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The smile never left my face as I drove my way to the faculty. I never would have left in the first place, if only Kit wanted it. Knowing him, it was pointless to even ask. He stipulated since day one that we shouldn't let our relationship hinder our studies. He added that our future is uncertain and we never know if in the future there will still be me and him. We shouldn't pause the other aspects of our life just because we are in love. I dislike it whenever he talks like it, like we will eventually split up, like it was inevitable and we should just seize the moment. It was making me feel like a bad boyfriend because here I was, thinking of moving in together, adopt a child or two if he wants, pets will do too, and live happily ever after with him yet he was thinking of a possible end of us. It was so unfair and it seemed like I wasn't doing my job well as his boyfriend cause I failed to make him feel so secure. Guess, I have to double my effort cause I honestly don't see myself with someone else but him.

On the other hand, despite the popular belief, Kit is not as cold as he pretended to be. He is thoughtful, he went to my faculty in-between his outreach program outside campus with a food on his hand after I told him I haven't eaten anything yet — saying he had leftovers and it would be a waste to throw it so might as well feed it to a beggar (his word, not mine) like me but when I rummaged through it, the food was untouched. He is a crybaby, he cries his heart out over unhappy ending movies and novels. Rants the entire day about why authors have to make the story hard and complain that life is already hard enough but read them anyway. I wouldn't dare lament about it because at the end of all his grumbling, he'd crawl up in bed and hug me till he falls asleep. It's a win-win for me. Above all, I don't see my future without him — with all his tantrums, insecurities and cruelty with words at times — I still want to be with him.


I heard someone called out as soon as I stepped in our faculty. It burst me out of my little bubble. I whipped my head towards the voice and saw — Nok — our batch's chosen representative. He's a tall and nerdy guy.

"What does prof need me for? " I directly asked, I wanted this to be done so I can finally go on a date with Kit.

"Just get in, " leading me to the office, I put my hands on my pocket as I sauntered after him.

"Ming, have a seat. " prof with a wide smile on his face, spoke.

"Thank you, what did I do this time? " I questioned, pun intended.

"Nothing, I just want you to meet someone."

I nodded my head, didn't think too much of it. Prof phone rang, and spoke with the person on the line. "She's going to be late, thirty minutes or so. Is it alright to wait?"

As my date will be not be soon but later tonight, I figured I still have a lot of time to spare as it was only half past three. "Sure, prof. I'll just come back later then. "

"Okay. "

I see no point of waiting for whoever that was in my prof's office, so stepped out headed to the cafeteria. I wondered if Kit has eaten anything for a snack cause the last time we ate was at lunch. Considering the energy we consumed during our activity this afternoon, I doubt if he wasn't hungry.  I pulled my phone out and texted him.

"Hey, want me to bring you some snack? "

I put my phone back to my pocket and went on my way to where the food stalls were at. Buying myself a bottle of juice and pad thai, I found myself a table. I checked my phone for Kit's reply but there wasn't any. What's keeping him busy that he couldn't even type me a message, I couldn't help but wonder.

"What are you doing? "

"Masterbating, why is it so much fun? "

I almost choke while looking at his message. I didn't see it coming, I stifled a laugh. The girls on the other table gave me a curious look but smiled after they see me. I politely smiled back before typing a message.

"Too bad, you have to do it by yourself. "

"It's okay. "

Kit might have mistype it cause he doesn't make jokes like that unless I start it. And there's nothing I want to be but on his side once he realized his mistake.

"Do you need some help? " I probed.

"Help with what? "
"Wait! "
"No! I meant exercising. I was stretching, I swear. "
"Shit. "
"Don't come to my room tonight."

"So what do you want for snacks? Me? " I teased, I can imagine how beet red he is while trying to keep himself together. If I were there, I can see my shoulder covered with bruises as he will surely beat the crap out of me.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Grinning from ear to ear, I refused to look around for I have no doubt others would have thought by now that I was crazy, smiling on my own.

"Hi! "

A timid voice greeted, I was certain it was from the person in the corner of my eyes, standing right before me. I cocked my head to see who it was, I was used to this and I've longed mastered the art of swaying girls out.

"Hello. "

"Ming, right? " she said, sitting opposite to me, she put her bag on the table and her tray of food.

"Yes, "

She wasn't familiar. She may be a student from a another faculty. Although, it didn't sit well with me, her sitting with me, I didn't shoo her away either, besides she took the seat without asking so I don't have the option to refuse. Also, I didn't want to be rude.

"You don't mind, do you? " I internally smirked, she was already seated, what else can I do?

"No, "  I drop my gaze to my food and spoke no more. If it were the old me, I would have flirted already but no.

"I'm Preeya. " holding her hand on the air, I was reluctant but took it anyway.

"Ming, " she knew my name, for the sake of introducing myself, I repeated. "Nice name, by the way. "

"You know what's even nicer? "

"Hm? "

"My number on your phone. " gone with the timid tone, she was very confident as breathe the words out.

She reminds me of me, the old me.

A smile crept out of my lips as we held our gaze and hand.

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