The Ungodly Machine

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Yn's POV

 We all headed back into the living room and sat down. "Should we start looking for clues" Lele asked. Joey nodded and stood up. Just then, the maid entered the room. She was carrying a box. "This arrived earlier today" she said and placed the box on the table.

Sarah took the lid off of the box before walking away. In the box was a glass container. And in the container was a hand. I showed everyone my fake badge before stepping towards the hand. "Stay back everyone" I say. "This could be dangerous." I looked at the case and realized that their was a note. "Her essence can speak to you through the spirit board in the library. Giving you clues, however it requires great strength to speak from across the grave and can only occur once an hour."

"So she's kind of like a lifeline" Eva spoke. "May I make a suggestion" Arthur said. "Someone should act as the voice and read the invocation." Justine stepped forward. "We call you now to bless our meetings. Heavens promise our spirits thrive so now for the living let the dead come alive? Greetings spirits. Speak to us." The letters on the board started lighting up. "B-O-O-K-S" Oli said. "Books. We need to look for books."

So everyone starts looking around for books. Matt found this chest that needed a code. We all saw that on the hand's case, there were dials. There were 8 of them. "Look at this" Oli said and held up a book he found. On it was the number 5 and and an arrow. Since there were 8 dials, we had to look for books that had a number and arrow on it. I found the number 8 book lying on an empty shelf. Once we had all of the books, we put them in number order. Oli told Eva the direction of the arrow and she twisted the dial.

Then some mysterious voice started whispering something to us. "3, 5, 4, 7." "That has to be the code for the chest" Matt said. Sierra entered the code and the chest opened. Inside of it were chess pieces. Joe picked up a letter from the inside of the chest. "30 men and only two women, but they hold the most power. Dressed in black and white, they could fight for hours. The ladies need to find a perfect pair, a handsome knight on their right with a flair. Yet one of these ladies is in deep sorrow. Her white bearded husband will not have his home tomorrow. Because a vicious bishop is going to get the king. Took his house a beautiful, medieval castle."

"So we basically have to do what the letter says" I say. I put the knights next to the queens and made the bishop take over the rooks spot on the white sides half of the board. A drawer on the side of the table opened. Oli pulled out a note. 

"Today's experiment was a success. The machine was able to consume the life force of two college students and produce an ungodly monster. However, the machine's demand for power is endless. I'm using an ancient artifact with an origin I do not wish to know as a source, but it has come with a price. My mind can no longer distinguish between reality and nightmare. I've locked the key to the machine inside the green cabinet in the ballroom, but my scattered mind cannot recall where I left the combination on the first floor. All the thoughts I can hold are the four elements of triangles I learned as a boy. Fire, water, air, and earth."

We decide to split up to find the elements. I head off with Joey, Oli, and Andrea. We found this box that had a hole in one side of it. The other hole had a glass on top of it with some sort of flowers in it. The symbol on the box was the symbol for water, so Oli went and grabbed a vase with water in it. We poured it into the hole, but nothing happened. The water seemed to disappear. And then we realized that we put the water in the wrong hole. Oli fished into the one hole and pulled out a little ball with the number 3 on it.

When all of the groups are done, we come together and put the combination into the lock on the green cabinet. And thank the lord it works. Eva opened the cabinet and pulled out a note along with a huge cog. "The ungodly machine is in the basement."

The ungodly machine? What is that? It doesn't sound friendly to me at all especially if it's in the basement.

"The cog key will ignite its wicked engine, but understand once the machine has been started it can only be stopped by the loss of an innocent life. Two guests must be selected by the vote of the group to be locked in the machine, then those two must each choose a partner who will aid them in defeating the machine."

Now everyone is freaking out and the blame game is starting all over again. "I have a method for voting" Arthur said. "Everyone, take a seat." I took a seat next to Oli on one of the couches. "Everyone will come up here and right the name of the person you vote for on a slip of paper. Then I will pick out two names, and those people will pick a partner to aid them. Now you can all discuss."

Joey pulled Sierra, Justine, and Eva into the other room to discuss leaving the rest of us here. Right now, I didn't really know who I could trust so I kind of kept to myself and listened to what people were saying. Eva's name was thrown out a bit because she was the last one alone with Shane before he died. I wasn't voting for her. A few people were saying Timothy because he kills people as part of his business. I thought about who hadn't really done much work to help with everything. Andrea's name came to mind.

"Alright" Arthur said. "Everyone come and take your seats." Joey's group came back and sat down. "Yn, come vote" Arthur said. "Why do I have to go first" I ask as I stand up. I walked over to the table and wrote Andrea on a slip of paper. Then I placed it in the hat. I avoided everyone's eyes as I sat down. I didn't want them to know who I voted for. After everyone voted, Arthur shook the hat and pulled out a name. I prayed that it wasn't me. "Andrea" he said. People gasped but I could tell that they were fake. Another name was picked. "Lele."

I could tell that Lele was confused on why she was picked. I didn't really understand it either. Both of them then had to pick a partner to help them.

I hoped that I didn't get picked to help because there was no way that I was going into this house's basement.

Andrea picked Justine which was the stupidest decision ever. I didn't have anything against Justine, it's just that she didn't really pull her weight well and she wasn't that smart. Lele picked Eva and I thought that was wise of her. Eva found a lot of clues and she was a smart girl. Arthur lead them off to the basement leaving the rest of us inside to talk. No one really did talk. We didn't have much to say. I just hoped that Lele will come back from this alive. After some time, I heard footsteps coming from outside.

Then Justine, Eva, and Lele walked back into the room. That meant that Andrea was killed. Some people cheered while others gave grim faces. Eva and Justine told us that they had to solve all of these weird puzzles to free their partner. Justine claims that she did everything she could but I didn't believe her.

"Maybe she deserved to die" Justine said. Everyone was silent for a moment. "She didn't do much to help anyways." "You killed her" I say. "When has that ever been okay? Even if we're in the 1920's, killing people is not right." Justine waved me off and leaned back onto the couch she was sitting on. "What's that" Oli asked and pointed to this weird thing Eva had in her lap. "It's an artifact" she said. Lele took it and set it on the mantle of the fireplace. We all admired it for a moment. We only needed 3 more. Then Oli walked over to the fireplace and pulled out a note. "You have been warned. One among you is in league with the evil of the house."

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