Time Spent

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Brandon's POV

Sadie couldn't sleep so she drove the 6 hours to show up at my house. She started to throw rocks at my second floor window. When I opened my window I got hit with one. She pointed in the direction of my front door. I quickly closed my window and ran down stairs to open the door for her. She came in and started up the stairs. She got to my room and when I sat down on my bed she put her head on my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair. She became frantic, starting to tell me about her dream. The first time she told me she forgot to mention the street sign she saw. Then around the third time she told me the story I found out how far that street was from my house. She was so stressed and worried she made me find my keys and drive her there. So being a good friend and all, that's exactly what I did. We got in my car and drove for 3 hours. Finally she saw headlights and made me stop the car. I did. She got out and ran 20 feet to a stoped pickup truck. She started to hit the window. The person inside came to and busted the window out. He was covered in blood and very delusional. Sadie opened the door to the truck and pulled him out. I helped her carry him to my car. She put him in the back seat and sat with him. She started to hyperventilate and I tried to calm her while driving to the nearest hospital. When we got there she rushed in and got a nurse to get him out of the car. He was rushed into a room. I told Sadie I was going back to the scene to look for identification. I left the hospital and drove back to the old pickup. After searching every inch of the truck I found a license. I looked at the address and it was only 9 hour drive. But with the name on the license I could find an Instagram page. After doing that I commented on a bunch of his followers accounts hoping someone would claim him. After about 45 minuets some one by the name Cheyenne responded to my comment with his fathers phone number. I called the number and a man answered the phone on the first ring.

Dad- Hello, hello? Jake?
Brandon- no sir. This is Brandon Strong, i have a friend named Sadie she had a dream about a young guy crashing his truck. She came to my house and convinced me to check it out with her. Well when we did, she was right. A young man by the name of Jake crashed his truck and hit his head on impact. We drove him to the nearest hospital and she is in there with him. I drove back to the scene of the accident to find an ID when I did I went on Instagram and posted. Someone named Cheyenne gave me your number, sir and now we are here.
Dad- oh no. I knew something was going to happen. Can Sadie stay with him a few hours until I get someone out there to claim my son?
Brandon- yes sir. I will be there till you or someone shows up for him.
Dad- it will be Jake's best friend, her name is Bailey. She will be there in a few hours. This is her number, (904) 677-5039

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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