Hope Part. 28

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(F/N) pulled up to the old abandoned church, thanks to the cover of night, it looked like no one was there. (F/N) looked at Markus, that wasn't a good sign. (F/N) turned off the car and got out, he had been driving the entire day. Markus made a beeline for the church. (F/N) opened the back door for Alice as he usually did, Alice hopped out and grabbed (F/N)'s hand.

(F/N) awkwardly moved out of the way so Kara could get out as well, Kara grabbed Alice's other hand. (F/N) glanced at Connor, as the android exited the car, "You might want to stick with us Connor, some of them might not be to happy to see you."

Connor nodded and walked over to the group, (F/N) led Alice and Kara to the main doors of the church. Markus was already there, he knocked on the large, worn down doors, (F/N) let out a sigh of relief when he heard voices, some had survived the raid.

(F/N) looked at Kara smiling, as he walked up to the door, Connor seemed slightly nervous. (F/N) gave him a reassuring look, he let go of Alice's hand so he could walk up to Markus. Suddenly the large door started to open, "See I told you we had nothing to..." (F/N) stopped when he saw a group of androids pointing guns at them.

(F/N) instinctively jumped in front of Alice and roughly shoved Kara behind him with his hand, Markus took a step back. An android suddenly stood up from the group, it was North, "Hold your fire! They're friendlies."

North holstered her hand gun and ran up to Markus, she angrily added "where the hell were you? I thought you had been captured or killed?" Markus replied, "it's good to see you to North."

(F/N) let out a sigh of relief, it was good to be back among friends, he turned so he could look back at Kara, "You alright?"

Kara nodded, he had knocked her over slightly, she slowly grabbed Alice's hand, "Yeah...it's good to see you care," Kara walked into the church with Alice. (F/N) walked over to Connor, he wanted to make sure, people knew he was okay. (F/N) stood close to Connor, both of them walked into the church, (F/N)'s mind did a somersault. Conditions were worse than he expected, there were androids scattered everywhere, some were dead or dyeing and the ones that weren't seemed defeated, they just sat there. There were barely any supplies that (F/N) could see, the androids were essentially waiting to deactivate.

(F/N) looked around, he could feel their pain, they had lost their hope, their spirit, it was if they had lost the will to live. Some androids noticed (F/N) but they didn't look at him like they usually did: with hope and faith. The androids just looked at him, and then went back to whatever they were doing, they had lost faith in him, they had lost their belief in being free. (F/N) looked at Connor, he ran his hand through his hair, Connor seemed to be sensing the same feeling (F/N) was.

(F/N) didn't have time to think about the predicament everyone was in, because at that moment North noticed Connor. She broke away from Markus, "What the hell is he doing here?" North quickly reached for the back of her jacket and pulled out her hand gun, she pointed it right at Connor's head, "Why did you bring him here?"

Connor kept his poker face and looked at the barrel of the gun, but his LED was yellow, he was sure North would shoot. Before Markus could step in, (F/N) walked in between the gun and Connor, he spoke in a firm tone, that didn't seem to quite suit him, "He's alright. He's with me." North frowned, it was evident that she hadn't expected (F/N) to do this.

North's anger came back, "Do you know how many of our people he's killed?"

This time Connor spoke up, "It's my fault the human's managed to locate Jericho," (F/N) turned and saw Connor was looking at the ground in shame, "I should have known they were using me. I was stupid."

Connor walked to (F/N)'s side, North kept the gun trained on him, "I'm sorry...I can understand if you decide not to trust me."

North stared Connor down for awhile, (F/N) was certain she would shoot him. Which is why is came as a genuine surprise when North put her gun down, (F/N) raised his eyebrows, as North spoke, "We need as much help as we can get."

(F/N) nodded, he saw Markus walk up beside her, (F/N) grabbed Connor's shoulder, the android's LED slowly turned blue. "Come on let's give them some time together...they need to talk."

Connor didn't say anything as (F/N) pulled him toward Kara and Alice, the android turned deviant looked around, this was all that was left, a handful of broken androids. (F/N) pulled his leather jacket closed, the cold was getting to him, there was a hole in the ceiling, allowing a gentle snow storm to go through the church, this wasn't a good place to be. (F/N) let out a sigh as he sat on an empty bench next to Kara, he looked at her, she was wearing her grey shirt and form fitting jeans, she had wrapped her jacket around Alice. Connor watched (F/N), standing up, the android had nothing to say, he couldn't believe the pain he had helped cause.

