8. THE END...

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Daddy's underpants, these people look weird. I was expecting people in full battle armour waving spiked clubs.

I didn't expect skinny people in black clothes threatening people and hurting people with chopsticks.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" I said. "How do we know we can trust you?"

A guy stepped forward, and his chopstick wasn't pointed at me. "Look, I'm—we're sorry about what happened earlier. I'm Remus Lupin. We're wizards and witches. We're not the enemy. We are a group who fights the Dark Lord, Voldemort, and his group of Death Eaters. Voldemort is gone, but some Death Eaters still remain. We don't know whether we can trust you, so that's why it's fair that we know about your kind as well. I'm assuming that you're not one of us."

I considered this. Monsters and bad guys rarely tried to reason with me, they usually just bring out their weapons and start trying to kill me. Negotiating was just too hard for them.

"Alright," I said, "but you guys have to swear it on the River Styx that you won't tell any other non-magical people about us, okay?"

"Alright, we swear," Remus said.

I explained for probably half an hour, and answered a ton of questions. I felt so smart, knowing so much they didn't.

Then the wizards, in turn, told us about their world and this weird nose-less guy called Voldemold I think. Or maybe Voldymort or Moldyshort I wasn't quite sure. I was terrible with names.

"Well," Mad-Eye Moody said, "since you're not our enemy, we'll let you go in peace. And..." he looked at me apologetically, "I truly am sorry about the Stunning Spell I sent at you. I had no idea of what would happen."

"Nah, it's okay," I assured him. "I'm alive, and as you'll understand, that's really all that matters."

"Well, off you go," he held the door open for me and Nico.

I looked at Nico, "Those guys are weird."

He rolled his eyes, "You jumped off the St. Louis Arch, you turned into a guinea pig, and you're calling them weird?"

I frowned at him, "Touché."

He flashed me a smile I rarely see, "I still have to complete my mission."

"Can you shadow travel back to Camp Half-Blood yourself?"

He shrugged.

"I'll wait for you." Then I grinned at him slyly, "I hope you don't get trapped in another house full of magicians or something."

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