Freak Show

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Yn's POV

"Have you guys noticed that all girls have been killed" Lele said. I nodded. "Yeah. Why haven't the guys been killed off yet?" "There's a lady killer on the loose" Sierra said. "Look" Matt said. "We've got to stick together for now. We can't have more people killed. We just need one more artifact and then we can go home."

"Was there anything upstairs that can help us out" Oli asked. Joey nodded and pulled out a carnival ticket. "On the back it says round and round the room we go" Joey said. We all started looking for things around the room. I just looked under this lamp and there was a note. "Guys" I say. "I found something. It says the carnival is coming to town. Follow your nose to the show." And then suddenly it starts to smell like oranges.

So we are all looking around for the source of this smell. Joey gets up on this ladder and points out this box that we can't see from the ground. Oli pulls it out and the smell of oranges gets super strong. Oli set the box on the table so we could all get a look at it. It was just a drop box. "Drop your ticket in there" Eva said. Joey put the ticket into the box and it opened. Inside are these 2 clown masks and a note.

"Now you see me, now you don't. Time is not forever, time runs out. Your share is only one sixth of an hour, not a moment longer" Lele reads out. Arthur comes in and hands me a piece of paper. "You seem to have forgotten this" he said. Before I could read the letter, Oli points out another note on the box. "The Guardian is awake. There is a melody that will summon the ring leader. His whip and wit has the power to subdue the monster. The first key to unlocking the horse waits in the river that flows to the sky on the back of the estate."

"What does that say" Sierra asked and pointed to the note. "The two wearing the clown masks will be invisible to the Guardian and should search for clues. The rest of you must hide from the Guardian past the grass line on the back of the estate. Every five minutes a gong will sound and one of the masked guests must run to the exchange circle and place the mask on another guest. The Guardian patrols the grass-covered area. If everyone is captured, the guardian wins and the artifacts will be recovered by that house and you will be back to the beginning" I read aloud.

"Marvin has informed me that the guardian is coming" Arthur said and handed us each a flashlight. "We need to move now." Then there's a banging on the window behind us and we all turn around. This huge monster thing is standing there and I'm terrified. We all run out back and enter the safe zone. The guardian is close behind and is patrolling the grass.

We sent out Eva and Sierra first. "What's our plan" Joey said. "Who here is good at riddles?" I raised my hand. "Usually I am. But this riddle doesn't make much sense." A gong went off and that meant that 2 people had to go and take the masks. Tim went to try and distract the guardian but slipped and fell causing him to get captured.

Joey and Lele got the masks and Sierra and Eva came back to the safe zone. Joey shouts that he found a key and the gong goes off again. Lele runs back and gives the mask to Oli. "I'll go next" I say. When Joey comes back, I take off in a run to try and reach the circle, but the guardian cuts me off. "Get back here" Matt yelled. I turn around and jump to reach the safe zone. All of my body crosses the border except for one of my feet. The guardian touches my boot and suddenly everything around me is black. For a few minutes, I can't see anything. Then a strange music hits my ears.

My surroundings come back to me and I hit the floor with a thud. I was now on the back porch with Tim and Matt who must have been captured after me. The ringmaster and his assistant are standing there along with the monster who looks ashamed of himself. I run back over to the group and I'm engulfed in a hug by Oli. "I thought we lost you" he mumbled before letting me go.

"I think a celebration is in order" the ringmaster said. "For the return of our beloved, my esteemed guests. I ask you to join me in the evening of the thrilling bizarre, of the carnival. Follow me."

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