Did Someone Call For An Exorcist?

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Yn's POV

Arthur handed us the diagram for the ritual that we had to perform to get home. We made the circles and triangles with ashes and placed 3 of the artifacts on these platforms and put them around the circle. The last statue was placed in the middle. Then we placed candles all around the circle.

"It says that one person must sit in the middle to bind the 4th artifact while another must recite the incantation" Eva said. We all looked around. "Who should sit in the middle" Matt asked. "I think it should be Sierra" I say and turn towards her. She gasped. "Why me?" "You put my name in the hat for the last challenge. And you haven't done much to help. So it's your turn." "I agree with Yn" Joey said. Sierra sighed. "Fine." "I'll read the ritual" Matt said. We all took seats on one half of the circle.

I took a seat between Oli and Eva. Oli held my hand and rubbed circles on the back of it making me feel a bit calmer. Sierra started wrapping the rope around the circle as Matt recited the ritual. "With the thread of the crimes of your own design, I bind your evil seven times. I bind you from behind, I bind you from before that you'll hurt my people nevermore. I bind you from the left, I bind you from the right. I bind you day by day and I bind you by night. I bind you from below, I bind you from above. I bind you with your own evil within so let this magic unfold. Goddess of the darkest night, bind the presence that haunts this home in thy sacred fires of eternity."

Black energy swirled around us before disappearing. "Did we do it" Oli asked. Then an evil laugh sounded through the air. It literally sounded like the devil. Eva had the same thoughts as me. "That was not right.That sounded like the devil" she said. "Let's look around and see if we can find some clues" Joey said. We all looked around and Joey and Tim found this little black box. Inside was a note and a key.

"I've cast out demonic spirits and seen the devil himself, but nothing could prepare me for what I found here. This is truly the house that evil built. It haunts my every moment and as the days pass, I see more innocent lives devoured in its terrible mouth. I'm trapped in the back basement? Until I can find release from the evil" Joey read aloud.

So we find out that there is someone else trapped in this house with us. And he's in the basement.

"Should we go to the basement" Joey asked. We all said yes and headed down there. Eva opened the door and we all stepped inside. There was a priest there standing inside of a circle. "Don't come any closer" he said. "That looks like what we were trying to do" I say and point to the circle he is in. "What happened" he asked us. "We tried to rid the evil of this house but it didn't work" Joey said. "Yeah" Eva said. "And the devil laughed at us." "The evil in this house gathers its strength from its five former owners. When they are released that's when the demon will be weak enough to banish" the priest said.

First we had to find 4 artifacts, and now we had to release 5 of the house's previous owners. We were all going to die in here.

"I am one of the five former owners trapped in this house. But, I lost my faith. I failed to exercise a demon out of an innocent girl and because of that she died. I just need your help. I need my cross so I can restore my faith and be released. I am trapped inside this circle of protection until my faith is restored. For you to retrieve my cross you must perform an exorcism" the priest said.

"Hell no" I say. "We are not performing an exorcism." "You must" the priest said. "And for that, you need to gather holy water and a rosary. They're both in separate rooms, hiding on the second floor. This is my bible, take it. You'll need it. Now that you're on the path to do the exorcism, be aware. Demons will be haunting you." Oli took the priest's bible and we all headed to the main floor of the house. We decided to split up into 2 groups. Oli, Eva, Joey, and I headed into one room while Tim, Matt, Sierra, and Lele went into the other.

When I entered our room, I saw a huge cabinet in the middle of the floor. On the top it said revelation. On one side of the front of the cabinet were what looked like devils. And on the other side of the front was an angel. We start looking around and Eva finds this piece of paper with the name Raum on it. That definitely sounds like a demon name.

Then a huge black swirl of smoke entered the room and the lights started flickering. I wrapped my arms around Oli's torso and rested my face against his chest. This was the demon that the priest was talking about. Oli rested his hand on my back and soon the demon disappeared. We continue looking around and we find all of these demon names.

"Look at this" Oli said and pointed to the cabinet. "There are 13 demons and 1 angel. That's the revelation in the bible." Joey and Eva are looking confused so I take the bible and flip to 13:1. "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, I saw the beast rise up from the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns, ten crowns."

"Put in 7, 10, 1" I say to Eva. She put in the combination and the cabinet opened. "Find the seven blasphemous names scattered throughout the room. Turn the corresponding dial to the first letter of their name in alphabetical order" Eva read. "Well I already put the names in alphabetical order, so read me out the names." So in the cabinet were these dials with letters on them. Eva put in the first letter of each of the demons' names on a dial. After the letters were put in, a drawer opened. Inside was an envelope and a rosary. We grabbed it and went downstairs. The other group joined us a minute later.

"We have a letter" Oli said and opened up the envelope we found. "You now have the items needed to perform the exorcism. But only two may journey into the darkness and face the demon. They must be selected by vote. First name drawn will assume the roll of the first exorcist. And the next name drawn as the second exorcist." "You know what guys" Matt said. "I've watched a lot of scary movies. I'll perform the exorcism."

What Matt just said made me the happiest person alive. I had a better chance of not being picked. I did not want to perform an exorcism.

"Okay then" Oli said. "Do we have another volunteer?" No one stepped forward. "Alright. I guess we'll put it to a vote." We all discuss for a few minutes who we want to vote for. "So Matt, you volunteered" Arthur said. Matt sighed. "I did. But I wasn't thinking clearly so I'm not volunteering anymore." That made everyone go crazy.

When I went up to put my vote in, I hesitated for a moment. Should I vote for Matt or Sierra? Matt volunteered himself, but then took that back. Sierra put my name in for the carnival, and she hasn't done much to help. "Yn" Arthur said and snapped me out of my trance. "Your vote." "Right" I say and look down to my piece of paper. I wrote down the name Sierra and took my seat. Arthur shook the hat and pulled out a name.

"Sierra" he spoke. Lele and Eva gasped in shock. "Who voted for me" Sierra asked and looked around. I raised my hand. "Karma's a bitch isn't it" I say. Sierra glared at me and crossed her arms over her chest. Arthur pulled out another name. "Matt" he said. Matt sighed. "Seriously guys. Who put my name in there?" "I did" Oli said and stood up. "You're going to need this." Oli handed Matt the bible. "And you're going to need this." Oli handed him the rosary. "That is for dunking me."

Arthur lead Sierra and Matt out of the room. "I also voted for Sierra" Eva said. "Same here" Joey spoke. "She hasn't been pulling her weight well." I pulled my legs onto the couch and pressed myself against Oli. "We haven't talked about this yet" Lele said and pointed to Oli and I. "What happens if one of you dies?" "I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure Yn survives" Oli said. "That means a lot to me Oli" I say. "Thank you." Minutes later, I heard footsteps coming from outside. And then Matt entered the room.

"I killed her" he said and sat down. Matt explained that he could have either killed himself, or Sierra. He didn't read all of the instructions and killed Sierra before he found out that he could have killed himself. We all headed downstairs where we gave the priest his cross. In return, he gave us a journal that had information about the previous owners of the house. Then we headed back upstairs to see what we had to do next.

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