⌜ eight ⌟

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donghyuck frowned ❝who does he think he is

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donghyuck frowned ❝who does he think he is.❞ he let his body fall down from the sofa and stared at the ceiling ❝kissing me and then telling me to say goodbye to chan?

he actually had the urge to just give up and be with mark again, even though he hated the guy. he just wants to see chan. he loves the kid so much that he was willing to marry mark again, even if he hated him, just to see chan again.

i could just marry yukhei and name our child chan.❞ he said as if it is the answer to his problem.

yeah, he could name their child chan but he knows it wouldn't be chan he raised. it wouldn't be the chan who he ships with chenle's son, jiro. he wouldn't be their son.

so you talk to yourself now?❞ jaemin went out from the kitchen, holding a spatula, scaring donghyuck from the sofa.

donghyuck completely forgot that he lives together with chenle and jaemin. he was usually alone at home since chan is in school and mark has a job.

you heard me?❞ donghyuck raised a brow

jaemin giggled ❝of course

donghyuck's heart was now beating fast. he was afraid that jaemin might know about him going back to the past and changing it.

not.❞ jaemin continued and went inside the kitchen

he let out a sigh. it was a good thing that chenle is in jisung's house because he's tutoring the younger math.

he went to the dining area inside the kitchen and sat at one of the chairs, watching jaemin cook.

what's for dinner?❞ donghyuck could smell something yummy


jaemin's answer made donghyuck choke from his saliva ❝the heck!?

jaemin laughed when he saw donghyuck coughing ❝do you know him? he's hot as fuck but he's also mean as fuck.

donghyuck raised a brow. he was wondering how jaemin knows about jeno and how they met. this wasn't right, jeno and jaemin were supposed to meet when chenle introduces mark and jeno to them.

i was staring at him for god knows how long and i didn't even notice him going towards my direction. he told me to move but since i was into my thoughts, i didn't hear it. he got annoyed and pushed him to the side.❞ jaemin explained how they met, feeling like he could punch jeno's face if he sees him again.

this is totally not right. jaemin wasn't supposed to get mad at jeno, he wasn't supposed to be the type who will get mad easily.

he was actually going to fall in love with jeno at a cafe where jeno caught him when he slipped and then after that jaemin falls in love with renjun when he saw him hang out with jeno, acting all cute and shy.

donghyuck was afraid that this wasn't going to be a poly relationship but is going to be a love triangle where in jaemin loves jeno but jeno loves renjun and most probably renjun will develop feelings for jaemin for who knows why.

i sometimes wonder what's going on inside of that brain of yours.❞ jaemin placed the food down the table and sat down in front of donghyuck ❝but anyways, he is hot.


oh, i also met this shy guy. i bumped into him and he said countless of "sorry"s when it was my fault for not minding my own surroundings.❞ jaemin said while thinking about renjun ❝and then i found out he was jeno's classmate and jeno has feelings for the guy. i dunno, i feel like i'm jealous?

with whom?❞ donghyuck didn't know who since he talks about jeno as if he was mad at his crush and same when he was talking about renjun, but he wasn't mad at the guy, it was like he found his crush cute.

jaemin ignored donghyuck's questioned and stuffed his mouth with meat ❝let's eat.

at least that made donghyuck smile.

something sure changed but at least the three stayed the same.


donghyuck went out from his classroom and was greeted by a tall guy.

yukhei!❞ he hugged him

yukhei played with the younger's hair and smiled when he pulled away from the hug. ❝where do you want to each lunch together?

donghyuck tapped his chin, thinking of something. yukhei giggled seeing his boyfriend act cute. the younger finally found a nice place to eat but he stopped himself from replying when he heard a familiar voice.

hey koeun wanna eat at the cafe in front of the school?❞ mark said, scaring koeun when he just suddenly appeared in front of her

donghyuck didn't wait for koeun to reply to what mark said and smiled at his boyfriend.

let's go eat at the cafe in front of our school.

yukhei, being the kind of boyfriend who will do anything just to make his boyfriend happy, nodded his head ❝sure, my treat.

donghyuck held yukhei's hand and left the classroom, making sure mark saw them holding hands.

mark turned to koeun ❝my treat, let's go!

he didn't even wait for koeun to agree or disagree and just dragged her to the cafe he's been talking about.

to the cafe where donghyuck and yukhei were also going.

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