1. A Guest is Interrogated

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Disclaimer - I, of course, am neither Rick Riordan nor J.K. Rowling in disguise. The plot is all I own, but the idea belongs to TheFictionKitten on Fanfiction.net

About the cover - the dark outline is Viria's drawing of Nico di Angelo

Check out micaaaaaa110211 for a Spanish translation!

Hope you enjoy my story!


Sirius saw a boy appear out of the shadows in front of the front door. A boy who immediately collapsed.

Sirius changed into a dog to show how surprised he was. He quickly changed back, "Somebody get over here!!" he hollered. "THERE'S AN INTRUDER!"

There was a commotion in the dining room. Lupin came running through first, followed closely by Tonks. Molly poked her head out, taking her wand out of her apron. "Intruder? Where?"

Sirius lit his wand so they could see better. The boy didn't look menacing, but rather thin and young. The lighting made the dark shapes under his eyes seem almost black. Perhaps 'intruder' was taking it a bit far.

Arthur had joined them, and he too looked startled.

Lupin stared at the kid in disbelief. "How did he get in? Was the door open?"

"It wasn't," Sirius swore. "And from what I saw, he seemed to have come from a giant shadow."

Small chatter came from behind them, and the adults looked to the bottom of the stairs, where Harry and his friends were standing curiously, along with the twins and Ginny.

"Is he a Muggle?" Ron asked, wide-eyed, beating his father to the question.

Molly frowned at the teens. "Get back to your rooms! Now!"

Grumbling, they plodded up the stairs. Nobody noticed the Extendable Ears hanging in the air moments later.

"A Muggle wouldn't be able to see this place, let alone get in," Sirius pointed out.

"So he's a wizard, then? Accio wand!" Tonks pointed her wand at the boy.

Nothing happened.

"Well that's odd," Tonks said, and her nose turned into a duck's.

"Let's just search him," Sirius suggested.

Lupin pulled a black sword out of his belt and immediately dropped it. He collapsed against Tonks, who barely got him to lean against the wall. A silvery light was hovering by his hand before it went back into his body, and he sat up quickly.

Sirius gasped, the dark memory of a terrible night coming back to him. "That's...that looks like a soul. Nobody touch that sword again!"

"This is unlike any sword I've ever seen!" Arthur frowned. "It could be Greek, though I'm not sure.

"No wand," he continued as he turned out the boy's front pockets. "Only these." He held up out a handful of coins and a plastic bag of some kind of food.

"Are those Galleons?" Molly asked, trying to see.

"Yes, hold on—they're not. These are definitely gold, but the design is completely different." He squinted at the kid, "Muggles don't use gold as currency, but those squares of food could be Muggle."

"Strange," Lupin muttered. He waved off Tonk's concern and examined the coins.

Sirius turned the boy over and found a metal bottle attached to his belt. "Found a canteen. Wait..." A realization had hit him, and he swirled it around and sniffed it. "Oh, it's not Polyjuice Potion. More like..." he sniffed it again, "...Butterbeer?"

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