Buried Alive

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Yn's POV

So now the blaming begins again. People were going after Oli now because he saw the letter. "You guys are so quick to throw out names" I say. "Maybe it's one of you guys. Oli saw the letter. So what?" "You were quick to get on Justine" Glozell said. "Who's to say that you're as innocent as you seem." "What if it's you" Oli said and took my side. Glozell stopped talking after that. I gave Oli a small smile.

"Look guys" Joey said. "Eva brought back a note with the artifact." He opened the envelope and pulled out a picture of this girl. "The location of the next artifact can only be found by speaking to the woman in the photograph. The inconvenience is she is no longer with the living. To get answers from across the grave, you must perform a seance, but to ensure the circle does not open a doorway to unwanted spirits, there must be acquired a unique part of her beauty, an article of clothing, or her birthstone."

A seance. Really? Killing someone is one thing but a seance? The last thing that anyone wants to do right now is speak to the dead.

"If you seek the three, you must study the picture, giving it all your attention, but must tear it to pieces right after you proceed. Once the objects have been found, return them to the golden dish and the seance ritual will be revealed." Justine took a golden bowl off of the mantle. 

So basically, we have to study the items in the picture and then rip it up. Once the picture was ripped, a drawer on a chest opened. There were 3 keys inside. "I suggest that we look upstairs" Arthur said. I groaned. The first floor was creepy enough. We headed upstairs and split into three groups. I was with Eva, Sierra, and Matt. Our room was filled with wigs. "Now that we're alone" Matt said. "Who do you guys think is the rat?" "I think it's Justine" I say. "I mean, she technically killed Andrea and said that she deserved to die anyways."

"I think it's Joey" Sierra said. "This is his house." "Yeah, but I don't think he'd invite us all over to kill us all. We're friends." I hear the other 2 groups say that they found their items and I'm thinking that we need to hurry up. Matt finds this secret doorway to a bathroom and inside is the wig. We take a piece of her hair and run downstairs. Once placed in the bowl, another drawer opens up. Inside is a note, and a scroll. And on the scroll is the directions to making the seance.

Marvin the groundskeeper brings us the white sand and we make a circle of it. Then we make a triangle inside of the circle. We each sit at a candle and then we realize that someone needs to be the voice. Sarah the maid steps forward which seems a bit sketchy to me but I wave it off because I'm glad that it's not me. Timothy takes the note and begins to read the incantation. "Caroline Eastwick, you who lived yesterday, hear these words, hear our cry. We seek your guidance in recovering an ancient artifact cross now the great divide and show yourself here."

Thunder rumbled outside. The lights flickered. I almost peed my pants. "I am here" Sarah said. But it wasn't her voice. It was sort of raspy. "My name is Caroline Eastwick. I'm speaking through the mouth of your friend. I was taken against my will and buried in a coffin bound with an iron chain. My life was taken in order to hide the artifact from the living. To retrieve it, you must find my coffin, exhume it from the earth, and release me. You must also find the key to unlock the chain that seals it. The path that leads to the key starts at the...." she stopped for a moment. 

"At the where" Eva asked. "At a fork beneath the weeping tree" she continued. "Take the low road. I do not know where the coffin has been buried. I remember being carried past the red stone. Near the back, near the back of the house! Hurry, release me from this hell!" Sarah falls forward and I know that we have the information that we need. We split into 2 groups. One group will find the coffin and the other will find the key to unlock the box holding the artifact.

Me, Oli, Eva, Joey, Glozell, and Tim along with Arthur head out to find the coffin. We start looking for a red stone and immediately, Oli spots it. There's a note on it. "Go to the tree 27 paces from here" I read out. We all start walking 27 paces and Eva finds the next clue. We're basically supposed to pick up the string, put it on the arrow, and then unravel the string until it ends, and that's where the next clue will be.

So we unravel the string and it ends at this pile of dirt. After digging around, we found this weird piece of stone with a note. "The heart of the forest longs for missing half. Take the string and fold it in half. Using the druid statue as a center point. Make a circle with the string. Inside of the circle, you'll find the other half." We found this statue and tie the string around it. If you pull the string in each direction, that's how far you can go. So there's this circle around the statue that the clue will be in.

I'm looking in the trees and something catches my eye. There looks to be some sort of stone piece sitting on one of the branches. I know for a fact that none of us are tall enough to reach it. "Oli" I call out. "Come here for a moment." He walked over to me. "Can you lift me up there" I ask him and point to the piece of stone. He set down his flashlight and kneed on the ground. Then he put his hands in front of him. I stepped onto his hands and he hoisted me up. I snagged the piece and he set me down. I gave him a quick thank you before running over to the others.

We connected the pieces and this section of the floor lights up. I know that is the coffin. Marvin brings over shovels and we all dig. Well, most of us did. Glozell just stood to the side singing songs about digging. The other group soon runs over with the key. Justine was acting all weird and I'm starting to think that something is going on. Sierra jumps onto the coffin and unlocks it. Then the boys pull it up.

I closed my eyes as they opened the lid. No one screamed or anything so I opened my eyes. The coffin was empty except for a note. Matt picks it up. "I can feel your presence near, my spirit will soon be free. There is only one more task ahead of you. The hiding ritual used to conceal the artifact required an unwilling soul to be buried alive and it was mine. Now another unwilling soul must be buried to reverse the spell. Only then will the artifact rise from its earthen tomb. I know it is a horrible thing to require, but if I had told you in the beginning, you would never have come this far. The group must vote, but only one name will be drawn this time. That person must be taken away against their will and buried alive in this coffin. Please do not falter now."

All I'm thinking is that one of us has to be buried alive. And I definitely don't want it to be me.

I'm thinking about who I want to vote for. Justine starts acting all weird and is literally crying. No one else has taken it that far. I mean yeah, I'm scared, but I'm not crying about anything. When it's my turn to vote, I write the name Justine on the paper. If she killed Andrea on purpose, who's to say that she won't do it again.

Arthur shook the hat and pulled out a single piece of paper. "Justine" he read aloud. "No" she screamed. "Why would you guys do that?" Then she ran away. A few of us chased after her, and then Marvin came out of nowhere and lifted her up. Tim grabbed her legs and they brought her over to the coffin.  Justine began screaming at us. I was the one who shut the coffin's lid. My stomach turned at what I just did and a nauseous feeling rose over me. 

I walked over to a tree and vomited behind it. This was sick. What were we all doing here? I told myself to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I couldn't show weakness here. I headed back over to the group. "Are you alright" Oli asked and handed me a shovel. "No" I say. "But are any of us?" We all started shoveling dirt back into the hole. Suddenly, Justine's screams stopped. No one said a word. Then, some sort of noise hit my ears.

Oli and Matt went over to this patch of dirt a few feet away and dug up this chest. Joey opened it. Inside was an artifact and a tiny wooden box. "Alright" Joey said and stood up. "Let's go." Everyone started heading back to the house. I stayed back for a moment and looked at the half buried coffin. Justine was one more person that was killed so the rest of us could survive.

Oli wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a side hug. Then we walked back to the house together. Joey placed the 2nd artifact onto the mantle next to the 1st. "What are we going to do now" Joey asked. Eva held up the small wooden box. "We're going to solve this" she replied.

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