All Out War

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Yn's POV

"His name is Colin Wentworth. He is from New Haven Connecticut and fought in the Great War. He has the power to leave the house at any time, but he refuses to go out without the stash of German gold that he recovered during the Blitzkrieg. Colin liked to move the gold daily, and one of his hiding spots was in a lock box. He kept the conversation hidden in riddles which he wrote down in a notebook" Joey read. 

"Why does everyone in the 1920's love riddles" Tim asked. Oli shrugged. "I hate riddles." "Do you really hate riddles, or are you just not good at them" I ask. "Because I love riddles and I'm very good at solving them." We all get up to try and find the safe, and Oli spots it beneath the mantle. We pull it out and see that there are 3 numbers we need to find by solving riddles that are in a notebook. Then we start looking around for a notebook. Oli and I start searching in the library, but we couldn't find it.

"We found it" Eva shouted and ran towards us with a notebook in hand. "Where was it" Oli asked. "In the study." We all gathered around the table as Joey read out the first riddle. "It can be dropped from the tallest of buildings and survive but drop it from the smallest ship and it won't." "Paper" Tim said. I nodded. "I was thinking that too." Lele put the number 5 in the top spot of the safe.

"What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it?" "Silence" I say right away. "Because right as someone starts talking, it breaks. So 7 letters." "Why do you have to be such a genius" Oli asked me. "I told you all that I was good at riddles." 7 was put in the second slot of the lock. "Last one" Joey said. "If you give me food I live, if you give  me water I die." "Fire" Lele said. "Yeah. That's right" I say. We put the number 4 into the last slot and the box popped open. Inside was a bar of gold. There was also a note.

"Dad, I'm sorry that I have not visited since returning from the war. I have been trying to help the men. They are struggling with the shock of coming home. I have been so consumed with helping them that I feel like I haven't left the top floor of the estate" Lele read. So apparently, there is a man on the top floor of the estate. He's a soldier who fought in the World War and he hasn't left this place. So we all get up and head up to the top floor.

On the top floor there is a man on the younger side pointing a gun at us. And I'll admit that he is handsome, but I prefer Oli over him. This must be Colin.

"Put the gun down" Oli said to him. "Where did you get that" Colin asked and pointed to the bar of gold in Joey's hands. "In the safe" Tim replied. "Are you trying to steal my gold" he asked and stepped closer to us. "No" I say. "We're here to help you." He stepped forwards again. "Can I see it?" We all took a step back.

"Look, I'm putting my gun away" Colin said and put the gun into his holster. "Now can I please see the gold?" Joey hesitantly gave him the gold. "It's coming back to me now." "Can you help us" Oli asked. Colin nodded. "If you want my help, we're going to need some gear." He pulled a rucksack onto his back. "We need to go outside and get to my two-way. Then we can radio my CO. He is going to give us our mission objective and tell us where to go from there" the man said.

He grabbed a rifle and started leading us down the stairs. Lele and Eva are seriously attracted to him. They are making comments about him and are trying to hold his hand. Like, seriously guys, we're on a mission and are trying not to die. This isn't the time for all of that. I stood at the back of the line with Oli and grabbed his hand. I didn't know what we were going to be seeing outside.

Outside, guns were being fired and it looked like a real life Call of Duty game. "Get on the radio" Colin said. Eva grabbed the phone and picked it up. "Hello" she said into it. "Where the hell have you been soldier" someone said from the other side. "We're getting killed out here. Now listen up. There is a small rotunda on the south side of the estate. Inside are top secret documents that we need badly. However, it's guarded by a wicked sniper with a good eye who shoots at anything that moves. If I were in your boots, I would circle around to the far side of the estate take him out with a grenade through the window. The documents inside should give you the next step. Good luck soldier." Then the radio turned off.

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