Chapter 1 - A Muggy Night

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He sits, his unblinking eyes transfixed on the softly glowing figurine on the altar. Occasionally he mumbles something, she cannot hear what he says, she's not sure she wants to know. It's been decades now since she's seen the light, the trees, heard bird song, felt the wind on her face; all a distant memory. So long since he took her, down underground with the rest of the fanatics. Until that still, frosty night, she wasn't even sure he'd ever existed, an imaginary fiend to scare unknowing children. They have no idea how chilling he can be. But for all that, she has never been harmed; she is "special" they say, one day she will take them home. One day she will save the world.

He starts to smile, his softy glowing eyes lighting his ash white cheeks.

"It is time," he whispers.


The ink black silhouette of the towering mountain masked the stars from Ansion and his small group of Rangers, giving him an uneasy feeling with every new step. The late evening air was hot and sticky, a warm breeze doing little to cool the sweat running down the elf's back, causing the leather of his armour to chafe the damp skin around his slender neck. In truth, it was little more than an annoyance to the veteran and he moved quickly through the sparse undergrowth, confident the shrill ring of crickets that filled the forest would conceal what little noise the group made. As the trees thinned Ansion paused, raising a hand and kneeling as his forward scout appeared from the darkness.

"How many?" he asked, his voice low.

The Ranger crouched, pulling a thin, dark cloth from his mouth.

"We counted fifteen, no more," he whispered. "They've camped in a large cave at the base of the mountain and seem to be making no attempt to hide. They're pretty easy to spot anyway, to be honest. The glowing red eyes make them kind of obvious in the dark, even at this distance."

Ansion shook his head, puzzlement creasing his sharp features.

"What the hell are they? I was positive this was going to be the usual Hillman raiding party."

This was definitely the group that had attacked the Elven outpost, killing everyone, heedless of age or gender and for two days the Elven Rangers had tracked their prey through the foothills of the Surgaret mountain range, gradually catching by the hour. It was a routine chase, or so Ansion had thought, until they had caught up with their quarry the night before. The Hillmen had turned out to be something rather different than the usual barbarians. So, Ansion had made the decision to follow rather than attack, hoping to find out more about the red eyed creatures before any confrontation.

"Sir, I was much closer to the Red Eyes this time and got a pretty good look at them. They are most certainly elves."

Ansion frowned, looking away. "Well they're not some of ours, that's for sure, and their eyes..." he trailed off, staring into the dark, deep in thought.

Finally, he rose, his mind made up. "Well, we can't follow them forever. I think it's about time we had a chat with these fellows. Get the men ready."

The Rangers were outnumbered, only eight to their foe's fifteen, but this wasn't out of the ordinary. Ansion and his men had been in this situation many times before and knew the element of surprise could even the odds dramatically in seconds. The commander quietly made his way around the tree-line that run along the shallow ridge overlooking the cave mouth, nodding or giving a quiet order to each of his men as he passed. Every man had an arrow notched, each knowing his target, waiting patiently for Ansion's signal.

The Red Eyes appeared to be oblivious, busy preparing a meal, most sitting around a newly lit campfire. While all were dressed in dark leather, one of them wore a red cloak and sat a little away from the rest. Eyes closed, he appeared to be chanting quietly to himself, stiffly rocking on his haunches.

Ansion let lose his bolt, an instant later, his men followed and the odds were evened. Seven of the figures fell, arrows buried deep in their flesh, either dead or disabled, taking them from the fight that was to come. One arrow though, exploded before it found its mark, sending splinters of iron and wood around it's red cloaked target. The man slowly stood, a slight smile curling his lips, turning towards Ansion as he and five of his men burst from the trees. Two of the Rangers remained on the ridge, quickly notching another arrow and taking down two more of their foe as they sprang to their feet, drawing swords.

Without warning, the Ranger on Ansion's left disappeared, his scream cut short as the elf was consumed in a flash of azure blue flame.

"They have a Mage," Ansion cried, as another of his men burst into flame. But now the Rangers were on them, the ring of steel echoing in the cave. Another one of the Red Eyes fell as an arrow whistled through the air and slammed into his chest.

Ansion had made straight for the red cloak, quickly muttering incantations, summoning the rune power on his armour. He felt the familiar shiver run up his spine, sharpening reflexes and strengthening his body, almost slowing the world around him. The Magi thrust his hands out towards Ansion, an arc of crackling energy hitting the Ranger, forcing him back. But his runes did their job, dispersing most of the magic around his body, only stalling him briefly.

He slammed into the Mage, sending him crashing to the rocky cave floor. Ansion jumped on the man, straddling his chest, pinning the Mage's arms with his knees. Again and again the Ranger brought the pommel of his sword down on to the elf's temple as the Mage tried desperately to shield his face but he had no defence. He went limp beneath Ansion's blows, his head lolling to the side, blood pouring from countless wounds.

Ansion again jumped to his feet but the skirmish was almost over, only one of the enemy remaining standing, surrounded by the Rangers. He dropped his sword, his crimson eyes flaring as he grabbed a clear crystal that hung from his neck. Crushing the stone in his fist, he laughed maniacally as blue flame spread up his arm, consuming his whole body in seconds until there was nothing left but light, powdery ash.

"If any are alive make sure they are all disarmed," Ansion said, breathing heavily. He turned to the Mage lying semi-conscious at his feet. "And strip this one, he's using charged crystals, very probably sewn into his armour. I don't want him waking up and getting any ideas."

Ansion's men started cutting away the Mage's armour as the elf weakly tried to fight them off. All the while he mumbled to himself, repeating the same slurred phrase. Ansion though could make out very few of the words, most of it appearing to be gibberish.

"What the hell is he saying," one of the Rangers said, pulling the red cloak from the man's shoulders.

Ansion just shook his head. "Tie him up and we'll wait till he's more lucid, it's just nonsense at the moment."

The Ranger nodded, cutting a strip of cloth from the Mage's cloak. But as he turned, his prisoner's arm shot up at breathtaking speed, effortlessly plucking his captor's dagger from his grip. With one fluid motion the blade continued on its graceful arc upwards, slicing through the startled Ranger's neck, sending a crimson spray into the air. The helpless Elf grabbed at his slashed throat, falling back at Ansion's feet, eyes wild with terror. Ansion stumbled, reaching for his sword as the Mage rolled to his front, pushing himself up, gracefully springing to his feet. He stood low, arms and legs wide, bloodied dagger ready.

"I do not talk nonsense, Elf," the Mage hissed, ruby eyes flaring. " I pray to my God for strength to defeat my adversary and you would do well to get out of my way."

"Not going to happen, friend," Ansion replied, sword raised. Around him the remaining Rangers had arrows notched or swords unsheathed, slowly circling the now powerless Mage.

"So be it then, but beware, more of my kind are coming and you will not be able to run and hide in your trees. The world will be brought to its knees when the Darnach Sor return."

Raising the dagger, the Mage charged Ansion but managed hardly a step. Three arrows split his chest and he fell at Anson's feet.

One of the Ranger's turned. "Did I hear correctly? Did he say Darnach Sor?"

Ansion just nodded slowly, his mind racing with the implications of what he had just heard.

"We need to get to the king. I find it hard to believe this is true but if there is any chance the Darnach Sor have somehow returned, may the Goddess protect us all."

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