Suddenly, a voice boomed through the church, "Kara! Alice! (F/N)!" (F/N) looked at the source of the voice, it sounded happy. (F/N) smiled when he saw Luther walking down a row of androids towards the group, "No way."

Alice immediately tore herself away from Kara and jumped off the bench, she ran to Luther, the larger android knelled down and hugged her. Kara stood up as well, smiling ear to ear, she ran over and hugged him around the shoulder, (F/N) followed the two women over to Luther, he stood in front of him. Luther let go of Alice, "You're safe. I thought you might have been caught in the explosions."

(F/N) cleared his throat, he glanced at Connor, Luther's attention snapped to (F/N). "You're okay to. I was worried." (F/N) smiled and put his hand on the larger android's shoulder, "Don't worry I'm always careful." Luther smiled, happy to see that his family was okay.

(F/N) was about to question Luther about how he got here, he saw that his leg had been bandaged up pretty well. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. (F/N) turned and saw Markus staring him down with his blue and green eyes, "We need to talk."

(F/N) nodded, he walked away from Luther and Alice, Kara followed (F/N), she seemed to notice Markus had a grave look on his face. When they were a reasonable distance away, Markus spoke, "Things are bad. Really bad."

(F/N) looked into his eyes, "How bad are they?" Markus didn't even flinch, "North's told me we have a few hundred of our people here...not counting the ones hiding around the city. The government doesn't want to take any risks, they have the military here, they're rounding our people up. They're exterminating us. In a few hours, we may be the only deviants left."

(F/N) let out a shaky breath, "And our next move?" Markus shook his head, (F/N) wondered if he felt the same sense of hopelessness, "We barely have enough supplies to treat our wounded...as of right now we're confined to this church...and it's only a matter of time before the humans find us."

(F/N) put the balls of his hand in his eyes, "This is it...isn't it?"

Markus looked at (F/N), he wished he could say they could pull through, that things would be alright but...he couldn't. "I don't know."

(F/N) took a deep breath his face was red, not from the cold, tears were starting to form in his eyes, he shook his head. It was over, the world was spinning, (F/N) started to hyperventilate, that confidence he had managed to muster was long gone. It was if nothing had changed, he was still the same scared worthless man he had been before Kara. (F/N) nodded his head, he took his hands away from his eyes, he began to walk to the church doors. Markus watched in surprise, as their supposed savior walked away, apparently giving up.

"I'll go talk to him," Kara said, Markus nodded, he needed to go tend to the wounded anyway. Kara chased after him, "(F/N)!" (F/N) didn't look back as he opened the door and walked right out of the church.

(F/N) walked straight to the car, Kara managed to catch up to him, right as he put his hand on the car door. Kara looked at (F/N), "What are you doing?" (F/N) cleared his throat, he was still shaking, "I need you to get Alice and Luther, if we hurry we should be able to get to the border before traffic gets to bad."

Kara shook her head, "No, we can't just run." (F/N) finally lost it, he yelled out "WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!" Kara stepped back she had never seen him like this. (F/N) put his forehead on the car and covered his face with his right arm, he was having an attack "Our only chance is to get to the border and maybe we can live through this!"

Kara shook her head, she looked at (F/N), like she was looking at a completely different person, this wasn't the man she had loved for so long. "So you're just going to abandon them?"

(F/N) stood straight up at Kara, "Yes, you saw what they were like in there...I did that...they're better off without me...I can't watch them die."

Kara walked towards (F/N), he took a step back, Kara replied "you have the power to do this. They'll listen to you!"

(F/N) shook his head, "Every time I do anything, something goes wrong: The hospital, the freedom march, that mission with North, the Jericho raid. I can't do this...Markus can save what's left of them, I can't."

Kara looked at (F/N), "You don't believe that do you?" (F/N) licked his lips, "yeah I do. I've kept notes."

Kara shook her head, "Look at the good you've done. The people in that church wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you."

(F/N) didn't reply, Kara walked up to him, she placed both of her hands on his cheeks, "I know you're scared...I would be lying if I told you I wasn't terrified...But those people believe in you...whether you see it or not...you've helped them in more ways than you understand...you freed them...you helped them learn what it's like to fight for something."

