Rise Part. 23

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(F/N) fell to the ground, he crawled to the water fountain in the lobby and took cover, the soldiers kept firing round after round. North ran over and ducked behind the fountain as well, "How's the leg?" (F/N) looked down at his leg, dark magenta was leaking out of it, it hurt like hell.

(F/N) shook his head, "I'm not going to be able to help." (F/N) was panting, the soldiers had gotten lucky this time. Suddenly,the soldiers stopped shooting, everything went quiet. (F/N) moaned, "Shit." the soldiers had realized they were wasting bullets. The soldiers chose to advance slowly to the fountain North and (F/N) were hiding behind.

(F/N) heard there footsteps, his heartbeat quickened, "I count four." North shook her head, this wasn't good, "I can't take on that many, and with that leg you're not going to be able to."

(F/N) sighed she was right, he turned to look at her, "I have an idea but you're not going to like it."

---------------3 hours earlier---------------------

(F/N) sat in the main office at Jericho, he was staring straight ahead. The main office was the only place that wasn't packed full of androids. The office was the only place where (F/N), Markus, and North could speak privately. "Absolutely not," said Markus, he shook his head, "i'm not letting you leave just because you got overwhelmed."

(F/N) sighed, "Markus, i'm a terrible leader. I didn't just get overwhelmed I put everyone's lives in danger. You saw what I did. I froze, and then I fell down...the only reason any of us got out of there was because you stepped in." The room remained silent, Markus looked at the ground trying to think of a counter to (F/N)'s point.

North glanced at both (F/N) and Markus, she seemed to be observing both sides. She seemed torn between the only hope for androids and the android that kept them aflota. Markus looked back at (F/N), "You succeeded in your own way, Jericho is filled with androids, public support is overwhelmingly in our favor. There's hope."

(F/N) shook his head, "I've failed everywhere I go...Simon and now Josh...next it's going to be you and North. I don't want to see that happen." (F/N) looked pale, he looked at his sneakers, he tried to rub the dirt of them to distract himself.

Markus shook his head, he would always support his friend, no matter what, "I don't accept that. Listen...what you're feeling it's natural. It's survivors guilt. You just need time. You'll get over this."

(F/N) shook his head and sighed, the weight of his decisions weighing heavily on his shoulders, "Still...I don't know."

Markus sighed and looked at North, eager to change the subject he said, "How are we on defenses?" North smiled, "I've prepared a contingency plan in case the humans find Jericho. And that abandoned church...I managed to move a shipment of weapons to it."

Markus sighed, although (F/N) was supposed to be the leader, it felt like he was the one who was making all the tough calls. Markus looked at (F/N), "Alright...in the meantime....would you be willing to do a mission?"

(F/N) nodded, he chewed his lip, "What do you need?" Markus walked over to the holotable, he pointed at a tall building.

Markus looked at the server farm, he stared at it intently, as if he was staring down the barrel of a gun, "This is one of CyberLife's many server farms. It is the least guarded. If done correctly..." (F/N) cut off Markus, "It could allow us access to CyberLife's servers."

Markus smiled and nodded, "It's still heavily guarded, a team of two would be ideal." North smiled seeing where Markus was going, "I'm guessing i'm your second candidate." Markus nodded, he looked at North and smiled.

(F/N) nodded, "Alright...I'll go get ready. I'm going to talk to Kara. North...i'll meet you at the loading bay." (F/N) stood up and walked out of the main office. North frowned as (F/N) left, she walked over to Markus, "I think he's going to bolt."

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