⌜ seven ⌟

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mark didn't know where to start

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mark didn't know where to start. he didn't even know if jungwoo was yukhei's husband. he just guessed it since jungwoo was the reason why yukhei and donghyuck broke up in highschool.

jungwoo doesn't even go to this school, how do i find him?❞ mark sighed while walking through the silent hallways

he saw a familiar door that has a 'library' sign hanged up and went inside. he greeted the librarian and the librarian just smiled at him as a reply.

he would usually go to the rooftop if he wants to think properly but remembering that donghyuck and his friends always hangs out there, the library was his second option.

at the far corner he could see a girl sitting down, reading a book. his lips curved into a smile as he immediately know who she is.

koeun!❞ he whispered loudly, afraid that the librarian might scold him for shouting inside the library

the girl raised her head and blushed as soon as she saw who was calling her. well, it's her crush, why wouldn't she blush? and of course since mark turned back in time, he now knows about koeun's feelings about him.

h-hey mark..❞ koeun looked back down at the book she was reading

mark smiled and sat in front of the girl. ❝hey, you studying?

the girl slowly shook her head ❝i was just reading some random books. but now that you mentioned about studying, i forgot we are going to have a test in science—❞ koeun paused and pressed her lips into a thin line ❝s-sorry did i talk t-too much?

seeing the girl being shy made mark giggle. koeun blushed even more upon hearing her favorite music, mark's giggle.

later on, mark shook his head after he stopped giggling ❝don't be so shy.

i'm sorry.❞ koeun apologized again

mark placed his arms on the table, looking at koeun. she is beautiful, he wondered why he chose donghyuck and not koeun back then.

but he could change it, right?

why do you keep on apologizing?❞ mark questioned

it took seconds for koeun to reply back ❝we aren't that close so...

who is she kidding, they don't even talk to each other. this is the first time.

we can be if you want.

koeun's eyes widened at what mark said ❝eh?

mark was about to speak again but stopped when he noticed someone from his peripheral view. he turned his head and saw donghyuck walking around the bookshelves, looking like a lost child.

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