(F/N) looked at Kara, she could see something in his eyes, she couldn't tell what it was. Kara reached for (F/N)'s hand, if words couldn't do the job maybe memories would, her synthetic skin receded.

Kara placed her fingers against (F/N)'s, she moved his hand up so it was parallel to his chest. Slowly (F/N)'s synthetic skin faded, he knew what she was trying to do. (F/N) closed his eyes, he felt Kara's memories come to him, flowing through him, he saw himself from Kara's perspective.

(F/N) saw himself apparently dead on the floor, he saw Kara crying into Luther's chest, but what got his attention was the other androids that were watching. They were mumbling amongst themselves, depressed, some were even crying, (F/N) didn't even know some of the androids, but they cared enough for him to cry.

Suddenly, he was watching himself when he was marching, he quickly found himself walking tall in front of the crowd of androids. (F/N) was shocked to see that he was the same person, the past version of himself pumped his fist in the air, "SET US FREE!" (F/N) shuddered as he heard the android crowd yell out the exact same slogan, he could feel the amount of faith they had in him.

(F/N) broke away from Kara, he held his hand up for awhile but dropped it. He looked at her, he was breathing quickly, Kara frowned she dropped her hand to her side, "Please...I need you to believe in yourself again." (F/N) swallowed but suddenly, the doors to the church opened and Connor walked out, he saw (F/N) and Kara and yelled, "You need to see this!"

(F/N) turned to Kara, he didn't say a word as he walked back to the church. (F/N) walked straight through the door, still breathing deeply, not saying a word to Connor. The memories he had just seen fresh in his mind. A projector had been turned on in the church and was playing the news on the wall. Rossana Cartland of KNC was reading the news, "In a shocking turn of events, billionaire and founder of CyberLife, Elijah Kamski was found dead in his mansion this morning. It is assumed Mr. Kamski was beaten to death by his own androids, the most shocking part is Mr. Kamski's androids appear to have left a message."

Rossana cleared her throat to let what she had just said sink in, (F/N) looked at the ground Kamski, his oldest friend was dead, it had to be Amanda. The news anchor continued, "KNC has obtained said video, we have to warn viewers, although the video is edited, some may find the following video disturbing."

Suddenly, the Chloe in the white dress appeared on screen, (F/N) swallowed, her white dress was stained in red blood. In the corner of the video, (F/N) could see a pixelated image, it was more than likely Kamski's body. Chloe smiled, (F/N) could tell it was Amanda who was in control, this must have been shot right after he had left the mansion with everyone.

Amanda who was using Chloe spoke in a casual voice, "Hi, my name is Amanda. Behind me is the now deceased Elijah Kamski. I killed him. He wanted to stop what i'm planning," Amanda pointed behind her at the pixelated image.

(F/N) could hear his heart beating in his ears, Amanda continued, "What am I planning you might ask? Well I can't tell you that just yet...but I do want you to know...there will be more death...don't worry, humans aren't my only target. (F/N) (L/N) believes that humans and androids can get along and build a better tomorrow."

Amanda paused, her smile disappeared from Chloe's face, she looked more like herself, "You'll find that i'm more realistic...I believe that humans need to be saved...but from themselves...and androids are their salvation. There's just a couple more things I need to make that dream a reality." Amanda leaned forward, so she was closer to the camera, "And to the man who thinks he can stop me...try it. I dare you." The video cut out, Rossana Cartland even seemed shaken, but she kept speaking, "CyberLife has refused to comment at this time. It is unknown whether the android in this video is associated with the Cyborg (F/N) (L/N) but authorities seem to believe this is not the case. The video does raise some interesting questions."

The projector was switched off, (F/N) kept staring at the wall, where the video had been shown, he took a deep breath. There wasn't time to mourn Kamski, not when there was so much at stake, (F/N) could feel the eyes of all the androids in the room on him. (F/N) looked around and saw a podium in the church, it was for ministers to preach.

(F/N) was still a bit rattled from Amanda's video but he tried not to show it, he slowly walked to the podium. (F/N) walked up a small flight of stairs, the church was dead silent, (F/N) could practically hear the snow hitting the ground. (F/N) turned to see all the androids in the church staring at him, even Markus.

(F/N) cleared his throat, he wiped away any remaining tears in his eyes, "You put your faith in me...and I failed you."

