Chapter 34

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I try to hold in my tears, keeping my silence through our way back.

After listening and taking all of Jisoos's words towards me, I must have courage to face him and tell him now, before things got worse.

Especially for his sake.

I realize i'm a burden since long ago, but I didn't have the courage to leave him be.

If someone just understands...

Showing the divorce letter and begging him to sign it is probably the most terrifying things in life that i will ever do.
Eventhough i know he will sign it right away, but still looking at it..
It must be horrible to come at.

But it's encourage to keep the thought of not wanting him to suffer any longer because of me. It's been an anchor for me to hold and I can finally let go of it slowly, but surely.

I hear him shut the door behind me as soon as we got home. Gathering the words, I quickly turn around and face him. I start to scrunch the corner of my shirt again, preventing my hands that start to shake.

Thjs feeling overwhelms me, in a very bad way.



I blink a few times and look down when we call each other's name at the same time.

"You can go first." he said flatly.

I look up a little and shook my head quickly,

" can go first." I replied.

He clears his throat and start to walk towards me. I step back a little the second he gets closer.

Standing right infront of me, his voice rings through my ears,

"Are you free tonight?"


"Uhh..yes. I-I think so." I said as I snap away further thoughts of him asking me.

I'm trying to be calm as I possibly can.

"Let's eat dinner with Jimin and Seulgi, noticing that three days more Jimin and I will leave." he said while he scratch the back of his head.

Oh no..this wasn't supposed to be this way.

"Well um, actually..i can't." I bit my lower lip the moment I feel sweats start to form around my back.

"Why? You said before you're free tonight." he said, confused..

"Um..uh-well.." i stutter, trying fo find an excuse.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'. You know I don't accept denials." he said with a grin, while brushing his hair back.

I look at him as i widened my eyes. Then when our eyes meet i quickly shift my gaze somewhere again.

"I already make an appointment. I want you to come. Just for tonight." He adds.

Well, Jungkook is Jungkook.
The man who always compel everything up.

"Now, what do you want to say earlier?"

This isn't the right time Y/N.
What are you going to do now?

" was nothing." i replied as i shook my head slowly.

"You're such a baloney." he said shaking his head slowly, he walk pass by me as I can hear him scoff out.

I just froze there.

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