Chapter 32

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"Heal me, make me forget things that i don't want to remember again...


I avert my gaze towards the window.  I am staring at the view where cars keep passing by, people walking here and there.

While holding my sandwich, I just muse there and fell deep in my thoughts.

"Y/N, are you okay?" a voice echoes as my thoughts got cut off.

I look towards her and nod quickly while my mind is still blank.

"I'm sorry, Ha Dam. I'm just not feeling myself today..." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.

Ha Dam and I decided to meet in the middle of our break. At first we decided to bring Taehyung to eat lunch with us, but he said he have something to do.

"You can tell me if there's something is bothering you, Y/N. I will try my best to help you and give you some solutions." she said softly while holding my other hand and rub it slowly.

"You know that I'll always be with you, right?"

I nod.

I stare at her and bit my lip as i try to speak up my mind.

"It's not bothering me but it's- ah no, it's kinda bothering my mind lately..." I talk slowly.

"Is it about Jungkook again?" she ask lazily.

I frown, then I nod my head.

"Urgh, that bastard! What does he want from you again? Ah, i bet he always come to you since that girl left and betrayed him." she said with a pressure in her voice.

"Okay, i get it you can't leave him. But you can just act like you don't care and don't ever let him comes to you. Make that dickhead suffer more and make him regret!!" she nearly yells, I give a gesture that tell her to keep low.

So apparently, i told Ha Dam about what happened these days to me and i told her about Jungkook. But i haven't told her yet about his changing attitude that leads to more weirder things between us.

"How can i do that? He's in the middle of his greatest pain..." i said barely heard.

"Oh god Y/N. I tried to let go and hold in myself to not call you 'stupid'or 'dumb' but you're really getting in my nerves. Let him feel what you feel and then leave!"


"You still love him don't you?" she as as she cuts me off.

I shook my head fastly.


"No. I don't." i said as i bit my lip.

"It's just i want to be there for him until he's okay. I promise that i'll leave, Ha Dam. But it's not the right time.."

"Yeah okay i get it, then what seems wrong again?"

"It's just... he lately caught up in weird dreams that made him unconcious and physically hurt. Then another thing..."

"Each day, he acts more weird."

"Huh?" Ha Dam seems to can't understand what I meant.

"Do you think it effects him? Should I call the doctor?" i add, while taking a bite of my sandwich.

"How weird?"

"He just act strange towards me. These days he rarely scold or hit me, he never touch me again and more gentle. He even doesn't nag nor complain about me! Like he used to tell me to stay away from him and always ask me to do a lot of things. But one time he just thrkw himself over me and ask me to touch him." i said as i blabbered all the way.

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