Chapter 15

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After Toshinori's fight with the villain, we decided to go to Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, he said something about this place being cleaned by Deku when he trained him. He is back in his true form and we're standing side-by-side admiring the view.

I'm glad that it was just a nightmare and nothing happened to him.

I turned my gaze on him as I carefully examined his features like as if it was my first time seeing him. His eyes as blue as the sky, his face adorning a serene expression that I couldn't take my eyes off.

How can someone look so beautiful by just standing.

"I love you Toshinori-san." Before I even know it, those three words rolled off my tongue. I felt my mouth went dry and my palms started sweating.

I didn't plan on confessing to him today...I meant what I said but I didn't mean to say it--

it just happened.

Take it back! Tell him it was another joke, tell him before--

Blood sputtered out of Toshinori's mouth, the serene expression on his face completely wiped off. This time, he turned his gaze towards me. "Wha- I don' this another joke (Y/N)?" He asked confusion written on his face.

I just stare at him, my gaze not faltering.

The look on my face gave him the answer and realization dawned upon him.

The silence that lingered between the two of us is not the usual comfortable one that we were used to.

This one is--

This one is painful;


"Why?" Once again, I saw the same pained and sad expression on his face from before.

you regret it.

"What do you mean why?"

"Why me?"

"Why not? What's not to love about you?" I said as I gaze at him intently.

"I would fall for you over and over again even if you are just the quirkless guy that I first met at the convenience store...I loved you because you are Toshinori Yagi, you being All Might is just a bonus..."

His eyes and mouth went wide open in surprise.

"Y-you mean the guy you wanted to confess to is actually me...and what you said at that time were...the truth." He said still not being able to believe what he just heard.

"Yes..." I muttered averting my gaze.

"I see..." I saw him clench his fist tightly, his mouth set in a firm line. I just stood in my place, awaiting my impending doom.

Then he closes his eyes, unsure how to respond. He was lost in thoughts for a second and then he slowly crouched down to get closer to my level.

His blue eyes that were always looking at me with warmth is now filled with nothing, devoid of any emotion.

Funny how something can change in an instant.

"(Y/N), I'm afraid I have to turn you down. I do appreciate your feelings for me, I really do. But I am your teacher and you are my student, even if I do return your feelings, you know that it would be totally inappropriate for us to get involved romantically. Besides, I am an old man and you are still young...I'm sure this will pass." His voice is cold and it feels like a wall had been put between us. But there is a hint of sadness in his tone, barely noticeable.

"Do you?" My mind stopped working when he said, 'I do return your feelings.'


"Do you have feelings for me as well?"

"I-uhh, well, that..." I saw him gulped, his adams apple bobbled. It was obvious he was caught off guard by my question.

"I...don't," Ahh, 'even if I do return your feelings.' " was a slipped up, I-i mean it was just a what if me you are an important student and of course, a friend." I just got studentzoned and friendzoned, perfect combination!

"...Right, of course. That's how I have always been to you."

I heard him released a long sigh.
"I'm really sorry (Y/N)'s better if we just remain as friends."

"Don't be. It's fine, I understand. Can we just forget that this happened?"

"Of course. If that makes you feel better..." He said reluctantly.

"Thank you...I'll be going then." I turned around before he could even reply. I feel warm tears trickling down my cheeks.

I've already expected this still, it hurts so much...I thought the indirect rejection before were already painful but this... this is excruciating.

Toshinori were left standing, watching her retreating form from a distance. He wanted to go after her but he knows this is for the better. Again, he can't...not now.

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