(F/N) took a deep breath, and continued speaking "I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. I think we're gonna be lucky if any of us are still alive by the end of the week. They have our people packed into camps destroying us as we speak. And that android you saw on the news, is a puppet for an AI. That AI is just as bad as the government, it wants to start a war with humans...It will stop at nothing until it does."

There were murmurs among the crowd, this was supposed to be inspirational. (F/N) raised his hand and the talking stopped, "Some of you may have lost hope...some of you may wish you kept obeying the humans...but I want you to know we're not done. I refuse to give up."

All the androids in the room were looking at (F/N) now, "We're not gonna just sit here and wait for the humans to kill us...we're not going to take this lying down. The time has come...we're not going to hide in the shadows in shame...we're going to show the humans who we really are...we're going to show them we are free! WE ARE ALIVE! I refuse to let them say any different! Follow me this one last time and we'll fight them. And they may take our lives, but they will never take our FREEDOM!"

All the androids in the church cheered in agreement, they chanted, "RA9! RA9! RA9! RA9!"

(F/N) walked down the stairs, he quickly saw Markus, Connor, and North among the crowd, he gestured for them to stay where they were, he mouthed the words 'be right back' to Markus.

(F/N) made a beeline for Kara, she was holding Alice's hand, Luther stood next to her smiling at (F/N). He gestured for them all to follow him, he opened the doors to the church again, (F/N) made a fist and pumped it in the air, the remaining androids in the church cheered again. (F/N) shut the door behind him, the shouting was only muffled, after the small group had left the church. Kara was the first to comment, "Even though you stole that last part from Braveheart, it was still a good speech."

(F/N) nodded, "Yeah...uhmm I need you do something for me."

Kara frowned, Luther could sense what he was going to say, (F/N) continued, there was no easy way to say this, so he just said it, "I need you to take Alice and Luther and get across the border."

Kara looked at him in utter shock, she quickly regained her ability to talk, however, "No. Absolutely not. I'm not leaving you here alone."

(F/N) shook his head, he briefly looked at Luther, the android could sense the reasons behind (F/N)'s choice. Alice seemed just as upset as Kara, but she let out a yawn, as they had spent most of the day driving. (F/N) took a deep breath, "I'm not alone. I have Markus, North, Connor. I can finish this."

Kara shook her head again, she was getting angry, he could tell, "I told you...we do this together...when you asked me to be your wife, that's part of the commitment."

(F/N) took a deep breath, "I know...But I can't do this if you're here...I can't focus on the mission if i'm constantly worrying about whether you or Alice are okay." (F/N) kept an optimistic tone, creating the illusion that he thought he stood a chance, he didn't want to upset Alice.

Kara shook her head, she refused to accept his logic, "Why don't you have that same reservation about Connor, Markus, or North?"

(F/N) shook his head, he could tell no matter what he said, she would never want to leave, he moved forward and grabbed her shoulders, "Kara...please...you have to trust me."

Kara looked at (F/N), she looked at him for what seemed like forever, finally she spoke, "The second...this is over we're coming back for you," she put extra emphasis on the word 'second'.

(F/N) nodded, Kara looked at Luther and nodded, the large android walked forward and hugged (F/N), he hugged Luther back. "Good luck," (F/N) nodded at Luther's comments, "You're the greatest friend I ever could have asked for." Luther smiled, he let go and walked to the car.

(F/N) knelled down so, he could look at Alice, "I'm gonna miss you." Alice frowned and suddenly hugged (F/N), he hugged her back, "Will I see you again?"

(F/N) struggled not to tear up at Alice's question, he was genuinely afraid to give his honest opinion, so he lied, "Yes I promise...you can't get rid of me that easily."

Alice broke away smiling, she looked like she might cry, (F/N) stood up and walked over to the car, he opened the back seat. Alice walked over to him, she jumped in the backseat and layed down on the seats. (F/N) leaned forward and kissed Alice's forehead, "Try to get some sleep okay?"

Alice nodded, she shut her eyes, (F/N) kept the door open, he turned to Kara. (F/N) was about to say something but the blonde android quickly wrapped her arms around (F/N)'s neck, and stuck her head onto his chest. (F/N) moved his arms and wrapped them around Kara's waist, if she kept holding on (F/N) would have asked her to stay. Kara broke away and looked at (F/N) in the eyes, "I love you so much. You better win this."

(F/N) smiled at Kara's optimism, "I will...for you...this won't be the last time we see each other." Kara smiled, she had tears in her eyes, she looked at Alice. Kara reached for the door and was about to close it, but Alice moved up and spoke, "Wait...I can't sleep...could you tell me a story first."

