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"Fuck, " Beam sat beside me. He slumped himself so I was taken aback.  I glared at him.

It was Monday afternoon, I finally managed to drag myself out of bed after a long night with Ming.

We stayed up all night updating each other about our daily activities while we were apart.

I like how enthusiastic he was at what he was doing. He told me about his mentor and how he's learned a lot from him.

I'm happy for him.

He told me about the women around him to solicit some jealous reactions from me but I remained calm.

"You're not even jealous? Mind you, they are very pretty. " I remembered him trying to convince me.

We were cuddling in the sofa, I have my back on his chest and his arms around me. I was reading my books, as a medical student we really have to remember and study our books all the time while Ming was playing on his phone.

I miss it -being alone together with him.

"Okay, " still focusing on my book.

"Be jealous,  are you really in love with me? " he sulked.

"I am, stop being idiot. " I am glad we weren't facing each other, he couldn't see the smile on my face.

"You surely don't look like one, " he continued to have a long face.

"Trust me, you don't wanna see me jealous, " I warned him.

"Sometimes, I am scared. "

"Why? " I furrowed my brow.

"I feel like there's more chance of me losing you than you losing me. " he whispered and kissed the temple of my head.

I put my book down and look at him. Our gaze met, I cupped his cheek. "I just don't know how I got the most handsome and loving man in the world." I said.

"You made him fall for you so hard and he plans on never letting you go. " he replied.

"I don't have any plans on leaving,"

"Great,  because I don't want you to take away the chance for yourself to be able to brag about having the most handsome and sought after moon there is in the university. " he said dramatically.

I smirked and took a tissue on my center table and shoved it to his face, "Here's a tissue,  you have a little of arrogance on your lip. Wipe it, before I do it myself using a sandpaper. " I turned my back at him.

He laughed out loud and hugged me from behind. It took him time to cease himself. He rested his chin on my shoulder after, "I really love how much you love me, Kitty. "

He embraced me and held the book for me while I was reading. I was trying to get it from him but he was adamant on holding it so I let him be.

I couldn't help but smile as I remember our time together.

We surely made the most of it.

"What's wrong? " I asked.

"Kit, am I handsome? "

"No, "

"Am I cute? "

"No, "

"What about, am I hot? "

"Nope, definitely not. "

"Tell me how are we friends again? " he asked, frowning.

"We are always honest to each other, " I replied. "What's with these questions anyway? "

I heard him heave a long and deep sigh.

"Your boyfriend was looking for you, " Pha said as he sat across us. He was referring to Beam.

"I repeat for the ninth time, Forth isn't my boyfriend. " Beam imposed.

"Did I mention about Forth? " Pha asked me, I know he was messing with Beam.

I went with the flow, "You haven't mentioned any names but he assumed it was Forth. "

"You both shut the hell up, "

I laughed, I felt my phone vibrated.

It was Ming.

"Hey you, you have to stop, "

"Stop what? " I replied. What's wrong with him.

"Ugh, stop making me think about you. I am very busy. "

"Hehe, not funny. "

"I know you're smiling. "



"Idiot in love, " I heard Beam commented. He sipped from his milk tea.

I ignored him. "Did Mr. New discuss something important? " I put my phone down.

Beam must have woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning. "Why are you wearing a hoodie in a 32-degree-temperature day like today? " he asked irritably.

"None of your business, " I rebuked. I piled my books and notes together and stood to get away from him.

"Wait, " a cunning smile was on his lips.

"What's that? " he was pointing my neck. I quickly covered it with my hoodie.

"I need to get a drink. " he stopped me tomorrow going.

I am really going to kill you Ming for this.

"Not too fast, Kit. " a wicked smile was on his lips. "Is that a hickey? " he uncovered my neck and checked on it.  "That's big, "

"What? "

"On your neck, "

"No, it isn't." I said defensively. "I burned myself while co-cooking, " I hurriedly explained.

"Lie, " Pha declared.


They'll surely gang up on me.

"Whatever, "

"First, "Beam exclaimed. "You don't cook, "

"Second, " Pha continued it this time. " No one burned themselves while cooking in a perfect circle just like yours. "

I am not sure why do they have to state the obvious. "Whatever floats your boat. "

Before I knew it,  Beam dialled Ming's number. It rang thrice before he took it. "Beamy! Did something happen to my Kitty? " my heart skipped a beat upon hearing his voice.

Beam put his phone in the table and had Ming on loudspeaker.

"Yes, Kit is cheating, " Beam tried his best to sound serious.

"Shut up, he's busy. Stop bothering him." I warned him.

"Why do you say so? " I heard Ming asked, his voice was kind of off.

"He had this huge love bite on his neck. Not one, but too many. "he exaggerated,  I rolled my eyes.

"Is that so? " he asked. He's going with the flow. "Kitty, care to explain?"

Pha and Beam looked at me. They were keeping themselves from laughing.

"Ming, " I interrupted. "Next time you give me hickeys, make sure you put it somewhere hidden. " I stood up and left the two.

I heard Ming laughed. "Noted, darling. "

Beam was left dumbfounded so was Pha.

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