Mermaid Tails

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Yn's POV

"Do you guys not see a pattern here" Matt asked. "I mean, do you see where I'm coming from?" "Well we can't just give up" Joey said. "Otherwise we'll all die." "I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore" Matt said. "Let's just find the next owner and get on with our lives" I say. Joey nodded and opened the journal. On one of the pages was a drawing of a mermaid.

"Madison developed a taste for men, and soon the pool was filled with her victims. The key to her room rests on the first floor and can only be found by breaking open the world" Joey read. So then we spot a globe in the corner of the room and Oli grabs it and stomps on it. But there isn't anything inside. We found another globe and broke open that one, but again, nothing was inside.

Oli went over to the journal. "It says here that the key is on the first floor" he said. "Yeah. This is the first floor" Eva said. "No. This is the ground floor." I put my hands on Oli's arms. "Oli, we aren't in Britain. This is the first floor." We start looking around again and finally, Matt finds this statue thing with a globe on it. The top of the globe pops off and inside is a key.

The key leads to a door upstairs so we walk up there and try a room we haven't been inside of yet. The door gets unlocked and we head inside to a bathroom. Lele walks around the corner and screeches.

At this point, I'm just wondering what kind of creature is behind there. We've dealt with demons, spirits, monsters and whatever else you can think of. So when I turn the corner and see a creepy looking mermaid, I'm not surprised.

"The house" the mermaid spoke. "It lied to me. It said I would be free, but now I am in chains. I hated my husband, it's true. "What happened to you" Joey asked. "He was a very bad man" Madison said. "The worst part is that I've lost my daughter too. The only way I can be with her again is if I find her favorite doll. And I must make things right with those I have killed. Can you all help me do those things?"

"Wait a minute" Joey said. "Are you one of the previous owners?" "Yes" she said. "Please. You must help me. Get the doll." "How do we know we can trust you" Oli asked. "You can look at me." This woman was now creeping me out. I mean, we need to free her to get one step closer to getting out of this house.

"Listen. I wrote the names of the men I killed in my diary" she said and pointed to a book on the sink. "The names need to be measured by the letter in coin. My husband had a stash of gold in the dining room. All you need to do is retrieve the 3 bodies of the innocent men that I have killed." "Where are they" I ask.

"They are chained to the bottom of the pool, but they are guarded by my wicked sisters. Anyone of you who dares to go in will be torn to shreds. There is a way to lure them away. You must find the special song." "What do we need to do" Joey asked. "You need to find the song. And after that, you'll be shown where to find the doll." So we take Madison's diary and head back downstairs. Then we enter the dining room.

Right away, Oli spots a chest that has a lock on it. To open it, we need 3 numbers. When we start looking around, Matt finds this tab counter, and on the side of it is a clue. "The weight of sin will open the door to a song" Eva read aloud. So we start looking around for a sin. We try the alcohol bottles and even tried asking Sarah, but eventually we just head over to the spirit board.

"Where is the weight of the sin" Lele asked the board. Letters start lighting up and the board spells out floor. So we realize that we need to look on the floor. Eva finds this vent and she starts picking apart the layers of it. When she gets to the bottom, she finds a box, and inside is a bag of coins. We put the whole bag of coins on the scale and tried that number, but it didn't work.

"She said something else too" Oli said. "Measured by the letter in coin" I say. "Look guys, I'm exhausted from killing Sierra. My brain is burnt out" Matt said.

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