4. Coffee And Cakes

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It was in the middle of the night when someone knocked on my door and woke me up. I groaned and glanced at my clock. It was 02:56 am.

Who the heck comes at times like this?

​​​​I groaned and opened the door to find Orlando and Ruth.

"Hey, Lynn," greeted Ruth with an uncomfortable smile, the one someone usually wear when they are about to ask for a big favor. "Busy? Can I ask you a favor?"

I stared at the red faced Orlando and cringed.

"Oh, come on," I groaned. "What's wrong with his trailer? Ruth, this isn't a daycare for drunk actors," I protested sleepily.

"I know. Do me a favor, just this time. Please. I've been carrying him back and forth from the taxi, to his trailer and back here in these stiletto. Do you not feel sorry for me? He lost his key to his trailer."

I looked intently at Orlando. He only smiled at me and slurred, "Hey, beautiful."

I smiled in amusement and helped Ruth carry Orlando to the couch. Soon after thanking me, she left in a hurry, saying that her taxi is waiting for her.

Orlando grinned at me. "Guess it's just the two of us tonight. So what are we gonna do?" he asked drunkenly.

"First thing off, monkey. It's morning already. Second, you're going straight to bed, okay?"

Orlando hummed and stretched his long legs above the arm rest of my couch and I facepalmed myself inwardly. This guy was gonna have an issue again with his back if he sleeps in the couch.

I tapped his face not so softly to wake him.

"Wake up! You can't sleep here. Let's get you on the bed, shall we?" I said while helping him up.

"Hmm... Okay, luv. Are we gonna share the bed? I promise to keep my hands to myself," he slurred.

I burst out laughing and dragged him. Damn, he was so cute when he's drunk. Reminded me so much of a kindergarten boy I used to tutor years ago.

I pushed him to my bed and took off his shoes, pulling the blanket over his chin.

"Sleep tight, monkey. Try not to drool so much on my pillow," I cooed at him and laughed when he smiled and stirred before passing out completely.

I shook my head and mumbled, "Party animal. Thank god tomorrow is Sunday."

I went to my couch and turned on my tv to see if there was anything interesting. I ended up watching CNN before the remote fell off of my hand and I fell asleep.

I woke up with Orlando grinning cheekily at me, his eyes red and watery from hangover.

"Good morning, luv," he greeted, poking my cheek.

"Morning, monkey," I mumbled, closing my eyes once again after swatting his fingers away from my face.

"Where's your coffee, luv?"

"I'm out. Gonna get some today at Starbucks or something," I replied lazily, still dazed from the sleep.



"Damn," I heard him mumbled. A long pause filled the gap before I heard him muttered, "This hangover is killing me."

I opened my eyes and smiled at him. "Serves you right."

Orlando smiled at me and pulled me up to sit.

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