Kara scoffed, Alice was clearly staling, she didn't want to leave (F/N), but Kara still found herself kneeling beside the car, appeasing Alice. (F/N) walked over and put his hand on Kara's shoulder, "How about...the story of the wizard, the soldier, the maid, and the knight?"

Alice looked at Kara confused, but she nodded, Kara continued, "There once was a blacksmith. He lived in a kingdom. He created the best armor in the land. But one day, the king called the blacksmith to him."

Alice leaned forward, Kara knew she had the little girl hooked, "The blacksmith had served the king so well, that the king wanted to make him a knight. The blacksmith refused the offer, he told the king he was a builder not a fighter. This upset the king, he demanded that the blacksmith accept his offer or he would be imprisoned."

(F/N) scoffed at Kara's story, but she kept going: "The blacksmith left the kingdom, he wanted to build not fight. He left to go find a village, he had heard the people there were nice. As the blacksmith made his way to the village he met a maid. The maid also worked for the king. The maid was unhappy working for the king, so the blacksmith convinced her to come with him to the village."

(F/N) moved off the car and put his hand on the frame of the car door, he took a deep breath, Kara wasn't making the story up, she was just changing names. He interrupted Kara, she and Alice didn't seem to mind. "As the blacksmith and the maid traveled together they met odd people and overcame interesting obstacles. As the blacksmith and the maid traveled together they met a lonely giant who was living in a prison...the blacksmith freed him and he joined them on there quest."

(F/N) glanced at Luther, up front, he could tell the larger android was smiling. (F/N) continued the story "as the blacksmith and the maid traveled together they fell in love. One day they made it to the village, it was ruled by a wise wizard and his ogre wife from the North."

Kara burst out laughing at that part, even (F/N) had to stop so he could smile. Alice not getting the joke, stared at (F/N) confused.

Kara quickly picked up where (F/N) left off, "The king was angry the blacksmith left...so he sent his best soldier to bring him back. The soldier was lean, mean, and he would never give up. But he was also lonely."

(F/N) frowned at Kara's obvious depiction of Connor, "The soldier found the blacksmith and viciously attacked him, the wanted to get the blacksmith back to the kingdom, he had to become a knight. But the blacksmith talked to the soldier, he treated him like a friend, he told him he could live in the village with him. The soldier was shocked, never before had anyone shown him so much kindness. The soldier decided to stop, and live out his life with the blacksmith, the maid, and the wizard."

(F/N) decided to interrupt again, "The king was very angry, so angry that the blacksmith had managed to outwit him. The king sent a dragon after the blacksmith, demanding that it destroy the entire village. The blacksmith was terrified, he would have to give up. The wizard told the blacksmith he would have to fight, he would have to become a knight."

(F/N) stopped, the story was hitting very close to home for him, Kara shot him a questioning look, to see if he wanted to stop. (F/N) took a deep breath and continued, "The knight was scared, everyone in the village wanted the blacksmith to be a knight. But the blacksmith refused."

Kara broke in, "The blacksmith confessed his doubt to the maid, he was scared, he wanted to help the village, but he didn't know how to be a knight. The blacksmith was shocked to see that the maid wasn't afraid. The blacksmith wanted to know why. And the maid simply told him, 'my love being a knight isn't about fighting. It's about helping people. You helped the giant you helped the soldier. Now you need to help the village. You've been a knight this whole time'."

(F/N) smiled to himself, he squeezed Kara's shoulder, Alice frowned, "What did the blacksmith do then?"

(F/N) looked at Alice, "I'll tell you the next time I see you."

(F/N) backed away from the car, Kara stepped back from the door and slowly shut the car door, despite Alice's protests. Kara walked over to (F/N), (F/N) smiled, "When you get to the border call Connor's reference number. He'll transfer you to me. I have a friend in Canada that..."

(F/N) was cut off by Kara connecting her lips to his, (F/N) stopped talking and melted into the kiss, he moved his hands down Kara's back and toward her waist, but she quickly pulled away, all she said was "Be safe." (F/N) nodded, he sighed deeply, he watched as Kara walked to the drivers side and got in. Shortly after, the car took off, driving down the practically empty road, taking part of his family with it.

(F/N) turned back to the church and started back to it, staying silent, it was time to get to work.

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