4. Peer Pressure for Lunch

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"Who is that?" someone gasped.


"Your name's Nico?" Peg Leg glared at me. It was hard to take the glare seriously with his eye spinning around like that.

"Why do you care?"

"Drink your soup!" he snapped at me.

"Why?" I asked him.

"No questions!" His fake eye got white, probably because he was looking at the door. Ugh, it's like when teachers say they have eyes on the back of their heads.

I wonder if he's a teacher.

I stared at the door, wondering why Percy hadn't already knocked it down.

"Eat your soup!" Crazy Eye snarled at me.

"Why should I?"

"Just drink it! You haven't eaten anything!"

"I ate some sandwiches."

"That's not the point!" Then he muttered, "That kid's got a sword!"

"Well what'd you expect?"

"You are, drinking, that, soup! NOW!"

I calmly took out my sword, "And why should I listen to you?"

His fake eyeball wheeled around and focused on my sword.

Molly and everyone else at the table pointed their sticks at me.

I stared at them, "Seriously? You have butter knives on the table, and you choose sticks?"

Now they stared at me. "And why wouldn't we?" a brown haired girl said, "Our wand is our greatest advantage, during a brawl, it is of utmost cruciality to always keep—"

"You're making my mind explode," I snapped at her, "stop talking like that."

Then I thought back on one word she had said...wand. "Wait...those are wands? Like shoot fireballs kind of wand?"

"Yes," Peg Leg rolled his eyes, his fake eye did a weird dance.

"So why didn't anything happen when you shot those light thingies at me?"

"How would I know? You're the one related to the Dark Lord!"

"So that means should know?"

"Yes!" he frowned at me.

"Well I don't know! Are you people related to Hecate?"

He scowled, and his scars twisted brutally, "Who is that? Drink your soup!"


Before I could even react, the soup flew out of the bowl on its own, and shot straight into my mouth. 

I burst into a fit of coughing. It was still quite hot, but other than that, there was nothing—

Suddenly I felt a very happy and empty feeling...

Like I wanted to spill all my secrets...

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