Betrayal at the House

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Yn's POV

Running didn't work out so well. We were captured by Sarah and Marvin, and were forced to kneel in front of Arthur. Eva had a knife at her throat and a gun was being pointed at the rest of us. "I needed the artifacts and the previous owners gone so I could have this house" Arthur said. "You played us" Joey said. "And what is that?" I noticed that there was a piece of paper in Arthur's hand. "It's the ritual" he replied. "We did the ritual" Oli insisted. Arthur laughed. "You did the wrong one." And suddenly, there was a white cloth pressed against my mouth. I could hear everyone calling my name. My vision began to blur and I passed out.

When I woke up, I was chained to some pieces of wood in a brick lined room. Joey, Oli, and Eva were also chained up, and there was another man with us. I didn't recognize him. He was shouting crazy things that I ignored. "There's a box" Joey said and reached out to grab it. He picked up a key next to him and tried to open the box, but it didn't work. I soon noticed that there were boxes next to all of us. 

Joey passed the key to Oli who tried to open his box, but it didn't work either. He passed it to Eva who was finally able to open her box. Inside was a key which she used to undo one of her shackles. It was basically a team work game. We found keys around the room and had to pass them around until something opened. Finally, we managed to figure everything out, and we were left with a box. Inside was a pocket watch and a note.

"By the time the sun rises at 6 a.m, you'll be as complacent as well trained animals and ready to join the house staff" Eva said. "And it's from the butler." Joey picked up the pocket watch. "It's 5:30" he said. "So we have half an hour." We exited the room and appeared in another room which we realize is Arthur's bedroom. There were paper scattered everywhere and it was just creepy. We start looking around and I found something. "It's a key" I say. "I also have something" Oli said. "This file has the symbol on it." We all walked over to him.

"Brother, you have humiliated me, betrayed me, and chained me in a dark corner of your new estate. You have brought me here to help you clean things up, but really you needed to stab me in the back to show the wicked presence your loyalty. Someday, the key to my cell will be found, and when that day comes, I will repay this betrayal with blood. I know you've hidden it behind a trail of gems, the first which lurks beneath the surface of a reflecting pool" Oli read out.

The key I found unlocks the door and we decide to head to the pool to find the gem. And right as we exit, an alarm starts blaring. We realize that Sarah, Marvin, and Arthur are now after us so we have to stay hidden at all costs. When we get to the pool, we find out that this isn't the right place. Joey came up with the idea of the fountain at the front of the estate and we make our way over to it.

On the way there, we lost Eva and since Marvin was getting close, Joey, Oli, and I ran into a shed. We finally manage to regroup and make a beeline for the fountain. We all ducked behind the rim of it. When looking inside, we see some diamonds and a chest which Joey pulled out of the water. "Under the water are 3 invisible stones. Place them on my crown and I will repay you" Joey read. We started searching through the water for the stones which was kind of hard since they were difficult to see. And we had to be quiet or else someone would catch us.

While we're putting the stones into the top of the chest, Sarah spots us and sends Marvin our way. Joey grabbed the 2 rubies and the note from the chest and we ran off. "The spirits will speak words to help you restore my evil eyes, so I might guard the house with my wings" Joey said. "The gargoyle on top of the house" I say and point to it. "That has to be it."

So we head inside which we know Sarah is guarding, but Oli gets lost in the process. After a few minutes, he rejoins us. That's when we hear Sarah walking down the stairs. We dash into the dining room and hide under the table. I can hear and see Sarah's footsteps as she walks past us. I'm trying to breathe quietly so that she can't hear me, and I'm really scared that she's going to find us. We get out from under the table and try to get up the stairs, but Marvin spots us and we split up again. I don't know where Joey and Eva are, but Oli and I are hiding together. 

Being chased by 3 different people with weapons is probably the scariest thing that I've had to face here. I would chose to redo any of the challenges rather then do this.

I can hear Joey calling us and we take a quick look around before heading upstairs. The gargoyle is not easy to get too. You have to lift up the portion of the wall which made a lot of noise. "They're upstairs" I heard Marvin call out. Joey sticks the rubies into the gargoyle and another drawer opens. Inside is a box that contains an emerald and a note.

"I overlook the back of the estate and wait to feast on green" Eva began to read. She was cut off by Oli. "Sarah is coming" he said. He all crouched down in hopes that she wouldn't see us. "A metal spiral of pain will lead you to my table of blood" she finished. "The staircase at the back of the estate" I say. Eva nods in agreement. Once Sarah is out of sight, we walk down the stairs, but she sees us. Joey and I head one way while Oli and Eva head the other. Sarah chases after Joey and I, but stops at the front of the house where she calls for Marvin. Joey and I ducked behind the fence in order not to be caught.

Joey and I eventually decide to head to the staircase because we have no idea where Eva and Oli are. "Guys" Joey shouted. "Yn and I are in the back. Where are you?" I hoped that they would hear us calling for them. Instead of Oli and Eva, we get Arthur who tries to shoot at us with a gun. We duck into another shed where he can't get us. We see Oli and Eva through a window and go over to open it. They climb outside and join us. Then we head to the staircase and climb to the top where there is a statue. Eva places the gem onto it and we find a map and a key that will lead us to Arthur's brother.

We find out that the brother is in the basement, and we come up with a plan to stick together. We can't afford to lose anyone else. We descend the stairs and make a run for the basement. 

We finally get into the basement and find a door that I know has to be the one we're looking for.

Joey unlocks the door and inside is a man who is chained up. This has to be Arthur's brother. "Are you Arthur's brother" I ask. He nods. "Untie me" he replies. "My brother is a dead man." Eva and Joey untie him, and he exits the room with a hook in his hand. We all back away from him, but he doesn't care about us. He heads straight outside. We follow him and go to the front patio of the house to watch what is going on.

The brother spots Sarah first and kills her almost immediately. Marvin comes over next and he suffers the same fate. Arthur makes his way over with a gun and shoots his brother in the arm, but that doesn't stop him. He gets shot again, but still manages to stab Arthur in the foot. The brother grabs the gun and shoots Arthur in the chest, who falls into the fountain turning the water red. The brother then disappears. We head back inside and realize that we have 5 minutes until the sun rises.

"The ritual" Oli said. "We have to perform the right ritual." We grab the paper with the ritual and start setting it up. We place everything where it needs to go and get into our spots. "With the thread of crimes of your own design, I bind your evil 3 times, 7 times. I bind you from behind. I bind you from before that you hurt my people nevermore. I bind you from the left. I bind you from the right. I bind you by day. I bind you by night. I bind you from below. I bind you from above. I bind you from your own evil within. So let this magic unfold" Oli read.

The black smoke stopped swirling and it disappeared. "Did we do it" I ask. "I think it worked" Eva spoke. We all grab the artifacts and head outside where we began to dig a hole to bury the artifacts. We put the artifacts into a box and begin to shovel dirt on top of it. Finally, the box is no longer in our sight.

This was by far the craziest night I had ever had. I'm definitely going to change now that I've gone through this. And I've made some new friends that can share with me something that no one else can.

"Yn" Oli said. "We've been through so much together. There is no one else that I trust myself in the hands of as much as I trust you. Would you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend" Oli asked. I nodded and embraced him in a hug. Everyone else died so that we could live. Shane, Andrea, Justine, Glozell, Sierra, Matt, Tim, and Lele sacrificed themselves for us. We all headed towards the front gates. I took one last look at the house before heading through the gates. We did it. We escaped the night.

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