Chapter 20

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It's been 2 weeks since we started living in U.A.'s dorm and today is the last day of our training in preparation for the upcoming Provisional Hero License Exam. I've been distracted ever since class has resumed because of HIM!


It took me a moment to comprehend what was happening.

Toshinori-san... he's--

he's kissing me!

I just stood motionless, not knowing what to do. It was like my mind stopped working on its own.

After kissing me, he left me standing there dumbfounded. He left, like nothing happened, not even a single word uttered.

If it weren't for the lingering sensation, the breathlessness...

I would have thought it was just my imagination going out of control.

*end of flashback*

Gaaah! He is so frustrating! To make matter worse, he's been ignoring me completely. The Number One Hero doing a "kiss and run"! It was even more annoying because he only talked to me once to give me some tips about my special moves and after that, nothing. When I am about to talk about what happened, he suddenly turned to another student. He ghosted me! I've been trying to talk to him but to no avail, I couldn't have the chance to do so. He is so good at avoiding people.

"Hey! What's the matter? You've been sighing non-stop these past few days." Jirou suddenly said.

"Huh? Really? *sigh* sorry, I didn't notice."

"See, you sighed again." She said pointedly, "If you have a problem, you can talk to me."

"Thanks, but I'm fine, really. I'm just kind of tired." It's not like I could tell her it was because of All Might.

"You two! Enough chit-chat and go back to training." Ectoplasm-sensei called to us.

"Yes sir!" We both said in unison. One of my special moves is "Diamond armor" it's my body or a particular part of my body being covered in diamond, like an armor which is good for defense. It's much harder compared to coal and graphite since I tried it with the two.

Ectoplasm's clone suddenly came up from behind but I was able to swiftly dodge and I used that as an opportunity to use my other move. I place both my hands to the floor and captivate his clone using coal. It's "Coal Imprisonment" from the word itself, it is imprisoning my opponent in coal. I'm still trying to come up with a move while using graphite, something that is for offense. So I tried experimenting by sending different attacks to Ectoplasm with graphite. Just then,

"How's the progress going, Aizawa?" My attention was caught when I heard All Might's voice. Damn! I was starting to focus, why now?

"You're here again? The student's are doing good." Aizawa-sensei replied. Everyone has been able to improve and come up with their special moves. I really like Tokoyami's move, his move is what inspired my "Diamond Armor". Him and dark shadow is sort of came into a fusion and he called it "Tenebrous Abyss Body". Although Midnight-sensei said it was a bit hard to say, I find it cool.

I distracted myself from him by attacking Ectoplasm's clone once again when All Might's eyes meet mine but he quickly look away. So frustrating! To my annoyance, I poured all my energy into training until my body gave up from exhaustion.

~time skip brought to you by my lazy ass~

The second semester began and we all succeeded in getting our Provisional Hero License although Bakugo and Todoroki, didn't get theirs right away because of some problems they encounter during the exam.

As of now, we had already started our hero internship. I am currently an intern to pro hero Gang Orca and I just had my first internship with him the other day. He's tough and strict but it's better that way. And again, All Might is still avoiding me. It was a good thing that we were busy so I can divert my attention to other things. He's impossible, I don't know what to do to him anymore. The more I think about it, the more confused I become.

I am on my way to the clasroom when I saw All Might walking in my direction. Shit! What a terrible timing. Just when I think he would ignore me, he called out my name before I could enter the classroom. He walked closer to me and I don't know how I was able to keep calm. I just stood there waiting for him expectantly.

"(L/N)-san, about the incident...I'm sorry--

it was a mistake.

I let my self-control slipped, please forget about it. I apologize once again." He said bowing to me apologetically.

I have been planning into my head about how I would confront him. I even visualize some violent ways of confronting him but when I encounter the real-deal, I turned into a mess. I couldn't say a single word, all I could do is stand there and look at him in bewilderment. His words keep ringing into my ear 'it was a mistake'. I was snapped back to reality when I hear the bell ringing and All Might is nowhere to be seen. He just left me without waiting for an answer...that...THAT JERK!

All day I tried to hide my anger, confusion, and all the things in between because I really don't know what to feel about what All Might did. Even the teachers noticed my unusual behavior. My day went by with me mostly snapping at every little thing only to end up apologizing right away. We finished all our classes and I am packing my bag when someone tap my shoulder.

"What do you want!?" I said instinctively, not really meaning to shout and I felt the person flinched. When what I did registered to me, I quickly spun around to face the person and apologize frantically. It turns out that it was Deku, he brushed it off before turning into serious mode again.

"(Y/N), there's something I have to tell you."

"Ohh, what is it?"

"Not here, umm can you meet me at the park? 6pm."

"All right, sure."

"Thanks, I'll see you later." I'm getting nervous. I have never heard Deku used that kind of tone in me. He looked really serious, my gut feeling is telling me that this is seriously bad.


I arrived at the park at exactly 6 pm and I noticed that Deku is there already. Oh no, now I'm getting more anxious.

"Hey! Deku-kun!"


"How long have you been here?"

"Ohh, just a few minutes early but it's fine." I just nodded then asked him.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"It's about...All Might." I felt my eye-twitched a little from the mention of that name and I balled my fist tightly. I remembered what he said to me earlier and I felt that I am starting to fume with anger.

"What about him?" I asked, my tone sharp.

"I found out something about him."

"Okay? I'm sorry Deku-kun, I know I may seem rude but I don't want to hear it. I think I would rather not hear it." I don't think I can hear whatever that is, not now or maybe, not ever. I turned around ready to leave when Midoriya pulled my hand.

"Look, I told you already--" However, Midoriya immediately cut me off before I could finish what I was about to say.

"(Y/N), LISTEN TO ME! Just this once! Please this is important!" I was taken aback by Midoriya's sudden outburst. I just sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Go ahead. Tell me about it."

"...All Might is...he's-"

A/N: I just want to apologize if the name of your special move sucks as well as your special move itself, I don't know anymore. 😢 Also, the story is nearing its end!!! About 3-4 chapters and it will be done yehey! Thank you for reading my crappy story! :))

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