Chapter 47

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"Stay. The word that I need you to do-- because it turns out more important than what I think, than what you think."



I don't know what just happened.

It took a lot of minutes to process what happened earlier but the next thing I know, we both are now sitting at the car.


Also what's worse that right now...
is raining.

Jungkook gave me his dry coat as he turn on the heater in his car.

"Are you sure you okay?" he said as Jungkook begins to drive his car.

He's been asking the same question multiple times, making sure this weird person that suddenly becomes muted is really okay.

I nod.

Then I bit my lip.

Shit i'm not okay, i'm freaking out!

There's too many things I have to process today.

But what makes me more than how shock I am now is the moment when he park his car infront of a motel after a 10 minutes drive.

"Uhm..uh..Jungkook...I thought we're going home?" I mumble.

I shifted my head towards right, left, and the back, showing my confusion.

"I've book a room for us."


On reflect, I immediately shook my head.

He chuckles,

"It's raining and it's late..perhaps on our way home the highway is already closed. That's why we both are spending the night here.." he said calmly.

I became muted. I frown as I face downwards.
He continues to say,

"You go ahead, I'll find some dry clothes for us."

He place his left hand on my head as he caress it softly.


After saying Jungkook's name on the reception, I go towards the room that we're booked to.

The room is small, but it's still comfy and cozy. I feel the warm ambience as I proceed to enter.

There's the bathroom, there's also a balcony infront with two chairs and a table and...

A one king sized bed.

My eyes immediately take a look around, trying to find something I can sleep to later on. But there's none.

Oh, the horror.

I guess I'm sleeping at the floor.

Few minutes later, I hop in the shower to cleanse myself. The warm water trying to relaxed my body, but it's soon become tense as my mind keep travelling to different terrifying thoughts.

We're in the middle of nowhere and now I have to get stucked with him.

This is bad.

We actually shouldn't spend time together at the first place.

We shouldn't, and we can't.

I keep getting this fear and anxiety on what could happen next.

Also, don't forget the embarrassment earlier-- the second I jump through the waters for no reason!!

Why did I do that?

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