C H A P T E R 1 : Prolong.

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June 7th, 2014

9:00 a.m.

"Ouch, this shit hurts!" I screamed.

"On the count of three I want you to push." Dr. Arnold demanded.

"I can't!" I yelled as he began to count. When he got to the number three I pushed harder as I continued to whine, and yell obscenities towards Darien. The pain was unbearable and I was starting to regret not having an epidural.

"Come on China Doll," Darien coaxed as he grabbed hold of my hand. I looked up to him with a glare and squeezed tighter onto his hand as I gave another push.

"I hate you!" I hissed as tears ran down my cheeks.

"I know just keep pushin' ma," he coaxed as he pushed my hair back and kissed my sweaty forehead.

"I see her head," Dr. Arnold announced.

    Darien moved away from my hand and went over to my vagina to take a look at his daughter that was bursting through. "That's her head?" he questioned in disbelief.

"Yes ain't it a beautiful thing?" his mother gleamed.

"This too much I'm finna' go sit down." I watched as Darien moved away and went to go sit down at a chair.

    With a smile on her face Lola came over and held my hand. It was crazy how in over a short couple of months me and her had grown closer. "You're doing great Lay." she praised.

"Just keep pushin' Lay," my mother told me. "she's almost here."

   The tears kept flowing and the headache I was fighting made me want to die. "Last push," Dr. Arnold announced. He counted again and I did my last push. Within an instant I felt my stomach drop, and a sudden gush of happiness and relief took over. With a faint smile on my face I reached out for my baby girl, but my hands drew back when I felt more contractions happening. My yelling topped Mariah Carey's as I reacted. "Relax it's just the placenta." Dr. Arnold told me. "It's ready to come out." he said calmly. "Layla I'ma need you to give me one big push so we can get this out." he told me. The contractions slowly disappeared as the atomic fluid left my body. "I'm going to give you this shot down there," he said as he used his fingers to point down to the ground. "It's to help numb you so we can stitch you up." the nurse handed him the shot. "This may feel weird and it may hurt." He warned as he went down. I hissed and almost kicked him when I felt the needle touch my vagina, soon after he began to stitch me up.

    I don't know what is worst: having a baby or getting stitched, either way the tears on my face did not stop flowing until she was placed in my hands. I smiled as her soft cheek rested on my bare chest. My heart skipped a beat as her little tiny hand engulfed my pointer finger. She was beautiful and she had every good gene of me and Darien. She was the perfect complexion of high yellow, and although she still had them closed, from the slits I could tell she was gonna have the prettiest light brown eyes. Her soft wavy hair was the color of charcoal, and her lips were just as pink and pouty as they wanted to be.

    From the corner of my eye I could see Darien moving closer. "I love you baby girl." he told me sweetly as he leaned in a placed a kiss on both me and his daughters forehead.

   I looked into his eyes and smiled. "I love you too." I told him. I looked from him to our precious baby girl and pulled her up to my shoulders. "Wanna' hold her?" I questioned.

"Nah," he declined.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"You need yo' time with her ma," he told me.

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