Wicked Hallucinations

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Yn's POV

The five of us remaining were sitting at the dining room table. The light was almost up, and if we didn't finish freeing the former owners, we would all be trapped here. "Vincent Wells is a mad man. He sees impossible things, horrifying things. He would stare endlessly at a light bulb. I never knew what he saw, but it seemed like he was trying to burn holes into his eyes. His sanity may be gone, but his heart is good. He hid something in the dining room, but I was never able to find it" I read from the journal.

"He sounds like a psycho" Oli said. We all get up to find whatever this Vincent guy hid, and Oli finds a box with a lock on it. There are also 4 colors on it; black, gray, blue, and yellow. Eva mentioned that the guy loved light bulbs, so we start looking around for light bulbs. "Guys" Oli said from the living room. "Come here for a moment." We all head over to him and he pointed to a lamp. "This light bulb isn't on, but I swear that it always was." He unscrewed the light bulb, and on the bottom of it was a yellow circle. "We should find more of those" Lele said.

We split up and start looking at the lights that are no longer lit. We found them all and realized that there were numbers on the bottoms of them too. We put the numbers under their corresponding colors and the box opened. Inside of it was a key for the 2nd floor. All of us get up and head upstairs where we find the door that the key belongs to.

At this point, I don't know what we're going to find in here. I mean, we've faced all sorts of things. A mad man should be nothing right? We walked inside and saw a man standing in front of a mirror wearing a straight jacket. "Vincent" I say and step forwards. "We're here to help you." He jerked around before turning towards us. "Who are you" he asked. "How long have you been standing there?"

"We just got here" Joey replied. "Did the doctor send you? Please, I told him everything I know, every last vision." "We're not here for that" Lele said. "We are here to help you." "Be careful of this house" Vincent said. "When I came here, I thought it would be like the home I never had. I thought I could show the world that what I see is real. This house has become a dark and unfriendly place that has locked me in this straight jacket so that I can never leave it."

"There are three keys needed to unlock my jacket" Vincent continued. "To find them, you'll need to dive inside of my hallucinations. On the landing is an ink blot card. It will show you to my most vivid hallucination. Go now!" We all exited the room quickly. Lele spotted a box and inside of it was the ink blot card.

On the back of the card was a map that showed us where the hallucinations are. And the first one was in the greenhouse.

Everyone headed outside and we walked to the greenhouse. "I don't even want to know what's in there" Eva said. "Don't be scared" I say. "We've got these awesome finger guns to keep us safe." I held up my hands and made them look like guns before saying "pew pew." I opened the door and stepped inside first. Surprise surprise, the only things in there were plants.

Joey picked up a book. "Look at this" he said. "It's just a book that talks about plants. Maybe we should look around." I was looking at some plants when Joey shrieked. "This is a skull." I looked over to see him drop a human skull onto the ground. "I found something" Oli said. Just as I ran over, something growled and suddenly arms were ripping through the greenhouse walls.

I screamed and jumped into Oli's arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from the wall. The person than put their face through the hole. "What the hell" Lele said. "Is that a zombie?" The human was not even a human, but a dead man walking. "Okay guys" Oli said. "Let's focus. Listen."

"I believe there is a way to merge plants and flesh to create an entirely new species, a swamp man. I made a mistake with my first subject and created an abomination, which I must soon destroy before it destroys me. I devised a new method for burying the flesh so it merges with the root system of the plants" Oli read aloud.

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