out.

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