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Yn's POV

All of us girls were sitting around a table in the library. The boys were standing behind us. "We just killed Justine and all we have to show for it is this box" Matt said and held it up. Oli grabbed it from his hand and smashed it against the table. Inside of it was a tiny slip of paper that said IDLE on it. "It means running on an on" Eva said. All of us got up to look for something idle and Oli spots this clock. This clock however had 4 hands.  I'm thinking that the clock would work because time goes on forever. There is a phrase engraved into the clock that says letters mean numbers and numbers mean letters.

Then it clicked. "What if we assigned the letters to the numbers on the clock" I say. "I would be 9." I set one of the hands to 9. "D is 4. L is 12 and E is 5." Once all of the hands are set, something clicks and a set of books falls off of one of the bookshelves. There is this hole in the wall that looks like a key hole. Joey picks something off the floor and it's a picture of the staircase that leads upstairs. We all head over to check it out.

So we're looking at the picture and the staircase to see if anything is different. I don't see anything. It all looks the same. But Joey spotted this bar that isn't in the photograph. He pulled it out and inside was the key. So we headed back and put the key in the slot. Joey pushed the shelf in, and it was a door to a secret room. It was a dining room with mannequins seated in the chairs.

"Where's Tim" Matt asked. That's when I noticed that him and Sierra are missing. "Sierra is gone too" I say and pick up a letter that was on the table. "My dear employer, how grateful I am for your generosity in seeking out my work. This place is almost complete and I will be calling it dinner for five. I'm sure with some careful examination you will see how to finalize the details. The need inside me requires that I feed it regularly."

"Should we check the food then" Oli asked. We all shrugged. Oli dug into a pie and pulled out something weird shaped. "Is that a finger" Lele asked. A disgusted look crossed Oli's face and he dropped whatever is was back into the pie. "It's a toe" Joey said. "Which of the mannequins is missing a toe?" Oli bent down by the father's feet and came up with a letter. "I thought my wife was a saint and then Calvin showed me the hole in her soul before I pried a lung from her chest."

I walked over to the oldest looking woman and opened her shirt. There was a hole in her chest with a note inside. "Mothers should know what's in a child's head. Then he cut one open to show me. I can never look at my children again" I say. Everyone is pulling the wigs off of the mannequins and then a drawer opened. Inside was a picture of the family. There were 5 people in the picture, but only 4 were at the table. We needed to find the last girl. And then Tim and Sierra came in carrying the last mannequin. They said that they found her in the trunk of a car.

Tim told us that there was also a note which he began to read aloud. "All my life I wanted to go to a dance. Nothing fancy, I just wanted a boy to ask me. Then Calvin came along. Only it turns out dancing isn't what he had in mind at all." So then we realize that we have to set up the mannequins like the picture. All of them were in the wrong spot so we moved them around and another drawer opened. Inside was a note.

"My employer, I have hidden the artifact given to me as you requested in my new art installation on the second floor. I'm afraid it can only be experienced with two guests selected by a vote. They should be prepared to play. Perverse games" Joey said. We all sighed and headed into the living room. The boys got up and walked over to the other room. Oli got up to go walk with them, but changed his mind and sat with us girls. We talked for a bit and soon it was time to vote.

Instead of putting in who I thought hadn't done any work, I wrote down someone who I thought would like to play the perverse games. That person was Lele. I didn't put her in their because I wanted her to die, but because I felt like she would be good at this type of thing. Then the arguing starts between Joey and Glozell.

"Do you all think that I should be blamed for this" Joey asked. All of us said no except for Glozell. "So it's just you then. You are the only one who thinks that I have something to do with this." Arthur shook the hat and picked out a name. "Joey" he read aloud. I was shocked. I knew that Glozell probably put him in there. Another name was picked from the hat. "Lele. Now if you both would please come with me" Arthur said. Joey and Lele got up and disappeared up the stairs.

"Who voted for Joey" Oli asked. Glozell laughed. "It was her" Sierra said and pointed at Glozell. "Of course it was" Glozell responded. We all just started talking about who could be behind all of this evil nonsense. And then Glozell started shaking. She fell to the floor and started coughing up blood. It was like what happened to Shane all over again. Then she stopped moving just as Lele and Joey came down the stairs.

"Guys" Eva said. "Glozell is dead." We told Joey and Lele how she just started choking. Then Matt tried to blame Lele on working with the house. "Joey voted for her to die" Lele said. "And it could have been any of you." "You killed Glozell" Matt asked. "Listen" Joey said. "There was this death journal. And whoever's name we put in it died."

So now I'm kind of confused. Glozell put Joey's name in, so then Joey killed Glozell. That seems kind of weird.

"But you killed someone" Matt said. "Look" Lele said. "It was between her or you. Joey saved you. So shut up and sit down." "Let's just take the artifact to the mantle and get the hell out of this house" Joey said. We all agreed and walked over to the mantle where Lele placed the artifact.

"There is only one artifact left" Arthur said. Suddenly, a loud growl sounded around us. I jumped back and collided with Oli for the 2nd time this night. "That sounded like an animal" Eva said. "The evil of the house knows that you are trying to stop it. It has released his guardian to make sure that doesn't happen" Arthur responded.

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